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Keystone State Relics
[quote name='VipAG8' timestamp='1335527236' post='483182']

[sup]Anyone have info or a shot of a Mack C 1960 that served Union Fire Co., Lebanon City. Believe it was sold to another company in Lebanon county[/sup]

[sup]after they got their 1978 CF.[/sup]


Can't help with the picture, but after the Union bought the 1978 CF the Mack C was sold to the Neversink Fire Company in Pleasant Hill (a section of North Cornwall Township for those not from Lebanon). It ran there for a good number of years (I want to say into the 1990's) before it was replaced by the E\-One pumper they have now.
from my collection I dont have it in Lebanon though

[quote name='Rheems1' timestamp='1335530837' post='483185']

Can't help with the picture, but after the Union bought the 1978 CF the Mack C was sold to the Neversink Fire Company in Pleasant Hill (a section of North Cornwall Township for those not from Lebanon). It ran there for a good number of years (I want to say into the 1990's) before it was replaced by the E\-One pumper they have now.


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I found these pictures in a stack of photos I got a few months ago and the other day I took a magnifying glass to them and was surprised to see the name on the door. I personally have never seen pictures of this rig with this company before.

West Fairview Fire Company, Cumberland County, X-Engine 16, 1997 Seagrave. The story I heard was the company defualted on the payments, the rig was taken back and put up for sale. Harrisburg City bought it and it now runs as Squad 8.

[Image: OldEngine161997Seagrave1.jpg]

[Image: OldEngine161997Seagrave2.jpg]
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
I made a mistake on my last post. The rig is currently Harrisburg City Wagon 4, not Squad 8.
Jesse Shutt

Fisherville Volunteer Fire Company #1 (Dauphin Company 216)

Upper Dauphin County Emergency Medical Services (Dauphin Company 6)

Past President Dauphin County Volunteer Firemen's Association

Upper Dauphin County Fire Historian
PA Sharon 64 Mack C (no #)

unknown photographer
Lebanon PA 1960 Mack C95 #1046
PA Lebanon 60 Mack C95 #1046
Would you happen to have a picture of the other Mack C that Neversink bought used, it came from the Friendship Fire Company of North Lebanon Township (a 10 minute trip LOL). It was a 1961 Mack C and had disc wheels as compared to the standard spoked wheels, I have a very poor shot of it in print form at home that was taken while it was responding. Part of it is cut off as a matter of fact (I took the pic when I was 9 years old or so, not very good quality LOL)
Coopersburg PA

1925 White Hale rotatory pump

pump #1107 Job#1174

Dick Adelman photo
Goodville PA Hale
Norristown PA Mongomery County

five stations;

Norristown Hose Company

Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

Humane Fire Company

Fairmount Engine Company No. 2

Hancock Fire Company No. 5

Norristown is now a partially paid/volunteer fire department

Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

1926 Seagrave #44690
Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

1926 Seagrave #44690

Al Powell photo
Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

1958 Mack B-85 #1325

Al Powell photo
Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

1958 Mack B-85 #1325

Mack factory photo
Upper Chichester PA Reliance FC

1952 Mack L-85 X Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

Al Powell photo
Upper Chichester PA Reliance FC

1952 Mack L-85 X Montgomery Hose & Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1

Al Powell photo
Norristown PA Plymouth Fire marshals car

Al Powell photo
Fairmount Engine Company No. 2

Seagrave TDA

(please help if you have information or numbers on this or any truck)

Dick Adelman photo
Fairmount Engine Company No. 2

Tasc GMC 4000

Al Powell photo
Fairmount Engine Company No. 2

Tasc GMC 4000

Al Powell photo


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