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4 Alarms & Special Calls - Piedmont, WV 1/9/2014
Tri-Towns FC #1 of Piedmont, WV along with units from Potomac Of Westernport, Barton Hose Company and Bloomington FC all from Maryland were dispatched at 2033 hrs to an "Odor in a Residence on Jones Street in Piedmont. 


While investigating the original call, Tri-Towns was alerted at 2045 hrs for a "Possible Structure Fire" at 36 Second Street in Piedmont, the caller reported smoke coming from a structure.


The Jones Street address is two blocks north of Tri-Towns Station and the Second Street address is 3 doors east of the fire station.


Units responding from the incident at Jones Street noted smoke and fire now venting from the middle building in a block of 4 structures at Second Street and requested a "Working Commercial Alarm". 


The building of origin was a two story mixed construction building that formerly house a bakery business and has since been converted into apartments. 


The building to side B was a three 3 stone & heavy timber building that housed the town library and historical storage for items belonging to the former Piedmont High School. 


Building at the B / C corner was a two story corner wood frame structure that housed apartments on the second floor and a first floor screen & glass business.


The building at side D was a two story mixed construction building that housed several apartments and a Motorcycle repair shop on part of the first floor. This building shared a common wall with the building of origin.


No civilian injuries were reported. Two (2) Firefighters were transported from the scene for minor injuries and were treated and since released from the hospitals.


The following photos were taken starting about 40 minutes after the initial alarm.


Photos Courtesy: EMT Carey M. Williams, Tri-Towns EMS




Tri-Towns Engine 24-13 in front of the Second Street Address.

Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Tri-Towns Truck 24 located in the parking lot at the end of the block with crews opening the roof.




This photo was taken after Command went to an exterior attack due to deteriorating interior conditions and roof collapse in the building of origin.

Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Newly minted Tri-Towns Fire Chief Zach Barb had Command at Engine 24-13.  Zach had just taken office on January 1st.


Zach is the gentleman without a helmet on...





Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Fire vents for the end building



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
The photos are Courtesy: EMT Carey M. Williams, Tri-Towns EMS


Crews preparing to make entry into the building on side D.






Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Truck 16 - Frostburg, MD arriving on scene. I believe Truck 16 was on the 2nd alarm and would locate at the corner of Second and Ashfield Streets.


This gave them position to ladder the 3-story building if needed. Later in the fire Truck 16's Ladder Pipe and the Monitors from Tower 38 would provided aerial streams to protect the Library building.


Various crews were able to make entry into the Library Building and preformed Salvage Operations. Numerous Salvage Covers were deployed to cover the shelves of books and historical items. Crews were able to remove photos and items from the walls and secure them.


Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Truck 16 and Engine 36 - Bloomington at the corner of Ashfield and Second Street.





Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Crews attempting to access some pockets of fire after part of the roof collapsed at 36 Second Street.





Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Engine Tanker 191 - Barton Hose operating their master stream device.



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
and sometimes the Master Stream finds EMS personal in it's over spray....


Photos Courtesy: EMT Carey M. Williams, Tri-Towns EMS



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
The CSX rail line runs thru Piedmont. Shown here after CSX dispatchers ensured command that rail traffic was stopped, Tower 38 - New Creek set up on the only level section of Ashfield Street and was able to support roof operations on the two-story building beside the Library Building.


..... Chief 38 is a member here, so maybe he can share some of his photos from the evening, how about it Dusty?.....




It also helps that a CSX Trainmaster was a member on the fire scene from a Mutual Aid Department.







Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Crews from Tower 38 switching out......



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Truck 16's aerial over the Library Roof........



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Engine-Tanker 38 - New Creek, WV on scene



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Fire photo......



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Another fire scene.....



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Truck 24 Ladder Pipe Operating....





Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Truck 33 - Keyser operating it's ladder pipe thru the flames.......



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Keyser FD - Engineer, Billy Harman running Truck 33's pipe.



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Tim Dayton, Chief 22 - Potomac of Westernport had Operations.



Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!


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