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That photo of 138 operating was the original fire photo that started me on the watermarking-it was taken by Robert P. Mitts, a good friend of mine, and has appeared all over the internet since he put it up on his website (now defunct). It was used by Aerialscope in a large marketing campaign, and they refused to pay for the image, and also refused to give credit to Bob for the photo, since they got it off the internet for free, and it wasn't from Bob's site, so they stated that it was public domain and that since it featured their product, they had every right to use it (not true). Bob never pursued the matter, and that, coupled with a few other issues led to him completely retiring from the fire photo hobby.

Obviously this was an image modified by someone that took it from Bob's site. The site has been gone for over four years, but the image is still circulating the net. I think he'd get a laugh from the caption, but it shows why watermarking is so important to many of us.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

Hey Ed, Bob had a good site/photos ! I was wondering what happened to him- Sorry to hear he stopped the pix !
[quote name='bender' post='66835' date='Jan 12 2007, 07:51 ']Pic looks great, but is it save to place the outriggers on a vehicle? I mean is it not possible that the car can roll in a direction? Ok it was his blame to park his car in a firezone. I also know a picture where a car parks in front of a hydrant and the smashed the windows on both sides to put the hose line through the car.

Thank you all for posting the awesome pictures <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />[/quote]

The driver didnt look at the other side but wat can ya do i mean it an honest mistake but awsome thing to see hahaha.
He had one of the best websites ive ever seen! does he still take fire photos?
[quote name='FDNYCFD343' post='66866' date='Jan 12 2007, 10:37 ']The driver didnt look at the other side but wat can ya do i mean it an honest mistake but awsome thing to see hahaha.[/quote]

The way I remember Bob telling me about it, there was a heavy fire condition with people trapped, and they did just what they had to to effect rescues. The right decision in my opinion.

Unfortunately, Bob has completely stopped photographing the fire service.....despite my best efforts to get him to reconsider.
Ed Burke
Firepics Administrator

[quote name='edburke' post='66868' date='Jan 12 2007, 10:49 ']The way I remember Bob telling me about it, there was a heavy fire condition with people trapped, and they did just what they had to to effect rescues. The right decision in my opinion.

Unfortunately, Bob has completely stopped photographing the fire service.....despite my best efforts to get him to reconsider.[/quote]

Alrite i wasnt sure if that was true i heard that to.
Has he thought of just taking his pictures and making another website? from what i remember he had tons of photos.
[quote name='edburke' post='66868' date='Jan 12 2007, 10:49 ']The way I remember Bob telling me about it, there was a heavy fire condition with people trapped, and they did just what they had to to effect rescues. The right decision in my opinion.

Unfortunately, Bob has completely stopped photographing the fire service.....despite my best efforts to get him to reconsider.[/quote]


I remember his site quite well! It was one of the first I encountered on the net some years ago.

Too bad others turned him off to the hobby!

If I remember right he did photos of FDNY engine 275

and I'm not sure on this but I think he did ride alongs with them as well.
[quote name='edburke' post='66862' date='Jan 12 2007, 10:17 ']That photo of 138 operating was the original fire photo that started me on the watermarking-it was taken by Robert P. Mitts, a good friend of mine, and has appeared all over the internet since he put it up on his website (now defunct). It was used by Aerialscope in a large marketing campaign, and they refused to pay for the image, and also refused to give credit to Bob for the photo, since they got it off the internet for free, and it wasn't from Bob's site, so they stated that it was public domain and that since it featured their product, they had every right to use it (not true). Bob never pursued the matter, and that, coupled with a few other issues led to him completely retiring from the fire photo hobby.

Obviously this was an image modified by someone that took it from Bob's site. The site has been gone for over four years, but the image is still circulating the net. I think he'd get a laugh from the caption, but it shows why watermarking is so important to many of us.[/quote]

Ed this is so true. I have taken some shots that I sent to Robert for that old site. I have found my shots floating around on other spots. (I sent a lot of Resuce Photos to him.) It's a shame that it happends. I have been ticted by it but I don't have the time or money to seak going after people.
haz-mat 1 headin home after a box.

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sorry for the oversized pic. not sure how to scale em down
[quote name='TakeItIn' post='68034' date='Jan 15 2007, 22:22 ']sorry for the oversized pic. not sure how to scale em down[/quote]

Google search "Irfan View"

Free program to edit,crop,resize and MUCH MUCH more for photos
here's a couple of shots of ladder 36, engine 93, engine 83, and a poor shot of rescue 3.

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[quote name='TakeItIn' post='68030' date='Jan 15 2007, 22:19 ']haz-mat 1 headin home after a box.[/quote]

was this saturday in the city i saw them leaving with what i presumed was their second piece was running a spare i saw numerous relocations and specialized units leaving manhattan. does anyone know what was going on?
actually i took it a few months ago.

rescue29, thanks for the info. i'll give it a shot.
couple of shots from todays all-hands in da bronx ladder 59 the blue devils from segdwick ave

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eng 75

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the 19th battalion

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tower ladder 33

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damn, nice pics there.


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