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04/30/21 Winnipeg MB water rescue
Quick water rescue, I arrived about 10 mins after dispatch. Winnipeg Station 4 arrived first on scene and was able to locate a man on/near the bank of the river about 200 ft downstream of the initial call (the call was originality called in near the start of a small peninsula). Engine 4 made the grab with support from Rescue 4, Rescue 5 arrived on scene and assisted with moving the patient up the steep bank to the street. Engine 13 arrived and promptly cleared when the income apparatus was canceled. The patient was transported to hospital cold (no light and sirens) and looked fine other than being wet. Crews were clear within 30 mins.

Units on scene: Engine 4, Rescue 4, District Chief 4, Rescue 5, Engine 13, Paramedic Unit 43.
Units canceled: Safety 5, Water Rescue 3, Water Rescue 23, Medical supervisor 75

Winnipeg Engine 4 on scene, notice that the door is still open.

Rescue 5

Engine 4 packing up their gear.

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