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once again Fdny fire houses
Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.

p.s. Let me see if i can remember the last batch of closures. Engine 36, Engine 204, Engine 209, Engine 261, Engine 212, & Engine 278.
[quote name='firemick' post='260065' date='Nov 9 2008, 11:46 ']Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.

p.s. Let me see if i can remember the last batch of closures. Engine 36, Engine 204, Engine 209, Engine 261, Engine 212, & Engine 278.[/quote]

GOING TO??? If you mean for 2009... The suggestion was to Close the 5 Engine Copnaies on the NIGHT SHIFTS ONLY... So you would have the Engine working 9A-6p then the Company Closes 6p-9 until the new shift comes in..... NO "REAL" Closings - Newark FD in Jersey did this for a few years.
[quote name='Fireman5230' post='260240' date='Nov 9 2008, 20:46 ']GOING TO??? If you mean for 2009... The suggestion was to Close the 5 Engine Copnaies on the NIGHT SHIFTS ONLY... So you would have the Engine working 9A-6p then the Company Closes 6p-9 until the new shift comes in..... NO "REAL" Closings - Newark FD in Jersey did this for a few years.[/quote]

no matter how you look at anytime you shut a company down either for the day tour or the night tour it is a "REAL" on the 6X9 tour my usual 1st due engine is OOS for the tour to my neighborhood that means the 2nd due engine is now 1st due i dont care if their is only a 30 second delay that is too long.and if the second due company is at another box well then what who knows.i am sure if this plan goes thru the response patterns will change but thatisnt the point the safety of the firefighters and more important the safety of the community at large is the point.sorry for my rant it is JMHO
[quote name='Fireman5230' post='260240' date='Nov 9 2008, 20:46 ']GOING TO??? If you mean for 2009... The suggestion was to Close the 5 Engine Copnaies on the NIGHT SHIFTS ONLY... So you would have the Engine working 9A-6p then the Company Closes 6p-9 until the new shift comes in..... NO "REAL" Closings - Newark FD in Jersey did this for a few years.[/quote]

REAL to me ment 25 guys out of a job... Philly is looking at 5 Engiens and 2 Ladders closed... Most have not realized that the 2nd due companies will be affected also when covering for the closed Companies...
[quote name='Fireman5230' post='260276' date='Nov 9 2008, 21:47 ']REAL to me ment 25 guys out of a job... Philly is looking at 5 Engiens and 2 Ladders closed... Most have not realized that the 2nd due companies will be affected also when covering for the closed Companies...[/quote]

Collateral damage......... Remember that.

No one cares but us. And that doesn't mean squat at any city hall.

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='firemick' post='260065' date='Nov 9 2008, 11:46 ']Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.

p.s. Let me see if i can remember the last batch of closures. Engine 36, Engine 204, Engine 209, Engine 261, Engine 212, & Engine 278.[/quote]

If you don't think Bloomy will have much opposition from the brothers, you are out of your mind! This will effect every member of the F.D.N.Y. not to mention the citizens that live in the effected areas. Not for only fires but medical emergencies as well. Don't forget that for every fire, WATER is needed for it to be extinguished. ANYTIME there is a delay getting water on the fire, lives will be at serious risk, not just civilians, but us as well, and to me it is not accepatable! If you ask me Bloomturd is playing russian roulette with engine companies. If this really goes thru, it is only a matter of time before someone gets killed!
[quote name='firemick' post='260065' date='Nov 9 2008, 11:46 ']Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.[/quote]

With all due respect, i'm just trying to figure out where you're getting your info from????? Frankly speaking, you're not on the F.D.N.Y., and don't "Know" squat. There are MANY of us on the F.D.N.Y. who will be affected by these nightly firehouse closings, if he does decide to proceed with them. And those raises that you speak of were fought hard for by our union, and are rightly DESERVED! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_5_15.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_5_15' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_12_21.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_12_21' />
The only MARC in 46 ENGINE!

