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How about some senic shots?
Set my camera on a rock and used the strap to level it out then set the timer to get this shot from the point of view of a frog.

[Image: i-pcDr46D-L.jpg]
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
There are more on my website

[Image: i-G8nXKRL-L.jpg][Image: i-vGRcnkJ-L.jpg][Image: i-FZ6P5KL-L.jpg]
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
This big boy (8 points) was about 200 yards out, but I managed to get this mediocre shot of him with my Sony H-1 by going into the digital zoom. I would have much preferred to used the Canon Rebel XT, but the long lens for that is broken....a 100-400mm L Lens would have been the cat's backside!

[Image: DSC00690-Copy-L.jpg]
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
Another view, amazing what you come across when you look!

[url=""][Image: DSC00695-Copy-L.jpg][/url]

This is how exciting things were just before I saw him! Hay...really hay...

[url=""][Image: DSC00673-L.jpg][/url]
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
[quote name='hoss' timestamp='1318392867' post='460144']

Another view, amazing what you come across when you look!

[url=""][Image: DSC00695-Copy-L.jpg][/url]

This is how exciting things were just before I saw him! Hay...really hay...

[url=""][Image: DSC00673-L.jpg][/url]


Ed, Nice shots... With the on going drought down here, I know quite few ranchers that would find the hay more exciting than the buck. Looking at 150 to 200 bucks for that roll.
[color="#FF0000"][size="2"]Jason Cherry

Engineer E-3

College Hill[/size][/color]

[color="#0000FF"][url=""]Texarkana, AR IAFF Local 502[/url][/color]

[color="#0000FF"][url=""]Texarkana Train Derailment Explosion[/url][/color]
[quote name='tafd00367' timestamp='1318632519' post='460430']

Ed, Nice shots... With the on going drought down here, I know quite few ranchers that would find the hay more exciting than the buck. Looking at 150 to 200 bucks for that roll.


our chief (an engineer by trade) had the grand plan of a two way pipeline from New England to TX - we send you water you send us oil/gas....
Ed Harvey

[url=""][size=2]Fire Service Photography[/url][/size]

"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

All fires will go out; and all bleeding will stop - eventually.

[url=""]My Facebook Page[/url]
[quote name='hoss' timestamp='1318647315' post='460451']

our chief (an engineer by trade) had the grand plan of a two way pipeline from New England to TX - we send you water you send us oil/gas....


I wouldn't rule that out. The local news just had a story on a engineer talking about building open water canals, pipelines and series of lakes that would take water from the Mississippi River to feed lakes and streams in Arkansas,Texas,Oklahoma and Louisiana. Water has turned into big fight here and it's only going to get worst.
[color="#FF0000"][size="2"]Jason Cherry

Engineer E-3

College Hill[/size][/color]

[color="#0000FF"][url=""]Texarkana, AR IAFF Local 502[/url][/color]

[color="#0000FF"][url=""]Texarkana Train Derailment Explosion[/url][/color]
I have some decent shots that I took when I went on vaction, I always like to take scenic shots but never think that I have the talen to do it.. but I do anyway LOL.

Portland Head Lighthouse, South Portland, ME

[Image: 6579241679_4d0f0d2f91_b.jpg]

390761_10101861259373184_9354655_88094984_1058319080_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
The water as it breaks over the rocks on the shore of the Portland Head Lighthouse...

[Image: 6579238377_b54a6027f9_b.jpg]

378501_10101861260006914_9354655_88094993_1792195071_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
Abbi and I standing in front of the fence at Portland Head, I really like the way the sky looks in this picture. This was taken with my Nikon D40X which is hands down the best camera I have ever had, I never would have tried this shot with any other camera I have ever had.

