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This & That from Here & There
Quote:How are the mini-s going to work? Are they paired with a Class A or run solo? What's the specs?
The mini-pumpers are a bit of an experiment from what I have been told.  They will operate as the first out engines at Stations 7 and 8.  Both houses have nearby engine companies,  Both currently run Class A engines and over 95% of their responses are to EMS calls.  Engine 7 is quartered with Medic 7, Engine 8 with Ladder 8, a 75' quint.  The concept is that the mini-pumpers will be better suited to EMS runs and adequate for the fire runs.  The mini-pumpers will be cheaper to replace than Class A pumpers.  Time will tell.  I didn't get the chance to get specs, but will when I shoot one of them in a week or two.
Engine 52, McDonough, GA

2015 Spartan MetroStar X/Fouts Brothers CMP-300


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Engine 7, Henry County, GA (1 of 2)

2015 Ferrara Cinder


#H-5804 (H-5803 is at E-1)

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I went to Chattanooga this morning to photograph the Pink Heals Tour trucks.  Our own Mark Carr was one of the drivers.  I was able to get shots of a couple of their rigs.  First up is the one Mark was driving, a former Jacksonville, NC quint.  It represents fundraising efforts for, an offshoot of Pink Heals.



1999 Spartan Gladiator/General Safety

1500/500/75' AI


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This was the first apparatus purchased by Pink Heals.  It was purchased new by Stockbridge, GA.  Their FD was absorbed, soon after, into the Henry County FD, where the former Engine 104 served as Engine 9 until 2000.  After several more years as a reserve and training rig, it was purchased by Pink Heals.



1989 Spartan/F.M.C. Sentinel



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The other pink rig I shot belongs to the Pink Heals Chapter located in Chattanooga, TN.  It was first operated by the Winfield F.P.D. in Illinois and later by Buckner, IL.



1968 Mack CF/1989 Pierce refurb



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I managed to get one more apparatus yesterday, in spite of the clouds.  Earlier in this thread, I posted all the photos I have taken over the years at the Tri-Community FD in Collegedale, TN.  This visit, my target was a recent addition from Rosenbauer.  It turns out that only part of this rig is new.


Back in 1976, Tri-Community purchased an International Fleetstar/Saulsbury 750/1200 bumper-pumper (Post 2403).  In 2006, a new body and 1000 gallon tank were placed on the International (Post 2423).  In 2013, that body and tank were transfered to a new chassis.


Engine 1243, Tri-Community FD, Collegedale, TN

2013 Rosenbauer Commander/2006 Rosenbauer (Central States) body



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After two weeks of being MIA, the sun decided to come out and play today.


TAK 7, Clayton County, GA

2015 Ford F-550/Pierce


#28640TR-01 (-02 is TAK 8)

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Air/Light 11, Clayton County, GA

2015 Freightliner M2/Pierce


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Decon 14, Clayton County, GA

2012 Freightliner M2/ACSI

Mass Decon Unit

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Engine 1, Forest Park, GA

2015 Rosenbauer Commander (Central States)



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Beginning this past Tuesday, I spent several days photographing apparatus with longtime friend Jon Umbdenstock in North Carolina.  I managed to grab a few shots on the way to his place.


Engine 52, Maysville, GA

2012 HME SFO/Ahrens Fox



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I also stopped in Commerce and got a better shot of Engine 1 and some shots of newer rigs since my last visit.


Engine 1, Commerce, GA

1994 Simon-Duplex/Quality



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Ladder 1, Commerce, GA

2002 Ferrara Inferno



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Tanker 1, Commerce, GA

2010 Kenworth T-300/Southern Fire


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This rig is owned by Jackson County, but operated by Commerce.


Rescue 1, Jackson County, GA

2007 Freightliner M2/Custom Works

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Mobile Air Supply 91, Rowan County Rescue Squad, Salisbury, NC

2006 Ford F-650/1995 Hackney

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Rescue 917, Rowan County Rescue Squad, Salisbury, NC

2005 Ford F-550/Anchor-Richey 4x4


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On Wednesday morning, our first few stops in Cary and Morrisville were unproductive for various reasons, but we managed to get two rigs in Apex.  We wasted a good bit of time because of a "defective" GPS listing in Holly Springs.  The station it sent us to is way out of town and was empty when we got there.  We spent another hour trying to locate the other two stations, without success.  We also struck out at Angier because they caught a major MVA call just as we arrived.  The remainder of the day, however, would be productive.


Ladder 3, Apex, NC

2004 E\-One Typhoon



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Engine 4, Apex, NC

2014 Spartan ERV



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