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Moving outside the main garage and heading into the next one, we found this truck. It, as many of the other trucks are, is a work in progress. Looks like Mr. Lynn was doing some painting to this one.

Milan City, MO "X Ladder 1270"

1968 GMC L7029/Peter Pirsch & Sons

750/250/75' Pirsch

S/N # PH-64

X: Hartford, WI "Ladder 1670"

X: Jacison, ??

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

This one also had an interesting history. Mr. Lynn said when he went to Palmersville, TN to pick up this truck a few years ago, they stated that this had been their front-line engine for quite a while and they were excited about getting their "new" engine that replaced it. He questioned what kind of "new" engine they had got to replace this one. They were happy to tell him that they'd gotten a 1985 Chevrolet C-70 engine to replace this one!

Palmersville, TN "X Engine 1"

1965 Chevrolet C-80/ALF


Reg. # 1-1-9797

X: Dresden, TN

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Here's another truck he's doing some work to. So many trucks, I have no idea how we kept track of what we'd shot and what we hadn't!

Follansbee, WV "X Engine 2"

1957 Seagrave 530B


S/N # J-6890

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

I know what you're thinking, this isn't a fire truck! Well, it was. This truck started off as a Jeep FC-170 fire truck from who knows where. After being removed from service, this truck's cab was damaged when something fell on it. Mr. Lynn picked the truck up because it was a neat rig. He removed the body from the cab & chassis that was damaged, and placed the body on this cab & chassis that was still in good shape. He never really finished this project. On the passenger side of the body, it had a drawing that had two firefighters with buckets at a hydrant that said "Da Bums on Da Hill". All the equipment on the truck was marked as "Engine 432." Does that ring a bell to anyone?


19?? Jeep FC-170/Howe


S/N # ???

X: ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

More pics to come in the morning! If any of you can help me with these I've already posted, please do!
Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1333779004' post='480218']

This one was another favorite! We'd never seen a Ford Big Job tandem-axle truck from that era! Once again, I need some help finishing the details of this truck...

Apple Creek, OH "X Tanker 103"

1964 Ford F-850/American (pump/Unknown Builder (body)


Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=89294]


I Think Mr. Lynn said this was a 6x6 with conversion done by Marmon Herrington hence the weird looking front fender.
Micah Bodford
Fire Investigator
City of Winston-Salem Fire Dept.
Thanks Micah! I didn't hear him say that.

Here's another truck I'm gonna need some help identifying! I don't recall if he even knew what state it came from. It said "Fire District No. 5" by the seats and had an interesting looking logo with the number 2 in it down by the floorboard at the seats. Does this ring a bell to anybody? I wonder if there is some sort of connection since we found old rigs all in his collection marked as "Engine 132", "Engine 232" and "Engine 432"...

Fire District No. 5, (unknown state) "X Engine 132"

19?? Ford F-7/Maxim

(no pump or tank data)

(no s/n # found)

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

This one was also a neat find! Upon first glance, it looked like just another ALF, but the angle this photo is taken from doesn't tell the whole story. It's a 4x4!

Newington, GA "X Engine 1"

1968 ALF 900 Series


Reg. # 8-1-1294

X: Marco Island, FL "Engine 1"

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Mr. Lynn couldn't remember where this truck came from. He said he'd used the hood off this truck to place on another truck and it had since been painted. Micah searched and found some paperwork in the glovebox that stated it came from Georgetown, SC. Mr. Lynn stated that he remembered that it didn't say Georgetown on the hood when he bought it, but he couldn't remember exactly what it said. Maybe some of you can tell!

Georgetown, SC "X Engine"

1956 Ford/Howe


S/N # 9785

SOLD to ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Here's one of many Seagrave engines that have been owned by Mr. Lynn and Mr. Corriher. Mr. Corriher used to have a number of these engines in his field, but they are all gone now as well.

Charlotte, NC "X Engine 4" (also ex-Engine 21 and ex-Engine 2)

1962 Seagrave 800B


S/N # M-8505

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Mr. Lynn also wasn't sure about this truck at first, but he later remembered that it formerly served the General Electric plant up in Hickory, NC.

General Electric Plant Fire Brigade of Hickory, NC "X Engine"

1956 Ford/American LaFrance


Reg. # ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

This rig was very special to find. There was a guy (Micah, do you remember his name?) that moved to Yancey County, NC from up in New Jersey. He realized how the fire service in Yancey County needed more rigs, so he began making connections back to his home state of New Jersey to get used trucks donated. He managed to get a Mack C engine and a GMC/TASC engine for Burnsville FD (Micah's home FD), a Mack C engine for Newdale FD, an FWD engine and a Seagrave engine for Double Island FD, and possibly others. So far, I was able to find Burnsville's Mack C & GMC/TASC, and Newdale's Mack C all in the hands of the same collector in Granite Falls, NC. Finding this rig ment that the last known relic donated from New Jersey to Yancey County was safe in the hands of a collector too! Micah and I have tried our best to find this truck all over WNC. After Double Island FD sold it, it went to the former EM Director of Mitchell County. He sold it to someone down in Morganton, NC. We were unable to find out who or where it was in Morganton. Mr. Lynn stated that he bought it from someone down in the Morganton area. It was great to finally put our finger on where it was at now!

