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[quote name='cpage' post='167716' date='Nov 30 2007, 12:48 ']Sorry I have to say this but I have a soft spot for the Continental Compac's I loved them when Yonkers had them it was like a Toyota of fire engines. I would love to get one and restore it. But none are left.[/quote]

-Chris, None are left cause they were $hit ! Most din't last the 10-year cycle on front line.................
What did Saddle Brook do with theirs? That had to be the one of, if not the last Compac still in service.
Found another pic of Haz-Mat 1 without lettering on Flickr

Credits to ghackettny for the photo

[Image: 2041202809_0bd6db254b_b.jpg]
buy the Compac thats on ebay right now. its from Kiryas Joel.
[quote name='' post='167845' date='Nov 30 2007, 22:30 ']buy the Compac thats on ebay right now. its from Kiryas Joel.[/quote]

Such a deal.. Oy!
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='cpage' post='167716' date='Nov 30 2007, 12:48 ']Sorry I have to say this but I have a soft spot for the Continental Compac's I loved them when Yonkers had them it was like a Toyota of fire engines. I would love to get one and restore it. But none are left.[/quote]

THere is a compac for sale on ebay now

Engine 8 in Quarters

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Ladder 8 on the street

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The other view of L8

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Division 1 in Manhattan

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Engine 3 in Quarters in Chelsea

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Engine 10 outside Quarters at Ground Zero

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eng 508 at the kingsbridge armory,it had a line strecthed but not charged at first i thought it was a drill site but there were are other fd units so i fiqure its either involved in some kind of a movie since there were alot of production trucks around the armory.

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Went over to the FDNY Training Academy for a meeting with some of the bosses in Haz Mat yesterday. Some of our guys had never been there so I guess when one of the Captains saw them drooling he decided to give a tour. First unit is one of two new mobile decon units under going tests before they are placed in service.

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Inside view of the showers. Unlike other units where the person has to walk thru from rinse, to soap, to final rinse, this system is programmed to have the person stand in one location and the shower changes the settings automatically.

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Another view, this time from the entrance in the back. Contaminated clothes go into the chute on the right

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Another view

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Another decon unit

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Mack Granite used to carry specialized pods (Dumpsters)

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Decon Pod

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