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[quote name='Truckie32' date='11 March 2010 - 08:45 PM' timestamp='1268357139' post='369537']

Dave, great shots man.

I will probaly be wrong on this but I think the Meridian squad was bought by Intercourse PA. I remember they bought one and it caught fire in the shop behind their firehouse. It was never fixed and they bought the current squad they have now.

Nice seeing you posting again.

Dennis Groff


Hey Dennis!! It is nice to be back posting, I am starting to get the itch (no not the one you need Penicillian for LOL) to go out this year, I am thinking you are correct on the Merdian piece but than I thought maybe the squad was the one from Biglerville that they are currently running and they repaired it. I am almost 30 now and my mind just isn't as with it as it once was LOL.
Check the ALF thread, I posted shots of the snorkel tree - trimmer in action in Exteter Twp, just outside of Reading PA. I think they were taken in 99 or 2000
Dave & Dennis,

You are correct on the squad fire.

See below.


1991 Chevrolet Kodiak/Sentinal, full cab, walk-in rescue, purchased used in 6/01 by the Intercourse Fire Company (Lancaster County) from the Meridan Fire Company (Butler County) for $70,000, to be used as a manpower & equipment unit, sent to Hoopes Farm Machinary in Intercourse to be repainted. It was put in paint booth, emergency lights were removed, but the battery was not disconnected, and it shorted out. It caught the truck on fire, burned the cab up and part of the box, they would have lost the building if it wasn’t in the paint booth. Never placed into service.
Bruce W. Anderson


Southeastern PA Region
I found this truck on Highway 74 outside Shelby, NC.

Blythewood FD Engine 62

1981 Ford F800 / FMC

750 / ?

# 8523

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Other side

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Well, this may be pushing the definition of "relic" a little bit . . . but these triplets are off my inventory of usable spares. I retain them for use by our firefighter recruit classes here at the SFD Fire Academy, and we have a recruit class in session now. They are identical 1987 Saulsbury/Spartan 2000gpm engines with 500-gallon tanks and 50' telescoping LTI booms. I like to keep a few "relics" like this around for recruit classes to use, so that if they blow one up (and they sometimes do), I'm not out one of my "good spares". The current class is using two of them, and I'm using the other one as a parts source to keep those two up and running every day. All will be going to auction shortly, and the role of "training engines" will be taken by three 1990's KME rigs of very similar configuration (but with 4-door enclosed cabs). When these units were new they were assigned to SFD Engines 6, 7 and 10 and served a lot of other places as first-line rigs and then as spares before reaching "training engine" status. They are Saulsbury unit numbers P2614, P2615 and P2616 delivered together in October of 1987.

Here are P2615 and P2614 (left to right), in use during recruit class training this afternoon:

[Image: Relic2.jpg]

....and here is P2616, the "parts source" - still usable (so far):

[Image: Relic1.jpg]
Chief.....i have always enjoyed your thoughtful and insightful posts both here and back over at the old Code3 boards.

great looking "relics"......good to see them still in use as opposed to sitting in a field or junkyard as some of Hartford, Ct's are.....
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)
Oklahoma Fire Co., Westmoreland County

Rheems you need to buy this rig.

[Image: 02-10-0074.jpg]
Patrick Shoop Sr.

Lewistown, PA.
Had to bring an engine up to Vassalboro, ME today for pump work and was pleasantly surprised with the small display of relics.

Boston, MA Engine 2

Portland, ME Ladder 5

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Winslow Engine 3 Compac

Saugus Engine 4 Mack

Unknown ALF L1

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Two More unknown ALF ladders that have seen better days

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Another shot of the engine-less ALF and Chicopee E8

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"Starks" Engine 91

Unknown ALF Engine 115...had Maine Inspection stickers on it

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Cambridge Engine 8 Pirsch

Princeton Engine 2

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Clinton E6 ALF

Unknown Engine 21 Ford

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Plymouth Engine decent shape

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Reliance Fire Equipment on Rt 201 in Vassalboro, ME. If you'd like specific info on one I'm heading back up there today...
[quote name='gfdp75' date='16 March 2010 - 11:27 AM' timestamp='1268752024' post='370371']

Plymouth Engine decent shape


IIRC, an FWD/Thibault; delivered as Engine 1. Sorry, no specs available at this time. TJ <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/shrug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Shrug' />
From my trip up there this past summer here are the trucks:

The Boston truck is not from Boston, MA - still don't know where it is from, Phil if you can get a serial number

Saugus, MA - 1966 Mack C

Waterville, ME - 1971 American LaFrance (unknown yellow ALF ladder)

Belfast, ME - Aerial 1

Princeton, ME - 1971 Ford C/Thibault

Starks, ME - Engine 91 - ????

Cambridge, MA - Engine 8 - 1978 Pirsch

Pittston, ME - "Unknown Engine 21"

Clinton, ME - 1970 American LaFrance

Plymouth, ME - 1970 FWD/Thibault
-Eric Fellows

[url=""]Eric's Fire Pics[/url]
the "Boston" Ford is a Bean......
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (KJV)


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