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seattle new rigs
[quote name='Bryce' timestamp='1335018111' post='482149']

Bob, a couple questions from Gig Harbor. How come they've switched to Typhoons? $? And do you know if the new E6/L3 station will be built to fit a TDA? It's interesting that after all these years of TDAs only in the downtown area they're now bringing them department wide. It's sort of ironic that L6's station may end up being the only one not capable of housing a TDA when they arguably need it the most.

[/quote] It would be my guess that the Typhoon order was a cost cutting measure too. E6/L3 's new station was designed to accommodate a Pierce TDA, although I heard it may not be a drive through type bay. As far as E8/L6 goes, their seismic retrofit will include construction of a wider bay with a sort of curve around extension out by the rear apron to allow another TDA to be assigned there. The curved extension is necessary to allow the engine to have drive through access around the larger new water tower that the city constructed. So that leaves station 31 and 32 with bays that can only accommodate the older and smaller TDA's in the fleet. Station 14's seismic retrofit will include construction of an add-on bay to allow for another TDA for ladder 7. Station 18 as you know has the 2006 Crimson RM and a huge apparatus floor in place. If the money doesn't run out, they were planning to purchase property for a new station 32.
[quote name='TransverseRoad' timestamp='1335024033' post='482167']

It would be my guess that the Typhoon order was a cost cutting measure too. E6/L3 's new station was designed to accommodate a Pierce TDA, although I heard it may not be a drive through type bay. As far as E8/L6 goes, their seismic retrofit will include construction of a wider bay with a sort of curve around extension out by the rear apron to allow another TDA to be assigned there. The curved extension is necessary to allow the engine to have drive through access around the larger new water tower that the city constructed. So that leaves station 31 and 32 with bays that can only accommodate the older and smaller TDA's in the fleet. Station 14's seismic retrofit will include construction of an add-on bay to allow for another TDA for ladder 7. Station 18 as you know has the 2006 Crimson RM and a huge apparatus floor in place. If the money doesn't run out, they were planning to purchase property for a new station 32.


Thanks for the info! Great to see the SFD modernizing everything. And my personal opinion is that the Pierce TDAs are far more impressive than any RM.

Do you know what rig is assigned to Ladder 13? And how much longer will Ladder 13 exist?
[quote name='srq2009' timestamp='1335893594' post='483723']

Thanks for the info! Great to see the SFD modernizing everything. And my personal opinion is that the Pierce TDAs are far more impressive than any RM.

Do you know what rig is assigned to Ladder 13? And how much longer will Ladder 13 exist?


I have to agree with you on the Pierce TDA's, and they are very well received by the members. So much so that as the new engine procurement contract comes up Pierce is being looked upon with great favor.

Ladder 13 could be disbanded as soon as this month, all depends on when the West Seattle viaduct road construction gets completed. Ladder 13 was assigned L4's former 1994 Simon Duplex LTI TDA, APP #5336.
[quote name='TransverseRoad' timestamp='1335897834' post='483725']

I have to agree with you on the Pierce TDA's, and they are very well received by the members. So much so that as the new engine procurement contract comes up Pierce is being looked upon with great favor.

Ladder 13 could be disbanded as soon as this month, all depends on when the West Seattle viaduct road construction gets completed. Ladder 13 was assigned L4's former 1994 Simon Duplex LTI TDA, APP #5336.


Cool! And I wasn't quite clear - is L9's old ALF/Becker at L5 now? Isn't it an older rig than the E\-One RM that was L5 before?
[quote name='srq2009' timestamp='1335912341' post='483742']

Cool! And I wasn't quite clear - is L9's old ALF/Becker at L5 now? Isn't it an older rig than the E\-One RM that was L5 before?


The current ladder 5 is a 1998 ALF Eagle Becker/AI 100' TDA, which was formerly assigned as ladder 9 at University District station 17. In 2010 it replaced a 2000 E\-One Cyclone 100' rear mount (APP #5347), when it was reassigned to Northgate station 31. APP #5347 was then reassigned as ladder 90 at the Joint Training Facility.

There is still another former ladder 5 on the SFD roster. APP #5331 was one of three Spartan LTI 106' rear mounts purchased in 1992. It was assigned to the Northgate station 31 until 2000. Last year after being in reserve status for eleven years, it was reassigned as ladder 3 at the Central District station 6, replacing another 1992 RM, APP #5333.

APP #5333 was first assigned as ladder 9 from 1993 to 1999, and was sold at auction a year ago. The other 1992 RM, APP #5332, currently in reserve status at Ballard station 18, was assigned as ladder 8 from 1993 to 2007.

The remaining 1992 series rear mounts are the only ladders on SFD roster able to fit into the tight quarters of old station 6. Built in 1931 to accommodated the smaller apparatus of the day, it was designated as a historic landmark in 2005, thus prohibiting any modification to the apparatus bay entrance. Construction of the new station 6 is scheduled for completion in December 2012.

I hope this helps.
[quote name='TransverseRoad' timestamp='1291862138' post='414255']

Carrying 1000 feet of supply line.


This is the first rig I've ever seen with a "slot" for the supply line to fit in. I'm assuming it's to keep the hydrant connection out of the elements? Very cool idea.
[quote name='Toneslider12' timestamp='1336190517' post='484178']

This is the first rig I've ever seen with a "slot" for the supply line to fit in. I'm assuming it's to keep the hydrant connection out of the elements? Very cool idea.


Thanks for the interest. I posted additional information about SFD supply line hose bed arrangements on the "Pacific Northwest" thread today.
Great pics...thanks for sharing! Do you happen to know the total length of Seattle's pumpers?
[quote name='phyrngn' timestamp='1336324330' post='484404']

Great pics...thanks for sharing! Do you happen to know the total length of Seattle's pumpers?