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 F.D.N.Y. 343

RIP FF John Bellew 27 Truck F.D.N.Y. 1-23-05

RIP Captain Frank Keane 46 Engine F.D.N.Y 12-11-06
^^ Amen ...
[quote name='Crossbronxxpress' post='260369' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:48 ']With all due respect, i'm just trying to figure out where you're getting your info from????? Frankly speaking, you're not on the F.D.N.Y., and don't "Know" squat. There are MANY of us on the F.D.N.Y. who will be affected by these nightly firehouse closings, if he does decide to proceed with them. And those raises that you speak of were fought hard for by our union, and are rightly DESERVED! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_5_15.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_5_15' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_12_21.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_12_21' />[/quote]

Hear, hear Marc!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/usa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Usa' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_12_21.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_12_21' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_5_15.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_5_15' />
Michael Dewan
Peabody Fire Engine 5 Division 1
"Pride Of The South Side"
In loving memory of Gerard P. "Jerry" Dewan, F.D.N.Y. L-3, 9/11/01
In loving memory of James M. "Jim" Rice, Peabody Fire Engine 5, 12/23/11
[quote name='firemick' post='260065' date='Nov 9 2008, 11:46 ']Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.

p.s. Let me see if i can remember the last batch of closures. Engine 36, Engine 204, Engine 209, Engine 261, Engine 212, & Engine 278.[/quote]

Your half right. The companies mentioned were correct. The opposition factor is incorrect. Any closures will come with the help of city council members (the same ones who pissed on their constituents with Bloomturd overriding the Term Limit law). Some community boards wield tremedous power. MOF the Bushwich CB was very influential in not only keeping Squad 252 on Central Ave, they had the FD buy property from the Board of Ed so E-277 and L-112 had separate bays. Even with rumors of moving 277 to Richmond (Staten Island) as a squad with the amount of engines around them (including mine), it was not meant to be. So any closure will be a fight, tho Bloomturd will close companies anyway.

Many Brothers still live in the city. And many do not want their firehouse closed. And some are going to these CB meetings to explain the difference between an engine and a ladder, so the CB's wont have the wool pulled over their eyes.

And many of us who do not live in the city (like Marc and I) will forego ANY raise to keep companies open. I would like to know your sources for our "big" raise you heard about, cuz we didn't.

Even tho the last 2 contracts were passed, I voted no, even with a decent amount of retro money. I voted no on one contract where cops coming over had to start at the bottom of the pay scale again, knowing I would forego a 5 figure retro check. And screwing probies who had to start at 25k a year.

I voted no on the last contract, for if one volunteers to go to a rescue or squad, you don't deserve 12% more than the rest of the Brothers. And that would have cost me a few thousand as well.

But both of these concessions were "carrots on a stick" to get them to pass. I can look myself in the mirror knowing I voted the right way. Many had no choice with houses and familes, and the city knew that.

So please don't say we will take a few firehouse closures to put money in our pockets. NOTHING can be further from the truth.

Stay safe, Brothers.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
Us brothers & sisters in DC know what they are going thru in NY. And a few of the guys from FDNY were on the job when it happened here. I dont wish "FIREHOUSE ROULETTE" on anyone. The only people that win doing this is the crooks in the government!! Jimmy and the other brothers & sisters GOD BLESS AND BE SAFE!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/3_12_21.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='3_12_21' />
"RIP" Brothers Carter,Phillips,Matthews,Robinson & McRae!!
I just don't get it, how could a city that size look at closing more companies... it just does not add up. I know these issues are very complex and involve many layers of this and that, but I mean the bottom line is, the public needs to have help on the door step within 4 minutes right?? This is a no brainer, maybe they need to move some companies around, build new halls, maybe have more halls like "The Big House" with two pumpers and a stick, or whatever would best serve the tax payers. I don't think closing companies will address that. I never really got the ladder/rescue only house, but what do I know, I don't work there. I sure what to buff it!!

