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Are these getting refurbed or are they at the place that slices them up?

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
In line for scrap at Brookfields
Quote:Ex-Yonkers, NY


1995 Seagrave 100'
Quite sure that Seagrave Ladder could serve one more home before the end of the road Smile
Trey White
It is at the end of the road ! They go in and never come out .
Quote:It is at the end of the road ! They go in and never come out .
The ESU units look to be in decent shape.
Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department
Is that the YFD rearmount that was just on Ebay?

The only MARC in 46 ENGINE!

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 F.D.N.Y. 343

RIP FF John Bellew 27 Truck F.D.N.Y. 1-23-05

RIP Captain Frank Keane 46 Engine F.D.N.Y 12-11-06
I know the story behind these trucks, but it kind of boggles me as to why you wouldn't at the very least offer to sell things off of the trucks before scrapping- nameplates. I know the owners/employess don't care, but if the name of the game is money, and you can scrap a truck for example, for $2500, why not take a nameplate that takes 2 minutes to get off, turn and burn another $100.


As a general rule, would someone not want to pay what they're asking to save a truck from the scrapyard, or does Brookfields flat out refuse to sell them to someone else, even if they can make more money with that alternative?



Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Once Brookfield takes ownership that is it. It was mentioned previously that they were sued, and now to protect themselves no longer allow people to walk around their yards to look for parts, and also no longer sell trucks.  I was told it is a liability, and then even refused my effort at one point to have a lawyer draw  up a hold harmless clause on a truck I wanted to purchase years ago. Sucks, but it is what it is.  The ESU trucks were sold via, there was yeloow crayon marks on the doors indicating the website.
Back in 1985 I ran across this batch of FDNY Seagrave Rearmount Aerials at the Brandywine Junkyard in Maryland. I thought at the time that it would be a great opportunity for some volunteer departments in the area (or anywhere for that fact) a chance to get into truck 

operations for not a lot of money.


Boy was I wrong, none of these units made it back out of them gates as the ladders were cut up and used for building shelving so they 

could store the car and truck parts as they were getting "parted out".


DanEvans Photos

Unknown Crown at Huntington Beach CA

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Unknown Ford Patrol at American Heroes Airshow in LA.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
In front of a restaurant in Fallbrook CA.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Quote:Unknown Ford Patrol at American Heroes Airshow in LA.
X-San Bernardino County Brush Patrol 40 in Oak Hills 1992 Ford F-450 4X4/Unknown body 180 gpm/250 gwt/5 A s/n 2FDLF47G3NCA87166 shop number 5814 also served as Brush Patrol 18 in Havasu Landing. 
Atlantic Highlands Hose Company, NJ

"Former Engine 85-75"

1975 Mack CF685F12


Cha. # 1758


Now sitting in South Claiborne, TN


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

South Claiborne, TN

"Former Engine 44"

1982 Mack CF686F12


Cha. # 1477


Formerly served City of Tallmadge (OH I guess?)


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Was this original to Sweetwater, TN?  Also, I've seen someone post an in-service photo of this rig one time.  Can whoever that was re-post it please?  Thank you!!


Sweetwater, TN

"Former Engine 2"

1966 Mack C95F10


Cha. # 1532


Now sitting in South Claiborne, TN


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

North Claiborne, TN

"Former Engine"

1970's GMC/Sutphen

(front-mount pump had been remove)/1000


Now sitting behind North Claiborne, TN fire station


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Fourth District Fire Dept.

"Former Engine 1"

1958 Ford/American Fire Apparatus


S/N # 2153-6-58

"Sweet Martha"


Formerly served ???, IN


Found sitting at Harrogate, TN Fire Station #2


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Not really sure of the status of this truck, it appeared to be out of service though.


Bean Station, TN

"Engine 4"

1970 Mack CF685F12/1987 Ward 79 Ltd. refurb


Cha. # 1194


Formerly served Eastchester, NY as "Engine 30"


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6

Not really sure much about this truck.  Micah and I found it in Winston-Salem a few weeks ago.  It was inside a fenced in lot, so we were unable to get any specs.


1970's Mack CF/Panama Fire Apparatus refurb


Andrew Messer Photo



Andrew C. Messer

Haywood County, NC


Visit My Photo Website! WNC Fire Pics

Proverbs 3:5-6



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