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E-One Steel Aerials
I guess I should have posted this under a new topic:


<a class="bbc_url" href="" title="External link">http://chicagoareafi...-aerial-ladder/</a>

Since 1982, E\-One has sworn up and down that aluminum was the ONLY material with which to build aerials.......

I guess money talks, trying to make some more money!! I remember certain salesmen telling me how bad steel was and it was going to rust from the inside out.

I've worked off plenty of both and I'll take a aluminum any day, especially on a tower.

No different than Pierce acknowledging the sales they were losing to aluminum purists and introducing their aluminum series...

Taylor Goodman
Captain - Henrico County (VA) Division of Fire
Fire Chief - Huguenot VFD, Powhatan, VA
Very true Taylor. Pierce reps walked around touting steel is the only way to go and aluminum aerials were crap for YEARS. That's a backwards way of thinking. If you build it, they will come....simple as that

<p class="bbc_center">Kevin White

Fireground Photographer
I know it may be a bit of a pie in the sky Cinderella philosophy but it sure would be nice if the folks that build products for the fire service would place the safety and ergonomic use at the forefront instead of the latest and greatest sales pitch . I know its a business and a big one at that , But what the user of said product does with the equipment should far supercede bullshit salespitches or how pretty it will look in the parade. apologies for the quasi rant.
Rants are allowed when you're not wrong.  And you're not.

Not a big fan of E\-One's cabs, but their jacking/outrigger system is pretty stellar.  And their steel aerial guy is Salmi I believe, who was an LTI guy, right?  He's pretty well regarded, and been around.



I'll bet it turns out to be a pretty nice stick. 

I figured E\-One would have a Steel Aerial device long before now, so it really didn't come as a surprise to me. E\-One position this new Steel Device to compete square against the Pierce 105HDL. 


As for one material against another.... I have sections cut from 4 different failed aerial devices. They are 2 different materials, by 4 different manufacturers...  the only common thing between them is the original device failed during testing from corrosion and / or work hardening of the material.
Mechanical engineers build weapons, whereas civil engineers build targets.

When the man at the door said," Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms", I, naturally assumed it was a delivery!
Sure does seem to be a direct avenue to stop losing bids in the "steel aerial - no exception" bids they've been losing forever to Pierce.  And it may work.  Say what you want about E\-One, but they are a modern industry pioneer, and now that Federal Signal doesn't have them castrated, they're thriving again.  And they've NEVER had an aerial they boast.  I'll say this....many departments in my region that were FIERCELY loyal to a certain manufacturer with recent aerial failures have all recently ordered new rigs from E\-One


Kent Parrish

Louisville, KY



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