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[quote name='Jamie' timestamp='1334622750' post='481571']

Ladder 10 passing the WTC Memorial Site.

[/quote][quote name='Jamie' timestamp='1334622750' post='481571']

Ladder 10 passing the WTC Memorial Site.


Not to sound like a a$$ but i suspect since L10 in located across the street from the entrance to the Memorial and also located across the street from the WTC that the fact they pass by it on every response.
[quote name='NJMedic' timestamp='1334632200' post='481645']

Not to sound like a a$$ but i suspect since L10 in located across the street from the entrance to the Memorial and also located across the street from the WTC that the fact they pass by it on every response.


Your point?
[color="#FF0000"]D Herndobler[/color]
Allways nice to see that rig. Love the bronze wall next to they're house.
Sailing out of NY Harbor last Saturday, FDNY fireboat Three-Forty-Three put on a display for us.

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John Kenealy

[url=""] Over 5200 photos of apparatus from over 1000 New York State Departments![/url]

[Image: IMAG0400.jpg] New York
Rear view.

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John Kenealy

[url=""] Over 5200 photos of apparatus from over 1000 New York State Departments![/url]

[Image: IMAG0400.jpg] New York
A week later, it was berthed at its station.

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John Kenealy

[url=""] Over 5200 photos of apparatus from over 1000 New York State Departments![/url]

[Image: IMAG0400.jpg] New York
Up the river from Three-Forty-Three, the John J. Harvey enjoys her retirement.

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John Kenealy

[url=""] Over 5200 photos of apparatus from over 1000 New York State Departments![/url]

[Image: IMAG0400.jpg] New York
[quote name='CNYFireTrucks' timestamp='1334718129' post='481817']

Up the river from Three-Forty-Three, the John J. Harvey enjoys her retirement.


She still looks good!
John Hinant
Retired Member of Richmond VA Fire Bureau

October 25, 1858 - October 25, 2020 = 162 years old
The sixth oldest paid, documented, Fire Department in the United States
First established in 1782

"In God We Trust - All Others We Take For Granted"
Squad 18

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Ladder 6

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Tower Ladder 13

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[quote name='CNYFireTrucks' timestamp='1334717682' post='481814']

Sailing out of NY Harbor last Saturday, FDNY fireboat Three-Forty-Three put on a display for us.


excellent photos!!
saw a pic of a FDNY ladder a few days ago but I cant find it anymore. showed a Ferrara ladder with vector lights on the roof. anyone heared of or saw the new ladder?
Check out post #57 in FDIC thread
Stephen Taylor

Retired Volunteer Firefighter
Retired Career Fire Dispatcher
Yarmouth Fire Department
Yarmouth, N.S. Canada
[quote name='CNYFireTrucks' timestamp='1334717960' post='481816']

A week later, it was berthed at its station.


Excellent shot, John!
Found the pic, its a Seagrave and not a Ferrara. Follow this link to The New York City Firefighter Brotherhood Foundations

site on facebook: [url=""]https://www.facebook...&type=3[/url]
Saw this on the new delivery's page and was wondering if anyone had any info on it as it looks like a TSU
new Marine unit
Hey, fellas. Just curious - how well did the Rescue guys like the 1996 HME/Saulsbury rigs?

[quote name='Good2Go' timestamp='1339025369' post='487614']

Hey, fellas. Just curious - how well did the Rescue guys like the 1996 HME/Saulsbury rigs?



Good Question!


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