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Pennsylvania Fire/EMS Apparatus
How is the term "Wagon" used in PA? I know in Virginia it's a second engine designation.

Jeffrey W. Shippey

Frederick County, MD
When Washington,D.C. was running 2~piece Engine Cos., The 1st out was the Wagon(Hose) and the 2nd was the Pumper(Supply). I thought MD. & VA. used the same nomenclature.


PA. probably is the same.
Thanks...I like the designation, its a shame some jurisdictions are going away from it

Jeffrey W. Shippey

Frederick County, MD
Quote:How is the term "Wagon" used in PA? I know in Virginia it's a second engine designation.
In most areas of Virginia where it is still used the term "Wagon" usually refers to the first-out pumper; the second-out pumper typically is designated as the "Engine".  Several of the older west end Fairfax County fire stations ran two-piece engine companies up into the early 1990's until additional stations were built to fill in coverage gaps. 

There were two identical units. Truck 15 and 21 were to receive the units in Baltimore. After Baltimore returned them, and ordered tillers, both the rearmounts were used as loaner trucks. The one at Leesburg could have been either unit. If Mike Sanders has the serial numbers, we could find out for sure.

Leesburg received the Seagrave loaner in May of 2007, and returned it to Seagrave in February of 2008. From there I believe the loaner went to East Hartford, CT. It was Baltimore City Truck 15 with serial number 75815.

Interesting "ladder truck" time at Leesburg. At one point, they had 4 ladders, which made it fun for a group photograph.

Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA
Lancaster County, PA

Hazardous Materials Unit 02-1

1996 Simon-Duplex/Saulsbury



<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: 10317645_10203075849168624_5115022517916020882_o.jpg]</a>

Lawn Fire Company Station 3 out of Lebanon County, PA (South Londonderry Twp)


Operates this 1989 Pierce Lance Tanker.


Lebanon County Designation Tanker 3


It is a 1989 Pierce Lance with a 1500 gpm / 2500 gal tank.


As of this date. The Carsonville Fire Dept out of Dauphin County is taking ownership of this piece.

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Lawn Fire Company Station 3 out of Lebanon County, PA (South Londonderry Twp)


Currently operates this unit at Attack 3


Attack 3 (Also known as Brush 3 in some counties) is a 2002 Ford F-550 4x4 with a 300gpm w/pump & roll, 280 gal tank,  20 gal compressed air foam



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Union Hose Fire Company (Annville Fire Dept) ex-Station 5 now Station 58, out of Lebanon County, PA (Annville Twp)


Operates this 1996 Seagrave as Engine 58 (Old Engine 5) it has a 2,000 gpm / 750 gal tank & 30 gal of foam



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Union Hose Fire Company (Annville Fire Dept) ex-Station 5 now Station 58, out of Lebanon County, PA (Annville Twp)


Operates this 1999 Seagrave/Saulsbury as Rescue 58 (Old Rescue 5) / Ex- Berwyn Heights, MD Squad 14


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Union Hose Fire Company (Annville Fire Dept) Ex-Station 5 now Station 58, out of Lebanon County, PA (Annville Twp)


Operated this 1983/1991 (refurb?) Mack/Baker Aerialscope 75' Tower Ladder as Tower 5

Ex-Deer park, NY, Ex-FDNY Tower Ladder 12

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Cleona Fire Company Station 58 (Old Ex-Station 8) out of Lebanon County, PA (Cleona Borough)


Operates this 1993 E\-One Protector 8 man Engine with a 1500 hale gpm, 750 gal & 50 gal of class (B) foam


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Cleona Fire Company Station 58 (Old Ex-Station 8) out of Lebanon, County, PA (Cleona Borough)


Operates this 1997 E\-One Cyclone II 8man cab as Squad 58


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Cleona Fire Company Station 58 (Old Ex-Station 8) out of Lebanon, County, PA (Cleona Borough)


Operates this 2007 Ford F-350 Utility as Utility 58

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Ebenezer Fire Company Station 9, out of Lebanon County, PA (North Lebanon Twp)


Opertes this 1987 Sutphen 95' Mid Mount Tower Ladder, 1500 gpm, 300 gal tank


Designated Lebanon County Tower 9



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Ebenezer Fire Company Station 9, out of Lebanon County, PA (North Lebanon Twp)


Operated this 1987 Sutphen Engine with a 1500 gpm, 1000 gal tank


Designated Lebanon County Engine 9


(This Engine has been replaced)

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Ebenezer Fire Company Station 9, out of Lebanon County, PA (North Lebanon Twp)


This is a 1978 Chevy/ Hamerly Body with a 350 gpm / 300 gal tank


Designated Lebanon County - Attack 9

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Perseverance Fire Company (Jonestown Fire Company) Station 10 out of Lebanon County, PA  (Jonestown Borough)


Operates this 1995 Spartan / Swab as Rescue 10


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Perseverance Fire Company (Jonestown Fire Company) Station 10 out of Lebanon County, PA  (Jonestown Borough)


Operates this 1989 American LaFrance 1500 gpm, 750 gal tank, 50 gal foam tank


Designated Lebanon County Engine 10-1

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Perseverance Fire Company (Jonestown Fire Company) Station 10 out of Lebanon County, PA  (Jonestown Borough)


Operated this 1979 American LaFrance 1500 gpm, 1000 gal tank


(This unit has been retired)


Was old Engine 10-1

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