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[quote name='EngineForLife' timestamp='1342587802' post='492536']

According to the July-August 1996 issue of Fire Apparatus Journal (Volume 13, Number 4), in the F.D.N.Y. Updates column by Jack Lerch, this pumper was loaned to the F.D.N.Y. by E\-One for evaluation. It is a 1995 E\-One Hush (EP9601) equipped with a Hale two-stage 1000gpm pump, 500 gallon booster tank, a Mack

E-7 electronic diesel engine, and an Allison HD World transmission. It was assigned for short periods of time to E275, E8, E64, and E290 before being returned to E\-One.


Dug this up.....While 64-Engine had it: Jay Walsh Photo.

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[quote name='R1SmokeEater' timestamp='1344268320' post='494250']

Dug this up.....While 64-Engine had it: Jay Walsh Photo.


Anyone know what eventually become of it? I seem to recall that E\-One was going to tear it apart once they got it back from the FDNY and evaluate it's wear and tear before they decided to focus alot of effort on winning future contracts.
Jay Walsh is a Lt. in 59 Engine now.......
The only MARC in 46 ENGINE!

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 F.D.N.Y. 343

RIP FF John Bellew 27 Truck F.D.N.Y. 1-23-05

RIP Captain Frank Keane 46 Engine F.D.N.Y 12-11-06
I heard that it went back to Florida and was inspected by E\-One Engineers. There were many cracks in frames and it was "Never Spoke Of" after... As we know the only other E-Ones were the cabs of the 5 Rescues with Saulsbury bodies...
[quote name='Fireman5230' timestamp='1344298837' post='494359']

I heard that it went back to Florida and was inspected by E\-One Engineers. There were many cracks in frames and it was "Never Spoke Of" after... As we know the only other E-Ones were the cabs of the 5 Rescues with Saulsbury bodies...


That truck was listed in used fire equipment traders for a while, then it disappeared. Anyone know anything about the independent suspension system this truck had??
Caught these in the Bronx the other day. Cell phone pics, so sorry for the quality (or lack thereof).


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Division 2 (EMS) - Front

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Division 2 (EMS) - Rear

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I was told the other day that Fdny and Wheeled Coach has stopped production of the Ambulances. I was told they are having issues with the cabs? And an emergency order for 50 is on the table that will be awarded soon with Horton in the lead. Can anyone confirm?
[quote name='ff168577' timestamp='1346249561' post='496781']

I was told the other day that Fdny and Wheeled Coach has stopped production of the Ambulances. I was told they are having issues with the cabs? And an emergency order for 50 is on the table that will be awarded soon with Horton in the lead. Can anyone confirm?

[/quote]Sounds a little suspect to me, if the issue is with the Dodge chassis. Assuming that's the case, there wouldn't necessarily be a need to place an order with Horton. If there isn't a problem with the Wheeled Coach modules, then why not just keep filling the Wheeled Coach order using a different chassis?
[quote name='FireMedic049' timestamp='1346460177' post='496990']

Sounds a little suspect to me, if the issue is with the Dodge chassis. Assuming that's the case, there wouldn't necessarily be a need to place an order with Horton. If there isn't a problem with the Wheeled Coach modules, then why not just keep filling the Wheeled Coach order using a different chassis?


My assumption would be that if they want to cancel the order because of the dodge chassis, then that would cancel the entire contract. But this is rumor I heard, and I was looking for confirmation.
[quote name='ff168577' timestamp='1346509709' post='497037']

My assumption would be that if they want to cancel the order because of the dodge chassis, then that would cancel the entire contract. But this is rumor I heard, and I was looking for confirmation.

[/quote]I can't provide you that confirmation. I was merely commenting on the possible validity of the rumor as presented.

It is my understanding that typically "emergency order" contracts are not subject to the normal bidding process and can be directly awarded. If I'm not mistaken, this is what FDNY did a number of years ago shortly after McCoy-Miller was awarded a substantial ambulance contract. They produced a few units, then FDNY cancelled the contract and placed an emergency order with Horton (the most recent builder) and eventually awarded Horton the full contract. I believe the 9/11 fire apparatus replacements were done as an emergency order with Seagrave and not put out for bid.

If the problem was in fact the Dodge chassis and FDNY wanted to change chassis for the rest of the order, I can see cancelling the contract due to the need to re-bid the remainder of the order on a different chassis. If this was the case and they needed to place an emergency order to get them through a re-bid period, why not just place the order with the manufacturer who is already building your patient modules? Given the magnitude of the FDNY ambulance contracts, I'd imagine that both manufacturers had lines dedicated exclusively to building FDNY ambulances. If so and the problem is the chassis, why look to another manufacturer who probably hasn't built a unit to your specs (and possibly to the current specs) in over a year when the current manufacturer is already set up and building your units?

