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Actually, it is a good color when not horribly faded like that. Sort of a 'German red' with a light gray roof. They do look nice.

Last I'd heard, Clearwater was changing back to red, in large part because they'd had such trouble with their red/orange fading.
I went down to Southampton County, Va to shooting stations today and ran up on a pair of old rigs…one in Capron and one in Boykins, both old Ford/Howes.

The first one, in Capron, is why I Always ride around town a bit when I’m shooting station in rural areas…no telling what you may find. I glanced across a field and saw the outline of what could only be an old pumper body…this one, to be exact...…this one to be exact!

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

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Other side, best I could get it. The pump/ pump panel and plumbing must have been separate from the hose body on this rig (I know…one of the statements that ‘Duh’ was just made for!). Boykins old rig is also a Howe, but the pump panel is directly beneath the booster reels on that rig.

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
How, you may ask, did I know this was a Ford /Howe??? Great intellectual powers??? Sixth sense?? Deductive reasoning??

Actually the owner of the business where the old rig resides pointed me in the right direction…just across the field, where the chassis…now a fertilizer/seed spreader…was parked beneath a shelter with Capron Vol. Fire Department’ still on the doors.. Looks to be about a ’63 or ’64…note the ‘Howe’ badge still on the front, between the tow hooks.

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Next is Boykins. VA's old Howe. I wanted to cry when I shot these pics…I grew up in Boykins, and remember this rig when it was in service. This is the good side, condition-wise. It’s a ’54 Ford/Howe 500/500…the model name was ‘Howe Fire Cruiser’ Sorry the angle’s so lousy.

There was a working house fire right down the street from us one August night when I was about 12…BIG Rancher with a Dutch Colonial style 2 story addition on one end, heavy fire on both levels in the addition with just about total involvement of the attic. This rig was on the hydrant across from our house for about 3 hours, pumping a 600 or so foot 2 ½” supply line (May have been duals…been a LONG time ago!)

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Next, a close-up of the pump panel. The rig came from Howe with preconnects…the two pull-to-open valves to the left of the 21/2” discharge and above the gauges controlled them. Also note the stylized’ on the blind caps and a couple of valve handles. Allegedly, the rig would pump an honest 1000 GPM or better if it was on the right hydrant and regularly pumped 750GPM from draft.

When I was a child, I never realized the pump panel was situated that low…it was the perfect height for me!

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Rear view….Note the ‘Howe Fire Cruiser’ badging just below the hose bed.

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Front View…this was Boykins first rig, bought new when the department was formed.

When the rig was new, and throughout the 60s and 70s, there was a Federal 66L siren light mounted on the roof where the beacon is.

The second out rig in the fifties and early sixties was a Civil Defense tanker on an early 50s GMC chassis, this was replaced by a 500/1200 tanker on a late 50s ford ‘Fireplace Grill’ cab-over-engine chassis. Wish I could remember the apparatus manufacture on that one. (Wish even more that I had pics of it)

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Finally, this nozzle’s still mounted on the rig’s running board.

The old rig's parked under a shelter behind the old firehouse in Boykins, awaiting restoration.

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Engine 1 to all units, we've got a glow in the sky!

If God's not a Hokie, Then why do the leaves turn Maroon and Orange in the Fall?

My [url=""]Flickr Account[/url]
Found several of these along Interstate 10 in Quartzite, AZ

Pirsch TDA, the fact the Ford next to it looks cared for I hope that many of these will go to collectors to be restored.

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Aaron Woods
Another Pirsch, this one looks like it might be in the process of restoration since it appears to have newish paint on it.

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Aaron Woods

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Aaron Woods
Mack pumper

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Aaron Woods
Another Mack, this one has seen better days. At least the dry climate will slow down the rust.

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Aaron Woods
The last of the Quartzite batch, I don't really know what this was, probably not even fire service but it might have been and its interetsing looking.

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Aaron Woods
This is an old California Department of Forestry Model 1, it sat along the highway in Ahwannee, CA. It disappeared last summer, I hope it went to a collector or the state took it to restore and not to a crusher.

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Aaron Woods
This Ford is on the hill behind the Ahwannee, CA fire station.

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Aaron Woods
This is the old MC Mack/Saulsbury Rescue 4, sitting in a junkyard in Coopersburg, Pa. off of Rt. 309.

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Another shot.....if this rig could talk......

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Every time I have driven by these rigs, I have never found a person to talk to about them. However, I was told this was some type of museum. There should have been some aircraft near them but could have been moved. Those rigs have been there for better than 7-8 years.

Was the older Phoenix FD ARFF rig there?? Last time I passed by, I couldn't see it from I-10 and being yellow, there was no mistaking it.

-David (Phx)

[quote name='Aaronw' post='51961' date='Nov 18 2006, 23:55 ']Found several of these along Interstate 10 in Quartzite, AZ

Pirsch TDA, the fact the Ford next to it looks cared for I hope that many of these will go to collectors to be restored.[/quote]


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