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Mark Carr Photos
Ok, so next we moved on to Gatlinburg, TN where, for the most part, with one exception, had great cooperation from the guys. First up is this 1974 Chevrolet C65/? 500-0 rig as Support 4, Ex-New Egypt, NJ. Andrew and I couldn't figure out the body builder but the guys there were sure it was built specifically for its current use. To us though, it looked like it had been built as a pumper and then converted by Gatlinburg for its current use.

Mark Carr photo

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Engine 6 is this 1987 Ford L9000/Grumman 1500/750 pumper.

Mark Carr photo

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Unfortunately, another dark, cloudy shot. This one is Gatlinburg's 1989 Ford L9000/FMC 400/1500 as Tanker 3 #7372.

Mark Carr photo

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[quote name='unMARKedCARR' post='245665' date='Sep 9 2008, 17:16 ']Next up is this classic, a 1968 American LaFrance 900 1000/500 Pumper as Engine 72 #16.1.985, Ex-Sevierville, TN.

I kinda liked the beacon on the roof so I got a close-up of it too.

Mark Carr photo[/quote]

Ahhhh,the old "Over-the-Hill" Beacon...Lamp was tilted to sweep the tops of hills while ascending such..
We shot a couple of nice looking generic orange and white "boxes" in Gatlinburg too but I won't bore you with those unless'ins you want 'em. We mosied on to the downtown station in Gatlinburg where we were met with a good attitude by the boss (he told the firefighter to help us out with what we wanted, then left) but a complete lack of enthusiasm by a Firefighter/Paramedic A. Quillims (or something like that). First he told us that he couldn't move the ambulance because he couldn't park it in front of a fire truck. Guess he didn't see the other ambulance sitting outside directly in front of the ladder truck. Then he said that there was a fuel shortage and the department didn't want them running the rigs except for emergencies so he couldn't move anything out for us. Me, being one not to give in too easily, told him I'd heard that story before but that we'd just come from the other station where they'd just pulled everything we wanted out and posed it nicely for us. So, he gave in and pulled one truck, the engine, out. I really wanted the ladder but that was the one that the ambulance was parked in front of and he wouldn't think of going out of his way to move it. So, enough of my sob story, thank you to everyone else at Gatlinburg for your help to a couple of visiting brothers.

The engine is a 1999 Pierce Saber 1250/1000 Pumper as Engine 1 #10517.

Mark Carr photo

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OK, so how about a teaser from the west coast. Several FirePicsers have invaded the Los Angeles area for a few days. Here's the first of many to come. Engine 171 from LA County is a 2006 KME 1500/500 pumper with GSO#6271.

Mark Carr photo

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[quote name='unMARKedCARR' post='246274' date='Sep 11 2008, 22:33 ']OK, so how about a teaser from the west coast. Several FirePicsers have invaded the Los Angeles area for a few days. Here's the first of many to come. Engine 171 from LA County is a 2006 KME 1500/500 pumper with GSO#6271.

Mark Carr photo[/quote]

Great shot Mark. FL Ron has started a Southern Calif. thread for the trip. In order to make it easier for all of us stuck at home to see all of the wonderful riggs- how about all of you posting to that one thread so we don't miss anything.


Mark Bindman

Montreal, Canada
[quote name='unMARKedCARR' post='245372' date='Sep 8 2008, 20:47 ']Next was this rig. I'm not quite sure what it is as the doors were all locked on the truck. The only information I could gleen was that it is a 1993 International Step Van and is Ex-Kedwey and Ex-Keowee.

Mark Carr photo[/quote]

This belonged to Keowee-key fire dept. in Oconee county. They are 1st due at the Oconee Nuclear or if you prefer NUCULAR station. It was their former service truck. They have a New (used) rescure from Up North somewhere. I will post some pics when I get off duty tonite.
[quote name='GA_Dave' post='245594' date='Sep 9 2008, 14:05 ']The paint job is only a few years old. When we shot it at Pumpkintown, it wasn't lettered yet. The pump is a 750 GPM, as Tommy said. We were told the tank hold 680 gallons. No idea if that's the original tank. Jon U. might have a shot of it when it was at Liberty and might know about the tank size then.[/quote]


I have the ex-Liberty Pirsch as a 1968 with a 1000 gallon tank.

Jon Umbdenstock
Today, while driving through the big city of Culberson, NC, I noticed a landing zone had been set up by the Culberson Fire Dept. I swung in and chatted with the chief and was able to shoot some pictures of the helicopter, a 1990 Eurocopter BK-117, tail #N117J, from Mountain Area Medical Airlift (MAMA). The helicopter, designated MAMA-2 is stationed at Franklin, NC.

Mark Carr photo

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Today, I was out in Ranger, NC and was lucky enough to stumble upon another landing zone at the same school where I shot the MAMA helicopter in the previous photos. This one is from Erlanger Medical Center in Chatanooga, TN and is a Bell 407.

Mark Carr Photo

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Culberson, NC Vol. Fire Dept. showed up in force for the landing zone. Guess everybody was off work today. Here's their newest acquistion, a 2007 Freightliner M2/FiroVac 750/2600 Tanker as Tanker 1261 Serial #163.

Mark Carr photo

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Donated to Culberson by the South Manatee, FL Fire Dept. is this 1979 Ford C8000/E-One 1250 GPM Engine 1251 SO#1240.

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Culberson also showed up with this 1977 Dodge W200/Patterson/Local 400/200 Ex-Grover-Rural, NC.

Mark Carr photo

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And for those of you that tolerate "busses", here's Cherokee County, NC's newest, a 2008 International/Triple T modular as Medic 1.

Mark Carr photo

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And last for today is this 2008 Chevrolet C4500/MedTec from Union General Hospital in Blairsville, GA.

Mark Carr photo

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Well, yesterday, Andrew Messer and I, went in search of this rig in Forsyth County, GA. It's formerly from Griffin, GA and is a beautiful 1937 Pirsch 55' ladder truck.

Mark Carr photo

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Here are two additional photos of the 1937 Pirsch in Forsyth County, GA.

Mark Carr photos

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We also shot a bunch of other rigs yesterday. Here is Forsyth County's Sutphen Deluge/Clay 1250/1000 Pumper as Reserve Engine 13. It bears Sutphen #H53114 and Clay #0995039. We could not locate a year.

Mark Carr photo

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Also a spare is this 1999 American LaFrance Eagle/Clay 1250/1000 Pumper #99B0566.

Mark Carr photo

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