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Fire Fighters in RI being called "Terrorist"
Central Coventry FD ( RI ) fire fighters were called Terrorist because they display an American Flag on the trucks and hung off the back of the trucks as well. 


Fred Gralinski, Fire Dist. Chairman  likened the flags on the trucks to what you see from ISIS ( if you never saw the news... ISIS hangs  flags on there cars n trucks )   He says its Un American to him, feels its disrespectful to our country. 


I feel he's Un American!  And to call them terrorist is beyond stupid......These flags have been on trucks since 9/11.......we put them on to show our pride in our country, Our coming together as a country in one of our darkest days ever.......To Honor the 343!!!!!   


I myself have put a flag on one of the trucks in my station. It stayed on till the truck went to be refurbished, I took it off and hung it on my wall at home till a yr later on the anniversary 9/11 I hung it back on the truck for a month.  I still have that flag after almost 16 yrs....still mint.....and when I get a house of my own Im going to hang that flag out to remind me of where I live and the day I hung it out to show my support and honor all those who died that day.......If hanging that flag out means Im a terrorist them this country has gone to S%#&!. 



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Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and no one else wants to see it!


Fred is an idiot!  Someone should remind him that Firefighters have been hanging flags on apparatus long before ISIS existed.  By the way, ISIS doesn't fly the U.S. Flag.  That makes a big difference!  Firefighters do it for the same reasons you mentioned above, to honor those fallen or to show their Patriotism.  Fred has allowed his little position of authority go to his head.  Don't be like Fred!


The U.S. Flag flies every day at my house!.

ISIS also drives around in pickup trucks with guns. That's a way of life for a significant portion of our country. Does that make them terrorists too?
Quote:Central Coventry FD ( RI ) fire fighters were called Terrorist because they display an American Flag on the trucks and hung off the back of the trucks as well. 


Fred Gralinski, Fire Dist. Chairman  likened the flags on the trucks to what you see from ISIS ( if you never saw the news... ISIS hangs  flags on there cars n trucks )   He says its Un American to him, feels its disrespectful to our country. 


I feel he's Un American!  And to call them terrorist is beyond stupid......These flags have been on trucks since 9/11.......we put them on to show our pride in our country, Our coming together as a country in one of our darkest days ever.......To Honor the 343!!!!!   


I myself have put a flag on one of the trucks in my station. It stayed on till the truck went to be refurbished, I took it off and hung it on my wall at home till a yr later on the anniversary 9/11 I hung it back on the truck for a month.  I still have that flag after almost 16 yrs....still mint.....and when I get a house of my own Im going to hang that flag out to remind me of where I live and the day I hung it out to show my support and honor all those who died that day.......If hanging that flag out means Im a terrorist them this country has gone to S%#&!. 



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Your OWN Fire District Chairman called the Department he is chairman of "Terrorists"???
Yeah......His 2 sons are in the same dept. and they both side with him about it

Firefighters have been attaching American flags to apparatus long before 9/11 and after 9/11 it became even more important because it showed support for and pride in our country and our troops.

We always had the small ones attached to the side mirrors of our trucks going back into the '70s.

During WWII Hitler's Germany flew Nazi flags on flagpoles, we flew American flags on flagpoles. No one accused us of being Nazi's. This clowns logic is seriously flawed.

Air Force 1 has a decal of the American flag on its rear tail, does that mean the president is a terrorist? OK, that may be a can of worms better left unopened.


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