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Pacific Northwest
Also on the scene Ladder 5

1998 ALF/Becker 100' AI  #B42930

SFD #985329

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Engine 17 on the hydrant alongside Ladder 9

2006 2000 GPM E\-One #131293

SFD #65417

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Ladder 9 using a reserve ladder truck.

2006 Spartan Crimson 103' RM

SFD #65418

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Ladder 3 responded from the Central Area as the RIT truck

2013 Pierce Arrow XT #26045

SFD #31980

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SFD E28's new Enforcer on the scene yesterday of a single alarm grow-operation house fire located in Holly Park, Rainier Valley.

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SFD E33 a 2006 E\-One in staging


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RIT Engine

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First in Truck

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Ladder 11 and 7 yesterday at a West Seattle building fire along Delridge Way Soutwest

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Ladder 7 with AIR 9 yesterday at a West Seattle building fire along Delridge Way Southwest

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Second due engine.


Can't remember when we had a day without a drop of rain all day long.


Bob Lukas Photo

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Is Ladder 7 the only ladder in SFD fleet left that isn't a Pierce TDA?

Anyword on if Ladder 9 is going to be repaired or was it totaled?

Quote:Is Ladder 7 the only ladder in SFD fleet left that isn't a Pierce TDA?
The 2006 Spartan/Crimson TDA has been moved up from reserve status and reassigned as L9.  The only other non Pierce trucks in front line service are the two American LaFrance units, one TDA assigned to L5 and the other a rear mount assigned to L7.  The reserve fleet still has several rear mounts assigned.


In other ladder truck news, L5 will be temporally reassigned at station 39, while station 31 under goes another expansion as the front gets pushed out 12 feet so that it can accommodate a sixty foot TDA.
Quote:Anyword on if Ladder 9 is going to be repaired or was it totaled?
Ladder 9's tractor was recently detached from the tiller and towed back to Pierce for a rebuild, with an ETR of one year.  The tiller is being stored behind the quarters of  E28.  Engine 16's 2007 E\-One has been declared a total loss.
Thank you! Have they received the Pierce TDA unit that is under construction yet?

Quote:Thank you! Have they received the Pierce TDA unit that is under construction yet?
A far as I know, they have not.
Okay, I know they are going to all tillers, I wasn't sure how long it was going to take.

Here are the new 2017 Enforcers performing pump tests at station 14 last month.


Bob Lukas Photo

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Engine 40 has been assigned this 2017 Pierce Enforcer.


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