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[quote name='TakeItIn' post='68058' date='Jan 15 2007, 23:18 ']actually i took it a few months ago.

rescue29, thanks for the info. i'll give it a shot.[/quote]

Anytime my friend.
here's a few pics. 23 truck in quaters running a spare, 17 truck in st. mary's park, 83 engine in quaters, 83/29 on the apron, 45 truck on a box.

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[center]Photo of Engine 65 at Rock Center.

[Image: IMG_0964.jpg][/center]
[quote name='Thomas Bendick' post='68346' date='Jan 17 2007, 12:25 '][center]Photo of Engine 65 at Rock Center.

[Image: IMG_0964.jpg][/center][/quote]

Great shot!
Could somebody expand on the problems that FDNY is having with their Seagraves, I was under the impression that they are some of the best you can get and seeing as how they are favored in big cities like DC, why they aren't performing well in NYC?


David "Frenchy" French

"If I wanted smoke blown up my ass, I'd be at home with a pack of cigarettes and a short length of hose"
I spy with my little eye a Federal Q on Ladder 29 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />
[quote name='Rescue29Engine23' post='68818' date='Jan 18 2007, 19:28 ']I spy with my little eye a Federal Q on Ladder 29 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />[/quote]

Many companies seamed to have had a "Q" added to their rigs after 9-11.
And i do NOT blame them in ANY way
I heard rumors that the guys take them off the rigs when they go to the shops or else it gets confiscated. Then the officer has to explain to a chief why they had it on the rig. Must be something about the warranty.
People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?
[quote name='JFong' post='68923' date='Jan 18 2007, 22:58 ']I heard rumors that the guys take them off the rigs when they go to the shops or else it gets confiscated. Then the officer has to explain to a chief why they had it on the rig. Must be something about the warranty.[/quote]

No. NYC has Federal Q sirens to be a violation of the City Noise Ordinance, due to the streets so tight between buildings the Qs scream and echo on and on.

But I'd put one on my engine or ladder any day.
Back when Von Essen was first in office he passed an Order with the COD that NO UNITS ADD ANYTHING to the electircal system. It voided the warrenty and was the cause for a lot of rigs catching fire or being out of service. The Captain would be hooked up with charges... With these photos and the sirens screaming through traffic... how could they be Missed???
Warranty is only good for 5 years. After that................................................................ hmmmmm
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='Frenchy' post='68718' date='Jan 18 2007, 14:07 ']Could somebody expand on the problems that FDNY is having with their Seagraves, I was under the impression that they are some of the best you can get and seeing as how they are favored in big cities like DC, why they aren't performing well in NYC?



FDNY has fewer problems with their apparatus than we think. Any department with several HUNDRED of the same brand of apparatus (nearly every pumper, all ladders, and all but one tower ladder have been Seagrave since 1992) are bound to experience even the rarest of problems with their apparatus. Of late, their have been various stories of conflict between the firefighters union and the city officials (of which I have no personal knowledge or details) that have led to some bad press. I have seen 3 year old pumpers at our shop (Seagrave dealer) that have been used so hard that the rubber covering on the exterior grabhandles has worn completely smooth from usage. I can tell you that FDNY was frustrated for a bit with how slow Seagrave was to physically deliver new units (nearly rectified since), and the FDNY warranty requirement (5 years, bumper bolts to tailboard) can become intense for one or two dealers to handle, as we have multiple other customers buying our product that we must service, too. Remember, too, that all of the vendor-supplied components (engine, trans, pump, axles, etc.) are not manufactured by Seagrave, so some warranty claims have nothing at all to do with Seagrave directly.

Lastly, although I can't divulge any pertient information until it is made official, the FDNY must not be that dissatisfied with Seagrave, as the recent bid for 69 pumpers was written around the Seagrave product. Plan on seeing more new FDNY Seagrave apparatus in the near future.
Saw in interesting site tonight at a private residence in Cromwell, Ct. i did NOT have a camera with me. the residence is that of an employee of Firematic.....the local Pierce dealer. in his driveway was a NEW Pierce ladder---an Arrow XT i believe. the rig was in FDNY livery and marked Ladder 62. sweet looking i said i did NOT have a camera with me.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)
[quote name='tntway' post='71794' date='Jan 28 2007, 21:29 ']Saw in interesting site tonight at a private residence in Cromwell, Ct. i did NOT have a camera with me. the residence is that of an employee of Firematic.....the local Pierce dealer. in his driveway was a NEW Pierce ladder---an Arrow XT i believe. the rig was in FDNY livery and marked Ladder 62. sweet looking i said i did NOT have a camera with me.[/quote]

Would that be the ladder co. from "RESCUE ME"? wasn't that truck somewhere close to nyc today along with the new r-1?
[quote name='ntfd88' post='71811' date='Jan 28 2007, 21:47 ']Would that be the ladder co. from "RESCUE ME"? wasn't that truck somewhere close to nyc today along with the new r-1?[/quote]

(Want To See FDNY Pierce R-1 And Rescue Me Ladder In Person?) found this in "Fire Service Related" post for the above posts about ladder 62 at residence.
I dont believe there IS a Ladder Company 62 in FDNY..
For Rescue ME there is. From season 1 till now, they have used a FDNY Aerialscope, FDNY Rear Mount. 2 E-1 Rear Mounts and the Pierce
People complaining about spam in the spam mail box... Huh, what'll they think of next?
Yea, that's right Jack thanks for reminding me of that, I missed much of the season.
FDNY Fire Marshall at Rockaway 6 alarm burn thru roof fire

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