Just my thoughts.
Russell Pascoe

Brampton, Ontario




[quote name='Russell' post='260697' date='Nov 11 2008, 21:36 ']I just don't get it, how could a city that size look at closing more companies... it just does not add up. I know these issues are very complex and involve many layers of this and that, but I mean the bottom line is, the public needs to have help on the door step within 4 minutes right?? This is a no brainer, maybe they need to move some companies around, build new halls, maybe have more halls like "The Big House" with two pumpers and a stick, or whatever would best serve the tax payers. I don't think closing companies will address that. I never really got the ladder/rescue only house, but what do I know, I don't work there. I sure what to buff it!!

Just my thoughts.[/quote]

Good questions. In my opinion, bean counters know no matter what, we will still do the job. You can replace a Pierce with a horse drawn steamer, and the Brothers will still do the job (no matter what city).

Since we live there, cities also save tons of money with the maintenance done by the Brothers. Of course, this is never taken into account. And most of the furnishings come from us when the Mrs. buys new furniture, but the old stuff is still fine. Tho we get top of the line stuff made by convicts. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Call it "collateral damage", call it "risk vs. reward". Closing the 6 companies in 1993 we will say (for arguments sake) saved $7.5 million dollars. A lawsuit from a death the family says was caused by a closed company can be settled for a few million less. So a $2 million settlement with the family for example, still leaves the city $5.5 million ahead. Even more if a death doesn't happen for a few years.

What is scary is that family could be yours. Doesn't have to be civilians. We are "collateral damage" as well.

FYI, Philadelphia is closing 5 engines and 2 ladders. I read Baltimore is closing companies at night as well. It's gonna be a rough ride all over.

Be safe, Brothers. More than ever.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='smketrfdny' post='260705' date='Nov 11 2008, 22:22 ']FYI, Philadelphia is closing 5 engines and 2 ladders. I read Baltimore is closing companies at night as well. It's gonna be a rough ride all over.

Be safe, Brothers. More than ever.[/quote]

Baltimore City has been doing what NYC is planning on trying--closing an engine that's quartered with a ladder in hopes that the public won't notice the details--for some time now. The closed companies are then used to staff extra medic units. It's not always at night, either. Baltimore, being the "City that Reads Bleeds", seems to need more ambulances than ever.
[quote name='firemick' post='260065' date='Nov 9 2008, 11:46 ']Anyone know which firehouses Bloomturd is going to close? I know that he doesn't have much opposition because he is going to be giving some big raises to the FDNY members.[/quote]

Still waiting to hear where Firemick got his info from??????
The only MARC in 46 ENGINE!

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01 F.D.N.Y. 343

RIP FF John Bellew 27 Truck F.D.N.Y. 1-23-05

RIP Captain Frank Keane 46 Engine F.D.N.Y 12-11-06
i have a few x fdny house to post, im very interested to with shooting them especially when i get my new camera for Christmas. ive searched all around but if anyone knows can they list some x houses locations. im also compiling a list of old fire patrol houses to. if anyone is intrested
There is an Ex-fdny house down on Metropolitan ave in BK, not sure of the exact cross.
[quote name='JA488' post='262410' date='Nov 20 2008, 02:15 ']There is an Ex-fdny house down on Metropolitan ave in BK, not sure of the exact cross.[/quote]

That might be the former quarters of Engine 206, located just east of Newtown Creek. See ANESTI's post 413.
[quote name='TransverseRoad' post='262465' date='Nov 20 2008, 11:23 ']That might be the former quarters of Engine 206, located just east of Newtown Creek. See ANESTI's post 413.[/quote]

yes tgat is x206
[quote name='TransverseRoad' post='262465' date='Nov 20 2008, 08:23 ']That might be the former quarters of Engine 206, located just east of Newtown Creek. See ANESTI's post 413.[/quote]

Here's a shot I took in the early 1970's when the house was active. It was a single engine house, even though the left bay was designated Hook and Ladder 133, it was not organized at that time.

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