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Keystone State Relics
[quote name='' date='27 January 2010 - 09:49 PM' timestamp='1264645796' post='360827']

and today...


Where did you find it rusting away? A sad end for the old "Dinasaur I"
[quote name='Mack CF' date='28 January 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1264728757' post='360997']

Where did you find it rusting away? A sad end for the old "Dinasaur I"


WOW. That would be a beauty to restore.. (If I knew how....) But lots of $$$$$ either way.

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
it is privately owned in NY State.

Info on all of the Penndel rigs from Al Powell’s files. They have a monster Rosenbaurer rescue-engine on order to replace their 1994 Pierce Lance which is going to Birdsboro (Berks County, PA). Got amymore classic’s from my area ?


1969 Chevrolet C-60/Volz,, custom utility co.type open rescue body, high body sides with center rear

entry walkway in body, dedic 9-19-70, 5 speed man trans, gas motor, company bought chassis new and had custom body built, 16 ft body by Volz Truck Equipt-Abington,PA, 12 outside and 7 inside comparts, 12 KW Onan diesel generator (new 1990), 8 bottle 3500 PSI cascade system, in 1972 went to Pottstown-Scranton-Wilkes-Barre,PA areas to assist in flood relief, in

1995 offered for sale-asked $10,000-body badly rusted-sold to construction northern NJ

1974 Hahn 84, canopy cab, 1000/500, model HCP-10, delvd 3-7-

74, 6-71 Detroit diesel, manual trans., when delvd had

3½ inch supply line-largest hose used in area, replaced 1959 Maxim Eng.83, in 1993 sold to dealer in AL

1975 Maxim S-series, Yankee model,, 100 ft midmount steel aerial ladder, low side body comparts,

Detroit 8V71, 5-spd man trans, carried 40-35-28-20-16-10 ft ground ladders, purchased by Middletown Twp.and

turned over to Skyline Fire District, in 6-98 PAFM pg 200 offered for sale by Middletown Twp., in 1994

firefighters no longer permitted to ride main ladder to fires, in 1998 purchased at auction by Sam Simon-

proprietor of Simon’s Garage-Penndel for $1700, offered for sale at First Frost Firematic Marketplace-

Allentown 11-8-98, participated in Gibson Rd Muster-Trevose,PA 9-26-99, on 6-16-07 appeared at Macungie

antique truck show-owned by Fran Mitchell-Berlin,NJ,$98,000, took 2 months to build, ladder ordered by fire

co.was canopy cab model-after ordered Maxim Motors purchased by North ?-order was cancelled as priced too

low-this unit was demo and was bought by fire co., 2 Federal Strata Ray lights on bumper, Mars light on top of

radiator cover

1983 Ford C-800/Pierce, canopy tilt-COE, 1000/500, Suburban model, high comparts both sides, replaced remaining

1959 Maxim Eng.82, Yamaha 1200 generator, 150 ft 1¾ in.preconnected line in front bumper, booster reel in

open compartment at rear, well traveled-appeared at parades throughout the state-won over 45 awards for

best appearing, equipped and functional, 153 in.WB, 8.2 L Detroit diesel, auto trans, Waterous pump, 6 KW

Onan diesel generator, aluminum body, 1200 ft 5 in.LDH, in 7-04 PAFM pg 196 offered for sale-asked

$50,000 OBO, in 1990 in service at vacant Greenwood Dairies Restaurant fire at E.Lincoln Hwy and I-95-

poured water on fire for 2 days, in 6-05 still there-difficult to sell, in 2-06 PAFM pg 202 offered for sale,

in 3-06 loaned to Upper Makefield (Bucks Co.),PA when their 1995 Pierce rescue sent out for repairs-returned 5-

06, in early 2007 sold to Sam Simon,Sr-company member
Bruce W. Anderson


Southeastern PA Region
Allentown 80 Mack CF unknown photographer
Allentown Bomb Squad Mack L
Allentown 55 Mack B (unknown photographer)
Another Allentown Mack B, may be the same rig. Unknown photographer
Ambler, PA Montgomery County 53 Mack L
Bellefonte PA 75 Mack CF xFDNY
Bellefonte PA 75 Mack CF xFDNY
Quote:Bellefonte PA 75 Mack CF xFDNY

As I recall, this was FDNY TL-33. After Undine, it was refurbed by Northern with an ALF Century cab and served Frankfort Center, NY.
[quote name='GA_Dave' date='31 January 2010 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1264949921' post='361365']

As I recall, this was FDNY TL-33. After Undine, it was refurbed by Northern with an ALF Century cab and served Frankfort Center, NY.


Still in service in Frankfort Center and planned to be refurbed again soon.
John Kenealy

[url=""] Over 5200 photos of apparatus from over 1000 New York State Departments![/url]

[Image: IMAG0400.jpg] New York
[quote name='CNYFireTrucks' date='31 January 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1264950871' post='361366']

Still in service in Frankfort Center and planned to be refurbed again soon.


What are they going to refurb on the truck ?
correct. it is a 1973 CF/Baker that was L33. Bellefonte traded it in to Northern in 1995 when they bought another Ex-FDNY 75' tower, this one a 1979 also Ex-L33. Bellefonte had Northern install a second rear axle on the new truck. I just noticed an error on my caption of Frankfort Center's rig.

The story I was told was that the cab is one of several spares that Philadelphia bought with their order of 1979's. Northern bought them in 1994 and this is one of them. it is definitely not Ex-FDNY

[quote name='GA_Dave' date='31 January 2010 - 10:18 AM' timestamp='1264949921' post='361365']

As I recall, this was FDNY TL-33. After Undine, it was refurbed by Northern with an ALF Century cab and served Frankfort Center, NY.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
from what I herd Bellefont pa is looking to Purchase Middletown Pa's 1989 Mack cf chassis and Re mount there 75ft scope on it. Pics of the truck at Co 88's web site.

When I talked to the chief of Undine's the other day, they were planning on flying to Seagrave to look at it. I haven't talked to him since, when I get a chance I'll ask what is happening.
Talked with the Chief of Undine's this evening. There Proposal is in to Middletown. If they accept, the remount will be occurring in the future.
Oldie but a goodie!

Felton fire co Chester PA (Highland Ave exit I-95)

Seagrave Chemical
Felton FC Chester PA Horse Powered wagon


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