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[quote name='smketrfdny' date='Nov 9 2006, 22:09 ' post='50037']

With the GPS getting put on the rigs,

(Extremely truncated quote - click on the red arrow in the very top of this post to be taken back to the origianl post)

Speaking of GPS - Here's the bracket for it mounted on top of the cab (over the driver) between the warning lights and just under the 'DD' in ladder.

Phil, Bklyn.

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Is that for the GPS, or the E-Zpass?
[quote name='nycfirebuff' post='53472' date='Nov 24 2006, 13:58 ']Is that for the GPS, or the E-Zpass?[/quote]

Well the Bn chief said GPS, THe driver thought it was for EZPass. Who're you gonna believe?

Years ago when Firepics did Boston the Lt at Logan told us they were waiting for GPS so they could see what units were around them when they were operating in foggy as well a heavily smoked situations.

Wonder if any were in use up a Danvers earlier this week?

Phil, Bklyn
We have GPS on all of our rigs, EMS units, District Chief vehicles, etc. It is incorporated into a moving map display on our MDT's. When we catch a run you actually see where you are with a little red fire truck icon and where the incident location is. The screen zooms in or out as necessary to put your icon and the scene location on the same page. As you move towards the location the fire truck icon is updated and moves on the screen until you arrive on scene in which case they should be on top of each other. LOL. The next level is GPS that is incorporated with the CAD that determines unit responses based on GPS locations. Much like the Phoenix Valley area does. Just a thought.

As for L151, another tiller ladder company goes away?
Larry Di Camillo

Fire Chief

Stafford Fire Department


Houston Fire Department

Ladder Co. 68 "A"
What's the tip load on the FDNY rear mounts?

Russell Pascoe

Brampton, Ontario




250 lbs I believe.
[quote name='Russell' post='53663' date='Nov 24 2006, 20:36 ']What's the tip load on the FDNY rear mounts?


[quote name='DASFW' post='53665' date='Nov 24 2006, 20:39 ']250 lbs I believe.[/quote]

Rear Mounts and Tillers are 250 LBS. Tower Ladders are 1,000 LBS.
The small object is the E-Z pass for most of the rigs. There is an antena that is in a "HIDDEN LOCATION" so members do not mess with the tracking of the rigs. Most guys found the location after the rig came back from the shops. But that object that is between the left most LED and center one has been on rigs just BEFORE 9-11. The rigs with a slight slope to the windsheild had the Orange E-Z Passes. (Tac 2 I know had this option - not sure if all rigs were getting changed or not).
[quote name='Fireman5230' post='53770' date='Nov 25 2006, 09:05 ']The small object is the E-Z pass for most of the rigs. There is an antena that is in a "HIDDEN LOCATION" so members do not mess with the tracking of the rigs. Most guys found the location after the rig came back from the shops. But that object that is between the left most LED and center one has been on rigs just BEFORE 9-11. The rigs with a slight slope to the windsheild had the Orange E-Z Passes. (Tac 2 I know had this option - not sure if all rigs were getting changed or not).[/quote]

I know during regular driving, E-Z Pass is needed, but you also mean to tell everybody that the fire department is required to act like any other vehicle when going through a toll, or are they allowed to proceed on through like they do at intersections and red lights?
[quote name='poghia' post='53878' date='Nov 25 2006, 19:21 ']I know during regular driving, E-Z Pass is needed, but you also mean to tell everybody that the fire department is required to act like any other vehicle when going through a toll, or are they allowed to proceed on through like they do at intersections and red lights?[/quote]

You deal with numerous gov't agencies here in NYC, like many other cities. The TBTA (Triborough Bridge and Toll Authority) is part of the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority), which is a NYS agency.

A state agency doesnt give freebies too often, emergency vehicles or not. While the EZPass in the FD vehicles are a different color than a personal one, FWIW MAYBE the TBTA writes it off, or sends the FD (and other NYC agencies) a monthly billing statement. I never really heard. But its NY and money is involved, so I doubt it's free <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

As for intercity govt agencies, though the money is in one city, the paperwork in between the agencies never ends. For example, the FDNY had to buy the land next to old E-277 from the Board of Ed, which owns the property ( they took a chunk of a paved schoolyard)

Whether it was transferred over, or the FD had to buy it from the BOE, it city gov't (especially NYC), it isnt an easy process. More bureaucratic BS.

Stay safe, Brothers
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='poghia' post='53878' date='Nov 25 2006, 19:21 ']I know during regular driving, E-Z Pass is needed, but you also mean to tell everybody that the fire department is required to act like any other vehicle when going through a toll, or are they allowed to proceed on through like they do at intersections and red lights?[/quote]

When I rode with Tac 2 and Rescue 5, most of the time coming back fron B'klyn, the traffic did not allow you to just "BLOW ON THROUGH". Also if there was a run back in Staten Island to get to they did still SLOW DOWN to go through. Not sure how many others have been in a unit crossing boros... But in SI going to Brooklyn is a FREE-O, and coming back to SI you had to pay... Most of R-5's trips were responding OVER to B'klyn... Not many to get back to
My apologies, Brother. Misunderstood your question. As the Brother above posted, we can't "blow through" the tolls. Why the TBTA has not done the 55+ ezpass reading like the NJ turnpike is beyond me. Also, these toll booths are kinda narrow, and not much room to blow through them anyway...
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
true it is a state agency but it is the Triborough Bridge and TUNNEL Authority.
[quote name='xvolly' post='53955' date='Nov 26 2006, 00:16 ']You deal with numerous gov't agencies here in NYC, like many other cities. The TBTA (Triborough Bridge and Toll Authority) is part of the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority), which is a NYS agency.

