Newark is New Jerseys largest city, but dont see many updates from them, or for that matter, Northwest Jersey departments. With its close proximity to NYC, I'm surprised there is'nt more from these areas. ChiefHank used to keep us updated but havent seen him on here in a while. He had a wonderful website called Newark Fire History, but thats gone too. Anybody??
Newark, NJ
On the Engine and Truck apparatus, I don't believe anything has come in since the 2011 Ferarra pumpers, and the 2008 ALF rearmounts. I see Rescue is back in a spare as well......
The Newark muster was this past Saturday. I'm sure other members have much more to add, a bunch of Jersey Firemen here on board.
Newark,NJ has gotten a few units over the past year from Homeland Security funding.
Mike Martinelli's site, has a large amount of rigs from the northern NJ area under the tab Seth Granville
My Photos:
The last engines purchased by the NFD were the 3 Ferrara pumpers in 2011. The last ladders were the 2-2008 ALF rear mounts. The new E-1 Rescue was delivered in 2009. The last I heard there was no money allocated for new apparatus, The plan was to try and buy 2 new ladder trucks in 2013 but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. In the meantime the fleet grows older and less dependable. Many rigs have been switched around so I'm not sure who has what at this time. Off the top of my head.....E-15, 26 & 29 have the Ferraras; E-5, 7 & 9 have the ALFs; E-19 & 14 have 2003 E-1s; E-6 has the 2001 E-1; E-10 & 13 have 1997 E-1s; E-27 had the 1999 ALF that was submerged during Sandy; E-28 had xE-16's 1994 E-1 squirt; E-15 & E-18 have 1997 E-1s; E-11 has a 1995 E-1. Updates and corrections welcome!
NFD ladders: T-5 & 11 have the 2008 ALFs; T-12 has a 1999 E-1; T-10 has xT-5 1994 E-1; T-6 has the 1997 x T-1 E-1 Ladder tower; T-7 has a 1997 E-1; T-8 has xT-9 1991 E-1; not sure what T-4 is using at this time. Corrections & updates welcome
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