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BCFDphotoman's travels here and there!
Sitting in front of the original fire house which housed hand or horse drawn pieces!

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Long time ago at Crownsville...

J.D. Floyd collection

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Quote:Long time ago at Crownsville...

J.D. Floyd collection
Its changed a little since then!!!  The guy in charge of it is trying to restore it a little at a time to its original look.
Cool, I see you finally got it.

Check out Md. Fire Apparatus @
Another one of the new Baltimore County ambos in service at Woodlawn:

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Got this one while it was on loan at Lutherville while their Squad was out of service:

Bonneauville Rescue Engine 19

1993 E\-One   1500/1000

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Springfield State Hospital in Sykesville:

1972 International/Oren

300/150   ex Henryton State Hospital

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Blackwater Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County:

Unit 314      1978 FMC/86 rehab          500/500/30

ex US Navy armored personel carrier

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Eastern Forest Fire in East Prospect-York County, PA:

Brush 71-2      1984 Dodge Ram/Reading

250/200    ex NJ Forestry Service

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Manchester   Brush 3:

1946 International         

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Newburg VFD Fire Boat 14:

2008  28' Metal Craft

1250 GPM

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Quote:Springfield State Hospital in Sykesville:

1972 International/Oren

300/150   ex Henryton State Hospital

Howard, I just want to confirm (or not) that the hospital no longer runs this truck.

Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA
I think it is still there, don't know if it still runs around the compound or not.

Quote:Howard, I just want to confirm (or not) that the hospital no longer runs this truck.

Mike Sanders
The Henryton/Springfield Hospital IH mini-pumper is actually owned by an ODHFS member and it has recently been advertised for sale:
Quote:Port Penn, DE new Rescue-Engine 29:

2014 Pierce Velocity

PUC 1500/1000


Quote:And their Marine Rescue Unit 29:

2008 International 7400/4 Guys

Where did you take these for photos Howard?  My pal Jknoll52 and I were down there a few weeks ago and had no idea where to take the apparatus for photos.. the lot behind the station looked way to small for photos!



Where did you take these for photos Howard?  My pal Jknoll52 and I were down there a few weeks ago and had no idea where to take the apparatus for photos.. the lot behind the station looked way to small for photos!
Along the right side driveway facing towards the rear lot.
Baltimore City's new Reserve Engine 63, ex Bowie Engine 392, 1990 Pierce Lance

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And their new Reserve Engine 66, ex Bowie Engine 192. Both are Fire Academy reserves.

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Baltimore City Truck 12:

2007 Pierce Dash

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Ocean City's new Engine-Tanker 5:

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