They have a great variety of pumpers, first line and reserve but I don't have any length statistics on the following types, E\-One Quest, Cyclone H224, Cyclone II, Typhoon, Protectors, or the ALF Metro. I can provide registration numbers if you'd like to check with the manufacturers.
I have a question - where are the Battalions stationed? I have a couple of conflicting records.
[quote name='srq2009' timestamp='1336505043' post='484551']

I have a question - where are the Battalions stationed? I have a couple of conflicting records.


It used to be B2 was at E25/L10, B3 (MSO) was at HMC, B4 was at E18/L8, B5 was at E13, B6 was at E17/L9, and B7 was at E29. Safety 2 was at E2/L4 and Staff 10 was at E10/L1, and I think Deputy 1 is at the old E10/L1 that still operates as headquarters. I think that with the station remodels they were going to move some people around, with the eventual plan being that B2 is going to go to E2/L4 and B7 was going to E32/L11.
[quote name='Bryce' timestamp='1336534724' post='484601']

It used to be B2 was at E25/L10, B3 (MSO) was at HMC, B4 was at E18/L8, B5 was at E13, B6 was at E17/L9, and B7 was at E29. Safety 2 was at E2/L4 and Staff 10 was at E10/L1, and I think Deputy 1 is at the old E10/L1 that still operates as headquarters. I think that with the station remodels they were going to move some people around, with the eventual plan being that B2 is going to go to E2/L4 and B7 was going to E32/L11.


Thanks Bryce!
Hello everyone, I have been photographing Seattle Fire Apparatus since the 70'S and was wondering if any of the following Seattle Fire Engines are still around. They are as follows 1987 Spartarns F/O 389,379,380,378,381 1991-93 Spartans F/O 5305,5308,5306,5304,5312,5311,5315,5316. I found F/O 5313 at station 29 and 5316 at training as engine 91. If anyone has any info on any of these old seattle rigs please let me know, I have pictures of all of them but lost track if they are still around.

[quote name='Jerome' timestamp='1342653446' post='492586']

Hello everyone, I have been photographing Seattle Fire Apparatus since the 70'S and was wondering if any of the following Seattle Fire Engines are still around. They are as follows 1987 Spartarns F/O 389,379,380,378,381 1991-93 Spartans F/O 5305,5308,5306,5304,5312,5311,5315,5316. I found F/O 5313 at station 29 and 5316 at training as engine 91. If anyone has any info on any of these old seattle rigs please let me know, I have pictures of all of them but lost track if they are still around.



Welcome to the Board. Can't wait to see some of the "old" Seattle rigs.

All of the 1986-87 Western States-Spartan engines have been disposed of and the 1991 E\-One-Spartan units are all gone except for APP #5313 listed as Reserve 86, as you said, assigned at West Seattle Station 29. APP #5314, a 1993 E\-One-Spartan, was removed from service a few weeks ago along with a 1996 E\-One Protector that I haven't identified yet. The other two 1993 engines, APP #5315, and 5316, were last assigned as training rigs R91 and R92 at JTF.

There are a few pics of these rigs on the PACIFIC NORTHWEST thread.

All of the Western States rigs were triple combination pumpers equipped with Hale 1500 GPM top mounted configuration and 530-gal booster tanks.

The 1991 and '93 rigs were the same but carried 500 gallon booster tanks.
[quote name='Bryce' timestamp='1246021371' post='316937']

Here's a line drawing of the new SFD Pierce TDAs.



These tillers are really sharp looking, but almost all the pics are of the driver's side. I have a question though...On the officer's side, at least on the drawing, it shows that the rear full-height compartment on the trailer had pan doors in place of roll-ups. What's special about this compartment?


So Gary, you must mean the large compartment doors before the wheels of the trailer, just about the only ones that are closed. We'll have to check it out and get back to you. The crew was busy doing an extrication drill on a wrecked car just outside of their quarters the day of this shot.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[quote name='TransverseRoad' timestamp='1342716915' post='492703'] So Gary, you must mean the large compartment doors before the wheels of the trailer, just about the only ones that are closed. We'll have to check it out and get back to you. The crew was busy doing an extrication drill on a wrecked car just outside of their quarters the day of this shot. [/quote]

That's the one! Just curious, since its the only compartment like that. Thanks for the help. Great photos, BTW...

[quote name='TransverseRoad' timestamp='1342669430' post='492646']

Welcome to the Board. Can't wait to see some of the "old" Seattle rigs.

All of the 1986-87 Western States-Spartan engines have been disposed of and the 1991 E\-One-Spartan units are all gone except for APP #5313 listed as Reserve 86, as you said, assigned at West Seattle Station 29. APP #5314, a 1993 E\-One-Spartan, was removed from service a few weeks ago along with a 1996 E\-One Protector that I haven't identified yet. The other two 1993 engines, APP #5315, and 5316, were last assigned as training rigs R91 and R92 at JTF.

There are a few pics of these rigs on the PACIFIC NORTHWEST thread.

All of the Western States rigs were triple combination pumpers equipped with Hale 1500 GPM top mounted configuration and 530-gal booster tanks.

The 1991 and '93 rigs were the same but carried 500 gallon booster tanks.


Thanks for the update, the 96 that was removed from service is old engine 28 965407. I was at Training and saw F/O 5315 but F/O 5316 was not there. There was 95 or 96 at Training as Engine 90 and 92.
[quote name='Roto-Ray' timestamp='1251333570' post='332396']

The tandems are generally spec'd to provide additional braking.


If I member correctly, that is why Columbus, OH went with the tandem design. Seattle has some beautiful rigs and thanks for the shots.



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