true it is a state agency but it is the Triborough Bridge and TUNNEL Authority.[/quote]

Long day....... VERY long day. Brain freeze and I go over and through them a few times a week. I stand corrected. Thanks.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' post='53950' date='Nov 25 2006, 23:47 ']My apologies, Brother. Misunderstood your question. As the Brother above posted, we can't "blow through" the tolls. Why the TBTA has not done the 55+ ezpass reading like the NJ turnpike is beyond me. Also, these toll booths are kinda narrow, and not much room to blow through them anyway...[/quote]

Your answer was still insightful. When I first started riding with Engine 155, the chauffuer kept me on the edge the whole time as we blew through every intersection. Over time, I learned to get used to it. I rode with Engine 160 one night and they were the same way. That night, we had an alarm for smoke showing at a little league field at the corner of School Rd. and Torricelli St. It seemed to take only a couple of minutes to travel the 2 miles from the firehouse to the scene on the expressway. Once we arrived on scene and Engine 152 had everything under control, we were ordered back to quarters, so the chauffuer decided to take the scenic route back, starting on Bay St. and going around all the way to Richmond Rd. While we left the scene, Res5cue was responding to a separate alarm and was taking the same route we had taken. We yeilded to them at the intersection of School Rd. and Bay St. and from judging their speed from the distance, I knew they weren't going to slow down on their approach and they didn't. The Res5cue chauffuer rounded the turn with such speed, you could hear the rig groan as it made the manuever. I actually thought they were going to fall over onto us.

To get back on the subject, a man I know from Kentucky who operates a municipal ambulance service told me that his units would have to pay while going through the toll road that went through the town. He did say however that if the highway was being used by an emergency vehicle, they were allowed to drive on through in a closed lane, or the shoulder if there wasn't a lane open. I know Kentucky and NYC are a big stretch from each other, but a toll is a toll and there are other tolls scattered around the city as well. I know the toll complex leading to the Verrazano very well and know how narrow the tolls are, but after experiencing the FDNY's north shore driving techniques, I really don't see that as being a detrimental factor to a chauffuer, like all the other drivers do.

The reason that I am curioius is that in Kentucky where I'm living at now, we're required to basically come to complete halt at pretty much everything while responding in an emergency vehicle. That doesn't mean all of us here do that, but it's part of the KRS laws and we can be cited for failing to give the right of way to another vehicle, while they're supposed to be giving it to us (yes, it's totally ***-backwards). That was a complete change for me when I started riding with the FDNY.
A quick note about EZ-Pass, I work for a police dept in NJ near the George Washington Bridge. We don't pay for EZ-Pass, but b/c of gov't red tape, we have to have 2 tags in the patrol cars, 1 for Port Authority brides and 1 for the NJ Turnpike. And if you leave both of them in the windshield, they conflict with each other, so you only have a 50/50 chance of it working. If I remember and have the time, I try and take the one I'm not using and sit on it so it doesn't get read, but that doesn't work when I'm on the dept's Harley.

Stay Safe-

Scott <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drcruiser.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drcruiser' />
[quote name='JScott128' post='54001' date='Nov 26 2006, 07:13 ']A quick note about EZ-Pass, I work for a police dept in NJ near the George Washington Bridge. We don't pay for EZ-Pass, but b/c of gov't red tape, we have to have 2 tags in the patrol cars, 1 for Port Authority brides and 1 for the NJ Turnpike. And if you leave both of them in the windshield, they conflict with each other, so you only have a 50/50 chance of it working. If I remember and have the time, I try and take the one I'm not using and sit on it so it doesn't get read, but that doesn't work when I'm on the dept's Harley.

Stay Safe-

Scott <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/drcruiser.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Drcruiser' />[/quote]

I'd say that Harley is pretty fun to ride!
[quote name='poghia' post='53961' date='Nov 26 2006, 00:35 ']The reason that I am curioius is that in Kentucky where I'm living at now, we're required to basically come to complete halt at pretty much everything while responding in an emergency vehicle. That doesn't mean all of us here do that, but it's part of the KRS laws and we can be cited for failing to give the right of way to another vehicle, while they're supposed to be giving it to us (yes, it's totally ***-backwards). That was a complete change for me when I started riding with the FDNY.[/quote]

New York State & City rules requires an emergency vehicle respond with due regard, and the emergency vehicle speed limit is supposed to be 10MPH above the posted speed limit. Although civilians are required to yeild the right of way to emergency vehicles, doesn't mean an operator of a emergency vehicle should drive expecting everybody is going to move out of their way. But regardless of how you drive if you don't get to where your heading cause you get into a wreck you do no one any good. The goal is to get where you need to be and get everyone in your care there safely.
[quote name='TL-FF' post='54020' date='Nov 26 2006, 08:43 ']New York State & City rules requires an emergency vehicle respond with due regard, and the emergency vehicle speed limit is supposed to be 10MPH above the posted speed limit. Although civilians are required to yeild the right of way to emergency vehicles, doesn't mean an operator of a emergency vehicle should drive expecting everybody is going to move out of their way. But regardless of how you drive if you don't get to where your heading cause you get into a wreck you do no one any good. The goal is to get where you need to be and get everyone in your care there safely.[/quote]

I agree with you TL-FF and there's no way I'd want to contribute to the problem by wrecking on the way to a scene and have gotten a scare or two by some fire companies in an unnamed Kentucky city, though they are famous for their horse farms. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/lol.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol2:' />
Tower Ladder 12 a 95' Seagrave/Aerialscope standing by at E 20 Street and Broadway for an alarm (false alarm)

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