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chief's travels
Over kill....LOL

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that's your opinion...

Pimp My Ride!

Probably a reflection of their pride.

Quote:Over kill....LOL

That was the point. If you knew him, you would understand, those that didn't know him thought the exact same thing...what a waste of money. Chief Chuck Himsel was all about the flash which reflected the pride of the department. Not only was Chief Himsel a traditionalist but he was able to get things for free, or at least dirt cheap. He had a collection of old lights and sirens too. Half of the lights and sirens you see here were probably freebies he had worked out with the mfg., he would do all kinds of wheeling and dealing like that. Not only did he want overkill but he trained his guys to be awesome and they are awesome.


There was no one else like him, either you loved him or hated him.


RIP Chuck!
Jason Knecht
Fire Inspector
Township Fire Dept., Inc.
Eau Claire, WI
I only ment over kill as a joke, I knew all about his way of thinking. Didn't only one of the Q's work?...the others were show??   and hey......Ive taught my fellow FD need to be seen and heard!  It took my old dept from 1940 till 2007 to ge a Q on a new truck......but  I was aqainst it tough...were mostly rual.....The only one to hear it would be a

nice backpedaling, who did you "borrow" the pic from?

Quote:I only ment over kill as a joke, I knew all about his way of thinking. Didn't only one of the Q's work?...the others were show??   and hey......Ive taught my fellow FD need to be seen and heard!  It took my old dept from 1940 till 2007 to ge a Q on a new truck......but  I was aqainst it tough...were mostly rual.....The only one to hear it would be a

No, they all work.....loud as hell and sounds cool as hell.
Jason Knecht
Fire Inspector
Township Fire Dept., Inc.
Eau Claire, WI
I got the pic off of Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus, and I didnt backpedal...Ever since I saw a pic in Fire Apparatus Journal of one of the PB tankers I liked there color and all the bells and whistles, I chk there site time to time to see how the fleet looks, way better looking than any around my area in upstate NY...were plan jane over
Reply old Dept couldnt keep the chiefs cars the same...all 3 were diffrent colors,diffrent ligths, diffrent graphics....

I have to agree anything that will get the brothers and sisters to the call safely and without anybody getting hurt or killed is the way to go. The FDNY had a rescue or two with Train Horns on them.

In a way I agree but we all know how people are these days, they dont want to move over or stop.  I had to take on driver dutys for a few months because we didnt have enough drivers and the Capt. and Lt's that rode with me said I did a great job being  "I made great use of the airhorn"  I had guys who didnt want to use the siren at all cuz they didnt like the noise.......I told them they know where the door is......its a fire truck, its a safety thing. 

town of Beloit engine 26 and sun prairie ladder 2

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Galena engine 912

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old forreston engine 1 now privately owned

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Byron new pumper tanker storage compartment


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Byron new brush truck what a beast cant get this thing stuck in anything so far

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took in a house fire not far from my house last night so me and my oldest went flying down the street in the cold frosty car enjoy the pics not much of a fire but good enough to get that great smell in my nose

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fire breaking through the roof

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chief 107 taking command

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engine 3 primary

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