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Las Vegas Fire and Rescue Getting New Rescue Units
I just found out in the next week or so the City of Las Vegas Fire and Rescue are getting new Rescue Unit. It is posted on their Facebook page. The photo below is from their page


I really like the new graphics on the units.


[Image: 10710954_1007475302603243_86065568318821...2674efdf8c]

Good photo!



Looks sharp...although the skyline looks a bit cartoonish
Seth Granville
My Photos: 
Quote:Looks sharp...although the skyline looks a bit cartoonish

My thoughts exactly.  Perhaps they could have done the welcome sign in color and maybe some shadowing or outline on the buildings to make it less cartoonish.


Not sure it would work but who knows. 


I think this is a recent trend too.  Detroit's rescues and squad cars delivered two years ago are cartoonish to me at least.  The police department went away from them

on this years purchases and the fire department went to red rigs but kept the same graphics.  I suppose now that DFD firefighters will be 1st responders they want the

EMS rigs to match the fire trucks.


Where's the corny Web address.. I can't stand that.
Quote:Good photo!


Not my picture but your right it is a good picture.
Quote:Where's the corny Web address.. I can't stand that.
Quote:Looks sharp...although the skyline looks a bit cartoonish
I also agree Tac but hey I did not have a say in it. I really like the City Rigs but sometimes whoever does the graphics needs to have a reality check. By what can you say about a city that had the Lawyer to Mob as our Mayor and then had his wife elected as Mayor right after his term ended.
Ummmm nozzle. That would be in reference to the www.placeyourcitynamehere nonsense . It has a greater tendency to be found on vehicles with outrageous graphics. So I was making note of not being able to see it. It just irratates me to see Web sites on emergency vehicles. Something very cheesy about the whole thing.
Not feeling the skyline on the new ambulances either, but they didn't ask for my opinion when it was ordered... Wink


As for the website, we have our website on the rigs at my VFD in 2-3" letters.  We try to maintain a lot of connections to the community through social media and our website, so if it gets someone to check us out, we're good with that.

Taylor Goodman
Captain - Henrico County (VA) Division of Fire
Fire Chief - Huguenot VFD, Powhatan, VA
The way you get funding is by getting public support. The way you get public support is by educating the public on what you do, so they have a very good idea of how important the work is. Part of educating the public is using the internet. Every fire department should have their website visible on their apparatus -- it's a rolling billboard for your agency, and it's publicly visible very, very often
The City of Las Vegas Fire Department has a very good PIO that is out there and brings the department out in the open. Via Facebook, Twitter, etc..

I can understand the public education part. Although I wonder how many folks punch in a website because they saw it on a vehicle. I think part of my issue stems from the theory that it opens the Door for advertising, which in essence is what's being done . But the idea of wallmart or dunking donuts logos like city buses doesn't sit well with me. And if it already isn't going on then I'm sure it's been tossed around by some bean counter that thinks it's a smart way to stretch a buck during tough fiscal times.
Look at Prince Georges County's new trucks, they have those UCR bar codes or whatever they're called, departments are definitely reaching out on social media.

Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Quote:Look at Prince Georges County's new trucks, they have those UCR bar codes or whatever they're called, departments are definitely reaching out on social media.

Fairfax County FD is starting to do that UCR thing too. 
It's funny talking about how the graphics on the ambulance are over the top.  I agree, they are...but it's Vegas!  The more garish and wild the graphics are, they more they probably fit the city.   Big Grin

Quote:It's funny talking about how the graphics on the ambulance are over the top.  I agree, they are...but it's Vegas!  The more garish and wild the graphics are, they more they probably fit the city.   Big Grin
This is very true especially for the city of Las Vegas.


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