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Keystone State Relics
Latrobe PA Bruco Dodge

This rescue was purchased and repainted in Croden Crème by Monessen No. 1 in Westmoreland County.

Ed Saliba Jr.

1st Assistant Chief

City of New Kensington Bureau of Fire
I.S.O. Class 4 Department
this truck is from Relience hose co #2 of glassport pa now defunct fire company

Whats left of Green Ridge's 1954 Mack

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Where is this Mack at??



[color="#ff0000"][size="4"]Get In, Sit Down, Hold On and Shut Up[/size][/color]
Not sure. I have been looking for this Mack for 8 years. I was told that this might have been at Bob Theimer's back yard sometime in 2001. Which was in New York.

1937 Ward La France on a Diamond T Chassis. Serial Number 796. Delivered to Falls Township, Bucks County PA. After Searching for a photo of this rig for nearly 4 Decades, one was found. There is speculation that this rig is somewhere fully restored. Jon Burzichelli, the Ward La France Expert has been contacted and a response is promised soon. Looking for any info on this rig and hopefully a Factory Photo.



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Quote:Whats left of Green Ridge's 1954 Mack
Where is this?
That is in fact Bob Theimer's  sale back around 2000 in Bainbridge New York  as I was there. Most of the L model's that he had [ about 6 ] sold for 400.00 to 700.00  and everything sold. Many truck's mostly Mack's of all kind's road tractor's, fire , delivery box, tools, big Mack gold bulldog 6 feet high and trailer after trailer load of Mack part's.

Any idea of who or where it may have went to? Considering it was 15 yrs ago.

Sorry, but no.

Back in 2000, I photographed this Amertek 2500L at the PA State Convention parade in King of Prussia.  This one was assigned as Engine 2 of the 369th Engineer Detachment in Norristown.  Amertek built 362 of these rigs for the Army between 1987 and 1990.  Does anyone know what year this one is?

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In 1989 the 369 was at the bsa scout jamboree as part of the jamboree fire dept and the pumpers were due in any day they still had their old 530c pumpers
Quote:In 1989 the 369 was at the bsa scout jamboree as part of the jamboree fire dept and the pumpers were due in any day they still had their old 530c pumpers
Thanks!  I appreciate the help.
Falls Twp. 1984 Seagrave 100" Rear Admiral


Having served on the Truck Committee for this rig, and also operating off of her at many fires, it was attempted to bring her back to Fallsington from Summit Hill. Was sad to learn that she had been bought by a broker and shipped off to India.


Photo Credit: Rick Rudisill Pic/Mattson Collection

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I assume it was replaced by this fine piece (which is also being replaced):

[Image: 021%20Falls%20Township%20Ladder_zps8djbxgtf.jpg]
Yes, you are correct!
what's up?
Bensalem Twp PA Cornwells FC

Pierce Oshkosh Snorkel

Engine 3441 1988 Hahn from Brooklawn is still in service today. 3/4/2016


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