Double Island, NC "X 1805"

1954 Seagrave 900B

1000/1000 (tank modified)

S/N # H-300

X: Garfield, NJ "Truck 5"

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

This was the old rig Micah and I couldn't get pulled outside the last time we were up in Blowing Rock, NC. We were also glad to see it was in the hands of a collector. I really like the Silver/Red paint scheme of Blowing Rock.

Blowing Rock, NC "X Engine 2809"

1961 Chevrolet Spartan/ALF


Reg. # 1.1.8532

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

The following two trucks were also in his collection, but we'd gotten better pictures of them at the Spencer Fire Muster parade a few years ago.

Rockwell, NC "X Engine 1"

1953 Ford BigJob/Oren


S/N # 500-A-1360

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

And last, but certainly not least, the newest addition to his collection. This one's for sale to the right owner. Landis wanted rid of this truck, so he got a good deal on it. This picture was taken while it was still in service.

Landis, NC "X Ladder 58"

1966 ALF 900 Series

85' ALF aerial

Reg. # 7-1-294

X: Lewisburg, NC

X: Tarboro, NC

Andrew Messer Photo (2008)

Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

I didnt get a chance to take a picture, but it looks like the old C model Mack once owned by Metropolitan Fire on State Island (Ex Massapequa or Hicksville, Mike????) is sitting in a scrap yard in Niagara Falls off I-190. Would be nice to save it...

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1333777669' post='480214']

The rigs I've already posted are all in the rear exterior of the garage. Now for the portion of the collection that he keeps in the garage! I'll start off with a truck that I had a fit over. I need some help figuring out more info about this truck. This is one I can't wait to re-shoot out in the sunlight one day!

Union, (unknown state) "X Truck 3"

19?? FWD Tractioneer/Seagrave

300/150/85' Seagrave

Chassis # K13085

Model # FC4-029

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=89290]


I am almost positive that this is ex Union Township New Jersey.
It's Georgetown's. Here is a pic from its in-service days:

[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1333806927' post='480253']

Mr. Lynn couldn't remember where this truck came from. He said he'd used the hood off this truck to place on another truck and it had since been painted. Micah searched and found some paperwork in the glovebox that stated it came from Georgetown, SC. Mr. Lynn stated that he remembered that it didn't say Georgetown on the hood when he bought it, but he couldn't remember exactly what it said. Maybe some of you can tell!

Georgetown, SC "X Engine"

1956 Ford/Howe


S/N # 9785

SOLD to ???

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=89310]


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1333776867' post='480211']

According to Mr. Lynn, this truck used to be some sort of utility truck or small rescue truck. When he got the truck from Maryland, he didn't realize what shape the truck was in. He took the body off of the truck and that's about as far as this project went. Not sure where the body was at either... Any photos or help with specs would be great!

Lakes & Straits Fire Company of Wingate, MD "441"

19?? Dodge 300/(unknown)

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=89287]


This is a 68 if I remember correctly. It was used as a brush truck. Lakes & Straits received this unit from Maryland Foresty division back in the early 80's I believe. This unit is somewhat special to me as this is the only unit that I have responded to a call on that had a crew of myself (I was really young), my dad, and my uncle. It used to have a Q mounted on the front bumper and it had Super Swampers on it.

The pump was PTO driven if I remember correctly. It was also geared very low. There may be an inservice picture in the Maryland thread I will have to look back and see.
[quote name='Andrew2340' timestamp='1333807688' post='480256']

This rig was very special to find. There was a guy (Micah, do you remember his name?) that moved to Yancey County, NC from up in New Jersey. He realized how the fire service in Yancey County needed more rigs, so he began making connections back to his home state of New Jersey to get used trucks donated. He managed to get a Mack C engine and a GMC/TASC engine for Burnsville FD (Micah's home FD), a Mack C engine for Newdale FD, an FWD engine and a Seagrave engine for Double Island FD, and possibly others. So far, I was able to find Burnsville's Mack C & GMC/TASC, and Newdale's Mack C all in the hands of the same collector in Granite Falls, NC. Finding this rig ment that the last known relic donated from New Jersey to Yancey County was safe in the hands of a collector too! Micah and I have tried our best to find this truck all over WNC. After Double Island FD sold it, it went to the former EM Director of Mitchell County. He sold it to someone down in Morganton, NC. We were unable to find out who or where it was in Morganton. Mr. Lynn stated that he bought it from someone down in the Morganton area. It was great to finally put our finger on where it was at now!

Double Island, NC "X 1805"

1954 Seagrave 900B

1000/1000 (tank modified)

S/N # H-300

X: Garfield, NJ "Truck 5"

Andrew Messer Photo (2012)

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=89313]


The name of the gentleman that moved to Burnsville was Frank Neer, originally from the Parsippany-Troy Hills,NJ area. In addition to the rigs you mentioned, he helped Double Island get their FWD (X-Hopatcog Hills,NJ), Estatoe acquire the Mack B (X-Cedar Grove,NJ) & Hahn engine (X-Paterson,NJ), and Clearmont got a Mack L from somewhere in NJ thanks to Mr. Neer. From what I understand, Frank was a true fire buff and if it wasn't for his help many departments in my hometown would have not had the equipment they needed to efficiently serve their communities in the late 80s and early 90s.
Micah Bodford
Fire Investigator
City of Winston-Salem Fire Dept.


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