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Tour of New Jersey
Camden Rescue 2 a 1992 Ford Saulsbury

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Camden Rescue 1 a 2004 Seagrave/Supervac

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Down on the Waterfront was Camden marine 1 i dont know the year or make but the guys said it was pretty new.

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Camden Former Tower Ladder a 1983 Mack

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Oddly Enough swung back too the Liberty fire station streets dried up and some blue sky appearing Engine 10 showed up.

Engine 10 a 2004 Seagrave

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Is Camden Rescue 1 staffed?
Jeffrey W. Shippey

Frederick County, MD
[quote name='jshippey' timestamp='1342362049' post='492194']

Is Camden Rescue 1 staffed?


Crossed Staffed with Ladder 2.
Jeffrey W. Shippey

Frederick County, MD
Would love to have that scope one of my all time favorite rigs the mack cf scope that is
[color="#FF0000"]R.I.P Sammy Oitice FDNY 4 Truck 9-11-01[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]R.I.P Kevin Apuzzio East Franklin FD 4-11-06[/color]


[size="4"]FDNY Hockey[/size]
Here are some pics of the equipment that my fire company has had through out the years from it start in 1907. Some of the rigs are already on this site.

Also the name changes it has gone through: Claredon Hose & Hook & Ladder Co. No. 2, Chemical Co. No. 1, Hose Co. No. 2, and the latest Tower 2.

This is the best photo of our first piece and what are current firehouse use to look before all the additions and changes made for the Snorkel.

Photo was taken around 1915: Make of the hand/horse draw ladder wagon unknown we have no other photos of it at all.

[Image: H2-2ndfh.jpg]

Second piece:19?? Buffalo?

[Image: H2-buffalo.jpg]

Third Piece: 192? or 193? ALF

[Image: H2-1936ALFd.jpg]

Forth piece: 1946 ALF, Have been told it was a 1953. In priavte hands and talked to one of the twos owners of about 10 years ago to try and get them to come down with it. Last I heard was one of the men had passed away. I was some wher in NY. IF anyone can help get info if it is still around and a connect would be great.

[Image: H2-1953ALFd.jpg]

Fifth piece: 1973 Young/75' Snorkel. In private hands in PA.

[Image: H2-1973SNORKELc.jpg]

Sixth piece: 1994 Simon-Duplex/75' Aerialscope

[Image: 850502176.jpg]

Seventh piece:

It is being worked on currently we should have it with in 2 years we are in the mid spec stage where we will be going over the fine details. When we have decided who to go with and the bid has been award I will post the Line drawing of it to this post.
Secaucus had a 1949 and a 1953. dont know which is from which company. Laurel Hill Hospital had a 1948 as well.
Lawrenceville, NJ Res 23 - 2009 Sutphen 2000/750/30F

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believe that Scope was recently sold/offered for sale on

This 1980 ALF Century was owned by Lambertville's Union Fire Co #1. In 2001 it was sold off to make room in the station. It had "bounced" around on eBay a couple times. I saw it 3 weeks ago back for auction... I posted a link on Facebook since I have a few members of Company 1 on as friends. As luck would have it, The Company's Chief saw it and brought it to the membership at the company meeting... Action and phone calls were made to Jacksonville, FA to see what could be done. The auction ended without a winner. The company made an offer. The Owner is selling her BACK TO LAMBERTVILLE! 2 members will be going to check the rig out and driver her home in a few weeks.

Just one case of saving some old Iron and seeing it went home to its proper place!

Will try to take a few pictures when its back in Quarters!
[quote name='' timestamp='1342972650' post='492964']

Secaucus had a 1949 and a 1953. dont know which is from which company. Laurel Hill Hospital had a 1948 as well.


I think it is a 1953 from what one of our past members had told me it was that year. Just i came across a photo on here listing it as a 1948. The thing that is with telling it is our rig was the scuff plates on the front of the front fenders. W-H&L had no scuff plates and i Have never seen a photo of the Hositals. I know our rig is in New your some where I had talked to one of the two owners ten or more years ago. And had also herad that one of them passed away. Would like to try and find the rig again.
this is the 1949.

from my collection

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Why did Secaucus get out of the engine company business and start running a truck company? Just Curious... Was there another truck company in town, or were there other circumstances....
[quote name='' timestamp='1343097496' post='493112']

this is the 1949.

from my collection


If that is the year that you have for it then that answers my question for what year the ALF was for my company any member that really knew the year has passed away or doesn't live in town anymore.

Just wish I can find out who has it and where it is now to try to get them to come around with it. More so in two years when we get the new tower. We know who has our old Snorkel and to try and get that the 4 trucks in a pic together it would have been nice to know if the older stuff is around somewhere but most likely they have been scrapped.

[quote name='firetrucknut' timestamp='1343162515' post='493142']

Why did Secaucus get out of the engine company business and start running a truck company? Just Curious... Was there another truck company in town, or were there other circumstances....


We have 4 engines plus spare engine. My company had started out as a hose, hook, and ladder company then went the chemical route when the chemical engines where the in thing I guess at the time then went to be a engine/hose company then in 1973 they got the snorkel and right now we have a scope that will be replaced with midmount ladder tower. The company never bothered to change its name until about 2 months ago to reflect the type of rig and what the company does. There is another ladder company in the back road area of town. The reason I think that they went with having to aerials was because of the wherhouse building boom from hartz mountain and that increased the fire load. Now we are having a boom of multi unit med to high end apartments be built. The one place has 3 out of 7 building almost done. Just have a 110 unit I think almost done and there is word of 4 building totaling 500 units in the works.
Yes, one of the two men who co-owned the Secaucus '53 ALF passed away several years ago. The other sold the rig, as he could not keep it up by himself. Not sure of it's current whereabouts.
1960 Mack Model C original operated by the East Franklin, NJ fire Company. Found in Iowa last year and bought back to NJ and restored by the company.



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