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Tour of New Jersey
Wall Fire Company #1

West Belmar section of Wall Township

Monmouth County

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Highlands Fire Department

Monmouth County

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Brielle Fire Company

Monmouth County

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Formerly operated by the Rumson Fire Department, now privately owned

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Eagle Hook and Company

Ocean Grove

Neptune Township

Monmouth County

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Manasquan Fire Company #1

Monmouth County

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Manasquan Fire Company #2

Monmouth County

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Spring Lake

Monmouth County

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Bay Head Fire Company

Ocean County

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Lakewood Fire Department

Ocean County

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East Brunswick

Middlesex County

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Monmouth County

One of the smallest municipalities in NJ. It's one quarter of a square mile. This is one of two engines they operate in addtion to a ladder and a small rescue. Allenhurst ranked 131 in Forbes Magazine's list of the most expensive ZIP codes in the United States.

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North Centerville Fire Company


Monmouth County

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Fair Haven

Monmouth County

Another exclusive town on the Jersey Shore. The median income for a household in the borough was $97,220, and the median income for a family was $109,760. This 1954 ALF Quad is still in front line service. They have a new engine on order but will contnue to maintain this engine.

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Another view

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Another view

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Avon (or Avon by the Sea, pronounced Av-on)

Monmouth County

The home of the third largest percentage of those with Irish ancestory in the US. Avon is located just north of Belmar, just north of the Shark River. Oddly enough none of their apparatus were in the parade. I caught their ladder outside the firehouse on the way home. It'a 2005 Seagrave, 100ft ladder.

That's all for now

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[quote name='NJMedic' post='193889' date='Mar 3 2008, 20:31 ']Eagle Hook and Company

Ocean Grove

Neptune Township

Monmouth County[/quote]

It amazes me to see pics of parades with people all over the apparatus, when we the fire fighters can't ride the rear step anymore evening when responding to a fire. In my neck of the woods, parades require all personel to be in approved rideing posistions and belted. It scares me to see these pics with family, friends, and kids hanging on whereever they can in a parade. Just my thoughts, Gordon
[quote name='NJMedic' date='Mar 3 2008, 20:51 ' post='193899']


Monmouth County

One of the smallest municipalities in NJ. It's one quarter of a square mile.

Sadly, this might one of the many small towns of New Jersey that our governor and certain legislators are targeting to forcibly merge with other municipalities by cutting off or greatly reducing state aid.
Rich Dean, Butler, New Jersey, USA

Member of Kinney Hose Co. 1, Butler Fire Dept. since 1973, Fire Police Officer since 2000

Dispatcher at Butler Police Communications from March 1975 to July 2009

Secretary of North Jersey Volunteer Firemen's Association since 1980

Member of Tri-Boro First Aid Squad (volunteer ems) since 2000 as a driver

Member of many Yahoogroups, owner of some such as:

[post="0"]FirematicEvents Yahoogroup[/post]the place to for listing and discussion of any event by a public safety organization.

[post="0"]RailfanEvents Yahoogroup[/post]

[post="0"]Railpics Yahoogroup[/post]


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