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chief's travels
There is something you don't see too often....a Seagrave in Florida.

Quote:There is something you don't see too often....a Seagrave in Florida.
you are right on that if im not mistaken i beleive that i recently saw that they got a new Truck and im sure that one went on down the road. if anybody can confirm that i would appreciate knowing and so that way i can go shoot it next time im down there
cfd truck 2 in memory of christopher wheatley

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here is a good shot of the ole girl which is obviously and ahrens fox but i cant remember the year. This was one of the last shots i got as we went in and got out of there quick as the rain moved in

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somebody here saw this helmet and was insistent that he was Peter Mills from chicago fire

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This one was sure that he was Lt Casey

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here is 221 at the academy also one of the engines that was making its way to the academy as we were leaving that i caught on the fly as it was going by not sure where its from not sure on the other either it was right behind the other

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on the way home it stopped raining so i decided to stop in joliet since i have wanted to shoot them for years but never got around to it. They have 2 new e one engines coming but they dont think they will be in service  until mid to late september here is engine 8 an e one as well as medic 8

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and to round out tha station is Battalion 2

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next was station 7 which is an ambo and engine but we could only get the engine out and then it started to rain again so here is engine 7 an e one big surprise right?

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Here is the funeral procession for a very good friend and mentor of mine and many others in our area. Chief Weavel passed away to the big fire station upstairs just after the first of the year and i am just getting around to posting the photos now but i am impressed to see some of the chiefs that i know that he did not see eye to eye with im not going to name any names and Joel trust me it wasnt you but some of the vehicles here that attended the service i was very surprised at. He was a very aggressive chief and his philosophy was that no matter how many years you have been in the fire service and what rank you were you never stopped learning. He will be missed.

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here is Harlm Roscoe quint 753

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Here is town of Beloit utility 23 and Boone county fire 2290

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Love Palm Coast Mack engine
Quote:Love Palm Coast Mack engine
so do i! i dont know if it was the sun shining on it that day or its just the charm of the truck but it is a beauty
South Beloit c-36

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pleasant prairie wisconsin command vehicle which i believe is chiefs sons department

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Here is Pecatonica 1343 which i was very impressed with Not going to go any further with it.

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The lineup to salute

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South Beloit c-35

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