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Canada Eh?
When I first saw this truck under construction at Anderson, I couldn't believe how big it was, as there was nothing anywhere near it's size running around these parts. It now seems less unusual as many larger trucks have been posted on firepics. Hazmat 17 is a 1995 Anderson built truck on a Freightliner FLL chassis.

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Surrey dispatches this truck as booster 8, which is a 1997 Superior Ford F450 4x4 with a 300 GPM pump and 150 GWT.
Booster 8 with photo!

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Surrey pumper 13 when photographed ran with this 1999 Hub ALF Eagle with 1500/500 specs.

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Hose/pump 8 in Surrey utilized this 1991 Anderson Peterbilt with 1250/500 specs.

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Anderson Engineering also built this breathing air supply truck for Surrey using a 1986 International chassis and a Collins body.

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The parade unit in Surrey is this 1919 LaFrance Type 45 with 840 GPM pump.

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Some outlying areas of Surrey still lack a good water supply so the department runs a bunch of tankers to provide enough water for fire suppression needs. Tanker 9 is an Anderson built truck with a 500 GPM pump and 1500 gallon water tank. The pump for this truck was taken off an older Surrey pumper and refurbished and reused.

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Tanker 7 also utilized a pump from an earlier Surrey pumper. When photographed, Tanker 7 was this 1993 Anderson built International 4900 with a 1050 GPM pump and 1500 gallon water tank.

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Because of apparatus movements and lazyness on my part, I don't know if the following few apparatus are still on the active roster in Surrey. When photographed,P-14 was this 1996 Anderson Freightliner FL80 1250/500 pumper.

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At one point in time, Surrey tried to save wear and tear on their full sized apparatus by utilizing two of these 1998 Superior FL 80 1250/400 pumpers to run medical calls. they were tagged as FR North and South, then assigned to a specific fire hall. FR 4 was positioned in a north hall. The concept was not well received by the crews as the trucks could only carry two firefighters .

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Hose/pump 2 when I photographed it was one of many Freightliner FLL chassied apparatus on the Surrey roster. HP 2 was a 1990 Anderson FLL 1250/500 pumper.

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Hose/pump 4 was another Anderson built FLL 1250/500 pumper delivered in1992.

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Another example of the Freightliner FLL chassis utilized by Surrey is this 1996 Superior built pumper with 1250/500 specs. This was one of 3 delivered by Superior.

I will scan some stuff from Surrey that I know is long gone in the next while.

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In the late 1950's and early 1960's, Surrey was largely rural in nature and as such, had a limited tax base so they constricted much of their early fire apparatus. Tanker 9 was one such example, built by their shops on a 1958 International B170 chassis with a 350 GPM pump and 1000 gallon water tank. Not a great photo, as it was shot on it's way to the bone yard.

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Surrey utilized GMC chassis to build pumpers, and when photographed, this 1963 shop built pumper was serving as hose/pump 12. This puppy had a 625 GPM pump and 500 GWT.

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Hose/pump 10 when photographed was a 1963 shops built 1050/400 pumper built on an International VCO chassis.

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Another example of the Surrey shops building skills is this 1967 pumper on another VCO chassis.This pumper had a 1050 GPM pump and 500 gallon water tank. When these pumpers reached the end of their service life, several were gutted and had their pumps refurbished for use on newer tankers that Anderson built for Surrey.

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This early Hazmat truck for Surrey was a shops conversion of and older 1967 pumper.

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Tanker 5 was another shop built truck using a 1973 GMC and mounting a 300 GPM pump and 1000 gallon water tank on it.

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