[url=""][Image: 6579241685_bfc921d08c_b.jpg][/url]

[url=""]393281_10101861260620684_9354655_88094999_2053624104_n[/url] by [url=""]Rheems1[/url], on Flickr
Lighthouse at Chatham, Mass decorated for the holiday

[Image: 6579238395_f006fa1fc8_b.jpg]

379035_10101861263729454_9354655_88095031_555692590_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
Overlooking the beach and into the bay at Chatham, Mass

[Image: 6579356247_5cfd19a38b_b.jpg]

381676_10101861265795314_9354655_88095044_186710554_n by Rheems1, on Flickr

[Image: 6579356259_3c231a2d06_b.jpg]

383603_10101861264647614_9354655_88095035_1298172927_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
This was unique to me, I am told that these are all over the place up in Mass but I thought it was awful neat. This is a cranberry bog after harvesting located behind Bennett's Store in Duxbury, Mass. I had heard from a couple of people that there were cranberry bogs all over the place, I asked for directions to the closest one.. the woman who gave me the directions told me to be prepared to be dissapointed LOL. I was not dissapointed though, I was quite enthralled (which puts me squarely into the tourist caterory LOL)

[url=""][Image: 6579238407_e4e6340227_b.jpg][/url]

[url=""]384726_10101861271344194_9354655_88095073_230951329_n[/url] by [url=""]Rheems1[/url], on Flickr
Looking off of a pier in Plymouth, Mass near the memorial for Plymouth Rock:

[Image: 6579238413_8f3431e705_b.jpg]

388688_10101861268355184_9354655_88095056_1599929864_n by Rheems1, on Flickr

[Image: 6579241673_b8a83787ec_b.jpg]

390160_10101861269378134_9354655_88095064_69040278_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
Shot looking up a hill in Plymouth, Mass

[Image: 6579238365_60c9db89c5_b.jpg]

377175_10101861270785314_9354655_88095070_1180823380_n by Rheems1, on Flickr

[Image: 6579238371_279ed003bc_b.jpg]

377815_10101861271159564_9354655_88095072_2134697261_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
Wild horses on Assateauge Island near Ocean City, Md... this was taken with my phone..but it doesn't take half bad photos!!

[Image: 6579428647_8c2960a6e0_b.jpg]

379520_10101861460759604_9354655_88095688_1437926530_n by Rheems1, on Flickr
[url=""]Rheems1[/url] , just FYI you have some dust on you sensor. You have some Nice snowless winter shots
Some photos from my Oahu HI, trip last month [Image: RDL9730-M.jpg] North Shore [Image: RDL0684-M.jpg] [Image: RDL0121-M.jpg] [Image: RDL9814-M.jpg] [Image: RDL9832-M.jpg] [Image: RDL9795-M.jpg] [Image: RDL0068-M.jpg] [Image: RDL0498-M.jpg]
[quote name='Rob L' timestamp='1329527805' post='475175']

[url=""]Rheems1[/url] , just FYI you have some dust on you sensor. You have some Nice snowless winter shots


Boy don't I know it, I have been to scared to send it to the camera shop for fear (that is most likely uneeded) that they will mess up the sensor as they go to clean it. I know that this is a stupid fear to have but that camera is like my child and has been to so many places with me. Thank you for the kind words, most of those pictures were taken in December of last year... I am very happy with the pictures for sure!!

Dave Fritz
Winter has been nonexistent around here. Temperatures were in the upper 50s yesterday. Here are a couple photos that I took yesterday at Great Falls National Park in McLean, VA. There are more on my website.

[url="!i=1716604389&k=MMmC37B"][Image: Great-Falls-National-Park-019-L.jpg][/url]

[url="!i=1716604439&k=bt9J8HD"][Image: Great-Falls-National-Park-018-L.jpg][/url]

[url="!i=1716604927&k=67CCssq"][Image: Great-Falls-National-Park-120-M.jpg][/url]

[url="!i=1716605146&k=pBMLbrJ"][Image: Great-Falls-National-Park-151-L.jpg][/url]

Anne Arundel County, Maryland

My Website:


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