If they are looking at awarding the emergency contract to Horton, then to me that says the problem is not the Dodge chassis or is not just the Dodge chassis.
[quote name='ACPD227' timestamp='1342486864' post='492401']

Does anyone know is their plans to put "outstanding" on the rig in memory for the fallen capt.?


Just noticed that. If not, that's BS in my opinion. RIP Captain Hatton.
[quote name='Good2Go' timestamp='1346646040' post='497246']

Just noticed that. If not, that's BS in my opinion. RIP Captain Hatton.


Its there, walked past Rescue1 on Saturday and the Ferrera was in quarters and noticed the "Outstanding" on the front of the rig, IIRC arond the bumper. Would have taken a photo had I known.
[quote name='NJMedic' timestamp='1346654558' post='497247']

Its there, walked past Rescue1 on Saturday and the Ferrera was in quarters and noticed the "Outstanding" on the front of the rig, IIRC arond the bumper. Would have taken a photo had I known.


Check Page 239 of this thread
Outstanding is on the rig on the front bumper above the winch
[color="#FF0000"]R.I.P Sammy Oitice FDNY 4 Truck 9-11-01[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]R.I.P Kevin Apuzzio East Franklin FD 4-11-06[/color]


[size="4"]FDNY Hockey[/size]
Anyone know the story on how R1 got a B&M Super Chief on the rig? That's really neat and something different.
People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?
Been thinking long and hard before posting about the ambulance question from above. First and foremost I now work for a Horton dealer so let me get that out of the way. I however have no dog in the fight nor do I care what FDNY EMS buys as whatever works for them is what they should buy. As is the case for everyone I suppose. As many of you know Horton, Wheeled Coach, Road Rescue, AEV, EOne, and Leader are all owned by the same group so as screwy as it is - and sometimes it is, you can have one dealer saying this and another saying that but in the end the money all goes to the same folks in the end after going thru different filters. It is my understanding the issues were on the Dodge side of service work. As far as I know there were quite a few Horton folks that may or may not have made trips to a state with the initals FL to help get units built - just a rumor. I have also heard they are looking at Terra Star platform as a replacement - I think this is a bit much but whatever works. Do you have to have a seperate line - yes no way around it. I can remember back in 1994 when Wheeled Coach did that contract they basicly did nothing but build NY units and everything else got pushed aside. How do I know - my squads unit was delayed for 6 months because of the NY order. McCoy Miller basicly went belly up because of it. Did it hurt Horton when they went elsewhere -yep but in an odd way it has also helped them refocus and look at ways to improve for lean times. Nothing wrong with getting a NY contract but one had better be well prepared for everything that comes with it. Just my two cents and sorry for being longwinded
[quote name='nealcraig' timestamp='1346952178' post='497607']

Been thinking long and hard before posting about the ambulance question from above. First and foremost I now work for a Horton dealer so let me get that out of the way. I however have no dog in the fight nor do I care what FDNY EMS buys as whatever works for them is what they should buy. As is the case for everyone I suppose. As many of you know Horton, Wheeled Coach, Road Rescue, AEV, EOne, and Leader are all owned by the same group so as screwy as it is - and sometimes it is, you can have one dealer saying this and another saying that but in the end the money all goes to the same folks in the end after going thru different filters. It is my understanding the issues were on the Dodge side of service work. As far as I know there were quite a few Horton folks that may or may not have made trips to a state with the initals FL to help get units built - just a rumor. I have also heard they are looking at Terra Star platform as a replacement - I think this is a bit much but whatever works. Do you have to have a seperate line - yes no way around it. I can remember back in 1994 when Wheeled Coach did that contract they basicly did nothing but build NY units and everything else got pushed aside. How do I know - my squads unit was delayed for 6 months because of the NY order. McCoy Miller basicly went belly up because of it. Did it hurt Horton when they went elsewhere -yep but in an odd way it has also helped them refocus and look at ways to improve for lean times. Nothing wrong with getting a NY contract but one had better be well prepared for everything that comes with it. Just my two cents and sorry for being longwinded


This is what I've been saying all along about the bid for new pumpers for FDNY. Folks are all excited that this builder or that builder is going to get the business away from Seagrave. They think whoever has that contract is making zillions of dollars and livin' large. Bottom line is NOBODY is ever going to get rich on those large contracts. They require lots of attention, the issues involved in contracts of that magnatude are too numerous to mention. At the end of the day ANY manufacturer is much further ahead building onsies and twosies for Podunk Jct. Fire Dept. (I hope there isn't a Podunk Jct. anywhere). You will make more money, and have a lot fewer assaches when all is said and done!!


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