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Pacific Northwest

At station 27, they told me Rehab1 is part of a 90 day pilot program which began on March

1st. Engine 27 and Rehab1 will respond on all first alarm fire calls in the

city with their usual crew of one officer and three firefighters. At the fire scene

they will stage with the Aid Car and Medic Unit, Fire Buffs, and Air9. They

carry snacks, soft drinks, chairs, fans, and portable lighting, along with some

decon gear and a more misc. items. The unit number is 956553, and has been

retroffited with a new box by Heiser.

Bob Lukas Photo


Rehab 1 has been reassigned this 2009 F550 4X4 with service body by J&D Hydraulics of Auburn, WA..  956553 has been redesignated as DECON 1 and will also respond out of Station 27.     See post 1267.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
REHAB 1 outside, DECON 1 inside

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Last year, the Yakima Fire Department placed two of these 2011 Spartan/Rosenbauer engines in service.  Engine 91 is shown here.  They have 1500gpm pumps and 750gal water tanks.  To save on cost, the department went with more of an "off the shelf" design with these new engines instead of their typical custom design.  The most noteable differences include higher hose beds and different pump inlet locations.


Brian Birmingham

Looks like at least three new rigs for Seattle from Pierce, per their Flickr photostream. What's the story?

Quote:Looks like at least three new rigs for Seattle from Pierce, per their Flickr photostream. What's the story?
Looks to be 4 to me lol. 2 engines, TDA, and Heavy Rescue I was thinking the same thing. they all look amazing.
Is the new tillered squad in service yet and if not, why? The truck will be a year old soon, if it is not already.

Looks like the Seattle engines are top mounts, any reason they switched to top mounts?


They also got a new heavy rescue as well. Will it replace the existing R14 or will it go to a new station?

People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?
I'm also curious about the new heavy rescue squad.  Pierce has a nice photo of it here:


Is this going to be housed at station 14?

Quote:Is the new tillered squad in service yet and if not, why? The truck will be a year old soon, if it is not already.

Tillered squad? You mean like the one Portland just got?
Seattle has run top mounted pump panels since 1987, with the exception of the 4 ultra short wheelbase E\-One rigs delivered in about 2000.

The rescue is going to replace the mid 90s Ford Cargo so that they now will have a proper reserve. I've often wondered if at some point the city will shut down L7 and staff the rescue full time rather than cross staffing it. Now that they have 2 nearly identical rigs, it might be the time to do it.
I was looking at the pic of the TDA and enlarged a portion of the photo that shows the company number that is near the tip of the aerial. Looks like a "6"

It seems a lot more logical that this new TDA would be going to L6 rather than L12. Queen Anne is probably the toughest area in the city to get around. I have no idea how they've managed to make a straight truck work in that neighborhood for all these years.

I think it's great that SFD is moving to an all TDA fleet. It's long overdue.
In addition, Ladder 6 is assigned a 2000 E\-One rear mount and is located at Station 8, on top Queen Ann Hill, where the streets are steep, narrow and still paved with cobble stones in places.  Their house is currently undergoing a seismic upgrade and apparatus floor expansion that will allow for a new TDA to be assigned there.


The original plan was for five Pierce top-mount engines, with one order of 26688-01, 02 having been completed so far.


Two new Medic units have arrived from Braun NW and are currently parked outside of the shops. One or both of the chassis may be equipped with a remounted box. They are the first


Medic/Aid Units to display orange and red chevrons. More information will follow.




Marine Division has been bidding on the current Rescue truck for several months, as a replacement for their Marine Response van, aka,




99 carries diving gear, responds with the crew of E36 to maritime and tunnel emergencies, and has been special called at times to assist with trench rescues.   The van is just loaded with gear so they're in need a rig with larger capacity.  The very best fit is for it remain at station 14 as a spare rescue truck.


Tillered squad? You mean like the one Portland just got?

Portland's correct
Quote:Portland's correct

It's a political thing, I was told.
Quote:Tacoma Engine 3 is posted on John Lee's web site, <a class="bbc_url" href=""></a>
Hi, the new Spartan/Darley is indeed in service however it located at Tacoma Station 12 in Fife.  I saw it at the shops two weeks ago.  Will get a picture of it soon and add it here. 
Quote:Hi, the new Spartan/Darley is indeed in service however it located at Tacoma Station 12 in Fife.  I saw it at the shops two weeks ago.  Will get a picture of it soon and add it here. 
I also believe that former Engine 6 Road Runner Telesquirt also was moved to Engine 11 and have no Idea if the other two that were on order where ever delivered.  Anyone know about the two that were orderd??
My guess is the new Roadrunners are sitting at the shops or something. They have two brand new ambulances sitting at the old Station 15 in the Tideflats.

I'd love to see the picture of Engine 12. Did it not fit at Station 3?
Quote:My guess is the new Roadrunners are sitting at the shops or something. They have two brand new ambulances sitting at the old Station 15 in the Tideflats.

I'd love to see the picture of Engine 12. Did it not fit at Station 3?
I will see if I can get a picture of the new engine once the sun comes out.  Not sure if it would not fit in station 3, when I last saw the engine prior to seeing it at the shop, it was also down at the old station 15 with E3 on the side of the new engine.  Once I get the answer I will let you know. 
King County Medic One has recently placed eight new paramedic units in service in South King County.  The paramedics share quarters in fire stations throughout the area.  These new units are built by Braun Northwest on 2014 International TerraStar chassis.  The feature an air suspension that drops when the rear doors are open for patient access.


King County Medic 5, shown here, is house in Renton's Fire Station 11.  It received the first of the eight new vehicles and uses a new graphics package.  I was told that, very soon, new ambulances will be required to have graphics similar to those seen on the front fenders.  Those graphics are to be in day-glo blue and yellow.  Neither of the paramedics I spoke to seemed too excited about that color combination.



Brian Birmingham



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