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Also at Brookfields

Ex-Clifton, NJ

Engine 7

1987 American Lafrance 1250/500



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by any chance is this where east oranges's recently auctioned off century 2000's and their hahn ended up?
Not sure.  I did not see any other fire trucks on the street. If they were in the yard already, I would not be able to see them, or they were cut up already
Old High Point, NC Ladder 8 found at the Spencer Railroad Museum in Spencer, NC.

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Another old engine found in Spencer, NC

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Old engine found at Red Wolf Pumpkin Farm in Maiden, NC

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Quote:Another old engine found in Spencer, NC


I believe this Ford is owned by someone with the NC chapter of ATHS. I've seen it a few times at their annual show in Colfax but I don't know anymore info than that.
Micah Bodford
Fire Investigator
City of Winston-Salem Fire Dept.
Quote:This one hurts to post. I remember Dave posting a picture of it on the old boards when it was in service. If you read this Dave, please post it again. This is the former Engine 2 from Skyland FD of Buncombe County, NC. It's an unknown year Ford Super Duty/American LaFrance. It has a 1000gpm pump & 750 gallons of water. Its ALF Registered Number is 2.1.930. After life at Skyland, this truck was sent to Spring Creek FD of Madison County, NC where it served as Pumper 2. After its tour of duty at Spring Creek, it was driven to its current spot on Highway 209 and parked. It's sitting on the left side of the road between Spring Creek & Betsy's Gap on Highway 209. It's still in restoreable shape, somebody save her!!!!!!!!
A ’68, it was Skyland’s first 750 tank, second 1000-gpm pumper, & third and final ALF, preceded by their first new truck, a ’60 750/500, then a ’64 1000/500, both Fords.  I drove it as a member & delivered it to Spring Creek (I’m a Madison County native) when Skyland gave it to them.  They were so grateful.  It served them well for several years.  I returned at least twice to train new members on pump operations, especially drafting, since they have no hydrants.  All of Skyland’s Fords were gasoline-powered, had 5-speed transmissions/2-speed rear ends, manual steering, & hydraulic brakes.
Quote:This one isn't totally out of service, I don't believe. This truck once served the Marshall FD of Madison County, NC as Engine 8. It's a GMC/American LaFrance. This truck is now parked inside the fences of the Madison County Water Treatment Plant, and I had to shoot the photo thru a hole in the fence. Does anyone have stats on this truck?

The town gave it to the caretakers of the fairground so they could water the field - until the pump froze & burst.  This $22,500 750/750, truly your "basic, no-frills, no options (except the chassis purchase from the hometown dealer) ALF commercial fire truck", replaced Marshall's '46 Chevy/ALF 500/250, its first new fire truck (I have the '46's original papers).  I returned home on leave from the Army in December, '70 to unexpectedly find the front of this piece protruding from the station's bay after just being delivered.  It was being loaded with its first hoseload and would be ready for service before the night was over.  Its service was confined within the town's limits unless needed for mutual aid.  At my expense I replaced its Federal Model 17 red dome with a clear dome & replaced a clear sealed beam with a red one so it would have an alternating red/white beacon.  That was the only change the truck ever suffered until many years later when the new generation replaced the beacon with the lightbar seen in the picture, and removed the factory-installed, fender-mounted Sireno.  When I was growing up the department responded to less than fifty alarms per year.  The last time I drove it was to a house fire in '79, on the day I left Marshall, never to live there again.  (My leaving was planned & had nothing to do with the house fire!)  And now, American LaFrance and GMC's of this size are no longer built . . . and the town's fire protection is contracted. 


[Image: 2_zps483d6e99.jpg]

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Quote:This is when she was still in service...

Cruso Fire Department "Ex-1209"

1964 Ford 800/American LaFrance

1000gpm 750gal

ALF # 2.1.9670

Ex-Fire District 14 Inc. (now a part of Greensboro, NC Fire Dept.)
1968 & 750 pump

Asheville, NC.  Credit to photographer(s).

'74 ALF Century 85' Snorkel

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: Snorkelrear.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: Snorkelrightfront-1.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: Snorkelfront-1.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: driverssideatHQ_zps9771abef.png]</a>

'65 900 1000/500.  Top-most pump panel gauge added with deck gun.

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: 65900junk3.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: 65900junk2.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: 65900junk1.jpg]</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href="">[Image: 65E7.jpg]</a>

'77 Pioneer III 1250/500


[Image: PioneerIIIinWestAsheville.jpg]

[Image: PioneerIIIs.jpg]

Quote:West Monroe, LA "X Engine 6"

1956 ALF 775-PJO


Reg. # L-5414

Andrew Messer Photo (2009)

[Image: attachicon.gif]WestMonroeLAXENG5.jpg
PJC - closed cab, and more likely a 1000 gpm pump.  Note 2 2-1/2" discharges, indicating probability of same on pump operator's side - unless, of course, it ain't!
Quote:I found this one this morning between Denver and Sherrills Ford on Slanting Bridge Rd. No information on te truck as there were no tresspassing signs around it.

"ex" Elkin FD

American LaFrance
Elkin, NC L-4559 shipped 5/23/52 775-PGC
Quote:My guess...

This is the commercial version of the 800 Series pumper. I'd say late '50's or early '60's. I'm sure that Ga. Dave will know... I've seen several commercial ALFs in South Carolina. Horry County had a whole fleet of them in the early '80's.
According to Walt McCall, author of "100 Years of American LaFrance", the large-letter nameplate was used 1965-1967.  The 900 Series appeared in '58.
Quote:Next up is this ALF Engine which formerly served the Waterloo,NY FD.
L-3429, shipped 6/7/48.  775-PGO
Quote:This one was found in Yaupon Beach,NC at an auto repair shop. It was stripped down of all tools and hose, so I'm assuming it is no longer owned by YBVFD.

Yaupon Beach VFD


1983 Ford C/FMC


I sold & delivered this truck to Yaupon when I worked for Slagle's, after having lived in Yaupon and been a member of their dept. when I worked in fire protection at the nuclear power plant in Southport, just across the bridge.  Jack Slagle, former owner of the now-closed business, wanted me to talk Yaupon into having the typical "A" post spotlights installed because he said it didn't look like a fire truck without them, but Yaupon specified that it was to not have those lights.  Hey, whatever makes the customer happy!
Quote:Finally a clear shot of this Ford Tanker. from Seven Devils FD in Madison county NC> now located in the Greater Taylors metropolitan area(haha) in SC.
[Image: nature011.jpg]
Seven Devils straddles the Avery/Watauga County, NC line.  This truck, weathered & with a "For Sale" sign, sits under the awning of a former gasoline station on SC Hwy 290,  between US 25 & SC Hwy 253.
Quote:Here's an artsey fartsey of an old ALF rusting away near Bridgeport, Ala. I've looked around for an owner, no luck. Sure hate to see that Fed. siren go to rust.
Sterling Model 30 Sirenlight
Quote:Ex- East Orange, NJ

1950 American LaFrance

It was indeed a one-off.

[Image: 1006_zps380e984e.jpg]

[Image: 1007_zpse551b572.jpg]
Quote:Here is a rare find for NC. I found this truck near Southport VFD's station in Brunswick County,NC. It looked like it was used as a parade truck now by whoever owned it because there was no longer a water tank and bench seats were installed in the hosebed. The truck was lettered as St. George Society Fire Association, Southport,NC.

1960s? Ford C/Central-St. Louis

Ford (and Mack) used quad headlights '58-'60 in the long-lived Budd-built cab.


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