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Montgomery County MD
A late 50's Ward LaFrance which was BVFD's "big" engine for a few years. Anyone got specs?

Photo from J. Floyd collection

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An old Willys Jeep brush unit from Burtonsville VFD. Specs or more info welcome.

Photo from J. Floyd collection

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In the early 1990's, Burtonsville decided to start a truck co. This 69 Pirsch 100' was surplus from Bethesda FD, so the BVFD members put it in service, keeping the Bethesda paint job with just a few Burtonsville signs.

Warren Jenkins photo

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Eventually, the venerable old Pirschie was repainted into the "new" BVFD colors, and became a familiar piece during the several years it ran at Burtonsville.

John Floyd photo, Jenkins collection

Before and after photos of the 72 Hahn can be found in the Hahn thread on pg. 26.

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The next 3 apparatus from Laytonsville Dist. VFD all met a sad end - they were all lost in the 3-alarm fire that destroyed LDVFD's original firehouse and all equipment on 2/4/65.

This is a 1941 Diamond T/Oren 500 GPM; is this an x-Gaithersburg rig?

Bob Kimball photo, Jenkins collection

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1947 Autocar chassis tanker

Bob Kimball photo, Jenkins collection

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Also lost was this 1960 IH pickup/American 500 GPM brush truck. LDVFD also lost a 1958 Ford F-750/ALF 500 GPM engine, and a 1964 IH travelall ambo.

Bob Kimball photo, Jenkins collection

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[quote name='Dr. Stinebaugh' post='140036' date='Aug 13 2007, 18:04 ']Eventually, the venerable old Pirschie was repainted into the "new" BVFD colors, and became a familiar piece during the several years it ran at Burtonsville.

John Floyd photo, Jenkins collection

Before and after photos of the 72 Hahn can be found in the Hahn thread on pg. 26.[/quote]

"OH NO, you better call MAHCO" <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' /> That's a ture story.
A large part of my collection was purchased from a GOOD man, John Floyd. I give him FULL credit on his work, although I may miss something. Thanks John. Also Scott Mattson, Warren Jenkins, Michael Schwartzberg, and Mike Sanders. Thanks Guys.

Ok Doc, you did it to me again. Here's some tid bits that may help ya 'all sleep better at night.

On Hillendale, the ALF open cab 900s post #145 & #146 I have them with two one a '62 the other a '65. The latter I have last as E122 in the early 80s. The other I believe last ran as E242. On the Seagrave TDA post #147, I never saw it (or the engine for that matter) in all red livery. While I have nothing to verify the truck ran as T-12 I certainly do not dismiss the possibility either. My only question is could it fit in 12's house back then?

Burtonsville old E93 in post #166 my records have as a '56 WLF 750/??? that was sold in 1971.

As for 154, the Willys in post #167 I have them with a '71 Willys 10/60 that was B156. Not sure if this is one in the same.

On the Laytonsville Diamond-T, I have that as coming from G-burg in late 1959. Gaithersburg I am pretty sure had two as one of these old E2 now sits restored in their museum that was old Station 8 on E Diamond Ave. Also see the MoCo 1973 Yearbook photo on bottom right of page 67.

Some might be questioning the occasionally seen different numbers like E93 from Burtonsville. Back before central dispatching came to the county in 1962, there were up-cpounty and finally a single down-county call-board. The latter began at old Station 1 and later moved to old Station 16 i.e. Silver Spring Sta 2 on the west end of the University Blvd divide in Four Corners (last I saw it was a Papa Johns Pizza joint previoulsy a transmission shop). There was then a different and slightly unusual numbering system that I am assuming sort of evolved. Most of the depts had a single designated number while Silver Spring and Takoma shared the "1" prefix while Burtonsville and Hillandale shared the "9". The second digit was sequential with the aerials usually but not always getting the "5" or "9" like Ladder 15 for Spring, Ladder 19 for Takoma, Ladder 29 for Kensington but Ladder 73 for Bethesda. I am not sure about the Up-County but have seen some photos of Upper Montgomery engines lettered up E61, E62 etc. The old Down-County numbers went like this.

Co 1 Silver Spring (11-15)

" " " Takoma Park (16-19)

Co 2 Kensington

Co 3 Rockville (may have been on the Up-County board as well)

Co 4 Cabin John

Co 5 Glen Echo

Co 6 Chevy Chase

Co 7 Bethesda

Co 8 Sandy Spring

Co 9 Burtonsville (91-94)

" " " Hillendale (95-99)

Please someone more knowledgable than I feel free to add to this. Doc, keep up the posts, this is great stuff! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/popcorn.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Popcorn' />

Rusty ol' Ed Freen
Ah...that answers some questions I've had for a few years...

Unknown photographer...from the GEFD archives

The following are photos I rescued from the Glen Echo archives about 7 or 8 years ago. While I do not have any photographer information, I believe them to be either taken by members or factory photos.

First up is a 1927? American Lafrance - built for Secaucus NY, rejected (as is my understanding), and bought by the Bethesda Fire Dept. This engine was bought by Glen Echo and delivered on Nov. 30, 1930. This was the first piece for the department.

Here she is in front of the original fire house on Vassar Circle in the Town of Glen Echo. A note on the back of the previous photo states "Leaping Leena" if memory serves...

Next up is a 1937? Diamond-T. This unit was originally delivered in red and later repainted white to match the new "clean and professional" look of GEFD.

Besides being the last red piece of apparatus purchased by Glen Echo (until 1994), the Diamond-T was the only non-ALF engine from 1930 until 1986.

Here is a neat piece...a 194? ALF 500 series. I love the bell behind the grill.

Here is the other side...

Here is the 1st ambulance for Glen Echo...I don't have any further information. I really wish I had written this stuff down when I researched the apparatus history!

Here's the Diamond-T (in its original red), the 500 LaFrance, and the ambulance in front of the original fire house.


That's all for now...I'll post some more later.
These old photos are great.

Here is a Diamond T front-mount pumper.

Photos from Burtonsville web site.

I believe it to be a 1932 and I also believe they got it from Glen Burnie VFD (Anne Arundel County) in 1947.

At least that's my theory.

Can anyone verify that?



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<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Thumbsup' /> Nice oldies from Glen Echo!

Rusty Ed, I'm glad I had the sense back in 95 to say yes when Bob Washburn wrote me and offered that collection of 50 color and B&W negatives. I must say that the Hillendale photos had info direct from the data sheet he sent me with the negs. He only apparently was around Montco for about 4 years, so we have benefited from his work ! Yes, I peruse my copy of the Montco 73 yearbook quite frequently,and marvel at what things looked like then... BTW, PM me if you have/know of a reasonably-priced copy of the newest Montco yearbook.

I wonder sometimes who got Bob Washburn's PG County collection that I turned down! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/banghead.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Banghead' />

This a Washburn photo of a 1965? Oldsmobile ambo from Wheaton Rescue Squad, taken on 7/4/65.

Jenkins collection

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This was Wheaton Rescue's 1960 Ford C/American LaFrance (Herman Body).

7/4/65 photo by Robert Washburn, Jenkins collection

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