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Massachusetts Fire Apparatus
Danvers HQ units at the ready.

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<p class="bbc_center">Kevin White

Fireground Photographer
And I shot this former Essex County spare truck out behind Danvers Station 2 yesterday. It also served a few communities back in its day...of which others on here would know more than I do.

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<p class="bbc_center">Kevin White

Fireground Photographer
Belmont brush rig?

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Belmont Special Operations Tactical Rescue trailer

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Belmont Rescue 2

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[quote name='MiltonBradley' post='149913' date='Sep 20 2007, 18:21 ']I did a fast search on Medford Ladder 3 and found [url=""]photos of this truck[/url] thou im not 100% sure if it is Medford Mass ladder 3, any ideas/comments.[/quote]

That would be her. I guess she finally finished making the rounds as the Metrofire spare.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

[quote name='KDWMAEMT' post='149957' date='Sep 20 2007, 21:50 ']And I shot this former Essex County spare truck out behind Danvers Station 2 yesterday. It also served a few communities back in its day...of which others on here would know more than I do.[/quote]

I know Salem ran it while their '83 Maxim was being refurbed the first time. Peabody ran it, as well as Lynnfield for a time prior to them putting the scope in service they have now.

Any other additions are welcome.
[quote name='massfirebuff' post='150009' date='Sep 21 2007, 07:04 ']I know Salem ran it while their '83 Maxim was being refurbed the first time. Peabody ran it, as well as Lynnfield for a time prior to them putting the scope in service they have now.

Any other additions are welcome.[/quote]

WHEN IS SOME Department going to Rehab that Seagrave ! MAN, it has been in the same spot for about 4 years ! I remember doing a story about the truck being shipped south of the border. what ever happened ?
J Daly


Saugus FAO#3

CityWide Car142

June 24tth "Old School Scans" inside of On The Job - Salem- Lynn-Boston-airplane-helo's

Web Site

[quote name='massfirebuff' post='149925' date='Sep 20 2007, 19:12 ']Thanks for all the info! I was surprised to see this rig considering the workout Peabody's rigs get and the length of time this was in service...I figured it was scrapped looong ago.

Looks like it will clean up nicely!

Oddly enough when I spotted this rig sitting out back, I was on my way to Borders on 114 to pick of the "Peabody Firefighting" book, in which this very rig is pictured. Great book by the way, learned lots of neat little tidbits, and saw some great photos too.[/quote]

HOW IS the Book ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
J Daly


Saugus FAO#3

CityWide Car142

June 24tth "Old School Scans" inside of On The Job - Salem- Lynn-Boston-airplane-helo's

Web Site

Quote:WHEN IS SOME Department going to Rehab that Seagrave ! MAN, it has been in the same spot for about 4 years ! I remember doing a story about the truck being shipped south of the border. what ever happened ?

The latest I heard was about a year ago, just before departing DFD for CFD. It was slated to head to a fire musuem in Australia via C-130 a few years ago. However, with most military equipment being used in the middle east, those plans were on hold.

Most departments in Essex County have used it at some point - it is the Essex county spare. It started as a Boston ladder originally, possibly saw service in Cambridge before coming to Essex County. It was moved out of the station over 2 years ago so the station could be used for a Seabrook drill and upon moving it, everything started leaking, steering went and brakes went. It has sat ever since becoming a home to about 3000 bees.

Quote:Went to Danvers today to shoot their apparatus. What a perfect day for picture taking. Thanks to Bob A. who is a member here for meeting up with me and pulling the apparatus out for shots. Thanks!!!!!

Bob's finally a whacker....I love it....
[quote name='efin98' post='149936' date='Sep 20 2007, 19:30 ']I didn't really mean if they could use the spare ladder I actually was asking about the size issue and the spares...[/quote]

Chelsea Ladder 3 will not fit in Everett's Ladder 2 bay.
[quote name='rogerbaker' post='149921' date='Sep 20 2007, 18:54 ']Thanks for posting my newest vehicle. It has been converted into a mobile canteen and is equipped with the famous "DR device"--a custom 5 burner BBQ Gill built on a Ferno ambulance stretcher. also on board is a hot dog steamer, coffee maker, microwave, freezer chest (loaded with burgers/dogs and Ice), tables, benches, food service equipment and all the fixings, a permanently mounted Diesel generator and a MASH style commissary tent and even more...!!! As you said I have assigned this unit number EM50. (Emergency Meals)[/quote]

How many rigs do you have in service with this newsest addition? Where are the rigs stored if someone wnated to get pics?
[quote name='creofire' post='150035' date='Sep 21 2007, 11:46 ']How many rigs do you have in service with this newsest addition? Where are the rigs stored if someone wnated to get pics?[/quote]

Rehab Five has 5 units at this time. They are quartered all over. Call me on my cell to arrange a photo shoot. 978 833 0143

or nextel 180*66011*1

Unit EM50 is located Parked in a secure lot at the Danvers State Police Barracks. (Please do not photo in this lot without me as escourt)

Unit Squad 51 is located at my home at 4 honey lane Peabody

Unit Bus 52 is located under a huge tent in the rear of the Peabody DPW garage on Farm Ave

Unit Support 53 is located at the Atlantic Ambulance Base in Peabody. (anyone that is not an Atlantic employee that wishes to photo this truck should call me so that i can meet you there.

Unit 57 the "party van" and non emergency vehicle is located at my house\

hope this is useful!
Roger Baker

Peabody, MA

Rehab Five

Serving Massachusetts Fire District 5
[quote name='massfirebuff' post='149925' date='Sep 20 2007, 19:12 ']Thanks for all the info! I was surprised to see this rig considering the workout Peabody's rigs get and the length of time this was in service...I figured it was scrapped looong ago.

Looks like it will clean up nicely!

Oddly enough when I spotted this rig sitting out back, I was on my way to Borders on 114 to pick of the "Peabody Firefighting" book, in which this very rig is pictured. Great book by the way, learned lots of neat little tidbits, and saw some great photos too.[/quote]

[quote name='chelsea1979' post='150020' date='Sep 21 2007, 08:53 ']Chelsea Ladder 3 will not fit in Everett's Ladder 2 bay.[/quote]

Thank you sir.
Massachusetts Forest Fire Control Chief Fire Warden

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[quote name='efin98' post='150113' date='Sep 21 2007, 19:33 ']Massachusetts Forest Fire Control Chief Fire Warden[/quote]

Man, I still can't get over how butt ugly the front of these new Ford F-Series are!
[quote name='massfirebuff' post='150114' date='Sep 21 2007, 19:50 ']Man, I still can't get over how butt ugly the front of these new Ford F-Series are![/quote]

AGREE!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/machinegun.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Machinegun' />
For those interested has a photo of the New Malden Engine 2 posted...and I must say it is looking sweet.
Sad looking Maxim out behind Fairhaven HQ.. former New Bedford



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