Keystone State Relics
Additional info on the Springfield unit. I have never seen this with the Ford C chassis - thanks: 1968 Ford C/Bruco, full cab, enclosed walk-in rescue unit. Housed 9/21/68. Purchased by the township, equipped with large electric generator with high-intensity floodlights, it was refurbed and rechassied in 1983 with a 1982 Ford L.
Bruce W. Anderson
Historian Southeastern PA Region
Has anyone have been to Chaneysville, Pa fire station? I been up past it a long time ago when I use to be Scouts to go camping. It is up above Flintstone Maryland off of I-68 in Maryland.
You could get it from Beford, PA area as well. Never go tto see their apparatus but alwasy went by their station to get where we where going. Dan
Webmaster of [url=""][/url] Webmaster for Harney Vol. Fire Company [url=""][/url] Webmaster for [url=""][/url] in Emmitsburg, MD.
My dad and I have been there before to take pictures. They have 3 or 4 rigs. Whenever we were there they had a Ford C Engine and Tanker, but in 2002 they took delivery of a FL/E-One Tanker. Unknown if they have purchased anything since then.
[quote name='Shoop' post='82440' date='Mar 2 2007, 13:55 ']My dad and I have been there before to take pictures. They have 3 or 4 rigs. Whenever we were there they had a Ford C Engine and Tanker, but in 2002 they took delivery of a FL/E-One Tanker. Unknown if they have purchased anything since then.[/quote]
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=' ![]() 2004 roster: 1975 Ford C-900/Pierce 1000/1000 gas-powered w/straight pipes! Yow! 2003 FL M-2/E-1 500/2000 1951 Dodge PW 4X4/ FD built 250/200 2 ambos- 1 1970's Chevy 4x4 van, 1 1980's Chevy/ ? x- Bellefonte,PA. While they have a huge 1st -due, mutual-aid usually comes to them, from either Bedford or Fulton in PA., or Allegany Co.,MD. I have not heard of anything else joining the fleet. Warren Jenkins
Well lets see, the last time that I was there was over 3 years ago and the last time he was there was sometime in 2005.
I also spent some time in that bar room waiting for the driver to arrive. The multiple Rolling Rocks were cold.
Patrick Shoop Sr.
Lewistown, PA.
[quote name='tascman' post='10339' date='Jul 16 2006, 07:42 '][color="#999999"]Masontown, PA operated this Ford C rescue which I have no information on. Check out the red warning lights built in to the top, front corners of the rescue body. Never saw that before. Mattson Collection[/color] <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/usa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
![]() Scott: I know you posted this last July but I am so far behind I am only now getting through some of these fabulous rigs. ( I hope no one else has already answered this...) This is a John Bean Squad and Rescue Unit... I believe the lettering above the rear wheel well says "John Bean High Pressure Fog". Only a few of these were sold... but were offered during the early 1960s. I only remember seeing one and that was behind the factory for service once. I remember it being gray and from Pennsylvania I believe. It could be this very one. The claim for fame of these were they had the complete John Bean High Pressure Fog system... and a 300 gallon water tank. The hose reels were in the compartments behind the rear wheels. The general line brochure from 1965 says "High presure fog fire fighter specially designed for rescue. Ample storage capacity with spacious weatherproof compartments. Has a 300 gallon self-contained water supply." I don't know anything about the lights on the corners... but I do remember they were unique. That was a long time ago. Galen Watterson Tucson AZ
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/luxhello.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
[quote name='Galen911' post='82663' date='Mar 2 2007, 23:55 ']Definitely an FMC body and cabinetry but the control panel throws me off a little bit. Must have been a hybrid of somekind. Looks like it might have had hose reels at one time... which was standard in 1972.
Galen Tucson[/quote] Thanks Dave... I'm trying to rearange some of my priorities so I can participate more. Firepics has meant too much to me over the years since those early days when only about 3 of us were posting and then only a few times a month. Thank you for your welcome back. Galen
[quote name='Galen911' post='82663' date='Mar 3 2007, 01:55 ']Definitely an FMC body and cabinetry but the control panel throws me off a little bit. Must have been a hybrid of somekind. Looks like it might have had hose reels at one time... which was standard in 1972.
Galen Tucson[/quote] galen,i thought the same but look closely at pump steamer cap,that looks like darley cap,i could be wrong,maybe a fmc with a darley pump????
tom bretz a ffII,retired disabled ff/emt from Kingston PA F D,own 2 wardlafranceengs a 49,a66,member of iaff 840,six cnty fire asso,pa state firemen's assoc, pa pump primers,schuylkill historic fire soc(spaamfaa's newest chapter--black diamond),luzerne cnty fire/rescue,life mem of columbian fire co kingston,former app op at laflin,edwrdsvlle,forty fort all in pa
[quote name='wardengine' post='82752' date='Mar 3 2007, 08:59 ']galen,i thought the same but look closely at pump steamer cap,that looks like darley cap,i could be wrong,maybe a fmc with a darley pump????[/quote]
You could be very correct. My guess is that it started out as a pure-bred John Bean but sometime during it's lifetime was refurbed at a local shop. I think the hose reels were removed and the Darley pump installed. All the mounting bolts around the pump panel area have been added... and are definitely not original from Bean\FMC. A very interesting unit. Galen
[quote name='kieferfire' post='81467' date='Feb 27 2007, 05:04 ']Truck 58 from the Rose Fire Co. No. 1 in New Freedom was a International CO-8190 with bodywork from American LaFrance and 100' midmount ladder.
The second photo shows this ladder after a roof-addition and with a new color-scheme. Warren Gleitsmann photos is this rig originally from the hendrickson fire co of lewistown. i know they had one pretty similar before the merger into union or united fire co
tom bretz a ffII,retired disabled ff/emt from Kingston PA F D,own 2 wardlafranceengs a 49,a66,member of iaff 840,six cnty fire asso,pa state firemen's assoc, pa pump primers,schuylkill historic fire soc(spaamfaa's newest chapter--black diamond),luzerne cnty fire/rescue,life mem of columbian fire co kingston,former app op at laflin,edwrdsvlle,forty fort all in pa
Ward Engine,
Yes, the New Freedom IHC/ALF truck came from the Henderson Fire Co. of Lewistown, Pa. It was replaced with a Mack/Baker 75' from FDNY which was taken into the Merger of Henderson FC and Fame FC. The company is now known as United Fire & Rescue.
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/BananaMan.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
![]() 1994 foto by Warren Jenkins. |
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