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Old Chicago 5-11 Photo
While going through some older images for the "book", I happened on this little gem. October 19, 1990 about 0448 hours a 5-11 alarm fire at 6220 Northwest Highway. This was Harry's Lumber yard, and the fire building was a ratty old wood frame lumber shed...which spread to several other structures at this occupancy. You can see engine 119 with the old ALF rig, and a member hosing it down to keep the paint from blistering due to the radiant heat...notice the turret gun is working and they have several lines off....squad 2a snorkel is in the background. The shed had pretty much been consumed and collapsed at this point. I owe a debt to Chief Nord of the Lyons FD who woke me up with a phone call and said I think maybe ya outta take this one in.....I guess he was right. I kinda thought he was nuts because I didn't hear much on the radio, but as I backed outta my garage I could see the orange glow lighting up the sky. I arrived at the same time the duty district chief did and he pulled a 3 and 4 -11 while he was putting on his fire clothes. As the shed was rolling I tried to run across the front to get to the south area of the building..I made it but literally singed the hair on my arms as I sprinted past.....the vinyl siding on the buildings across the street ( the ones I was running past) was melting ....This was a real memorable job...I had to work the daywatch that morning and we had a very busy day...lots of other jobs....Anyone else have any memories or stories about this fire?


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Steve, I think this is on one of the vids I have "Chicagoland Fires"
yup...should be on the Larry Shreiner tape you have mentioned
[quote name='Srresquire' date='08 March 2010 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1268099056' post='368858']

yup...should be on the Larry Shreiner tape you have mentioned


That'd be him. I know I asked in another post a while back- what happened to him ? I have an oldies Chicago FD vid by him also, Good stuff !
Have any more phtos you could post?

Found a coupla more

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that's it for heckuva memory!!!

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HOT! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Thumbsup' />
-Ted Pendergast

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

11/25/2012 Update: Photos added - Leominster MA 5th Alarm. -- YouTube channel firstduephotos - Follow me on Twitter: @firstduephotos
[url=""][Image: 80832888-L.jpg][/url]
So I was talking with some fellow fire fans and we were discussing when we had seen 671 at work prior to it's resurrection for the latest 5-11. I trolled through my archives and found these images..taken at a 5-11 & 2 Specials 2232 S Grove st..April 14 1989. This fire involved a huge amount of tires in the old Cuneo press complex, and 1 of these buildings was used in the final fire in the movie backdraft. One shot shows a real rarity, 2 turret wagons working. LDH was in limited use at this fire..still kinda new to us. The next day was the famous Art Gallery 5-11...what a coupla days this was!!!!


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another view

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here's the 2 turret wagons working

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And that E\-One Tower Ladder is still around too, rite?......Lasted pretty long!
Yea I believe that is a shops spare now.. It may be the one at the 5-11 last week..Larry is still around.. Not on the radio and at fires as much..

I remember the art gallery fire...and definitely recognize that exterior from "Backdraft" as the chemical plant fire.


Some great stuff here, Steve!

American Red Cross - DAT Captain
Member 4-2-4 - 5-11 Club of Chicago

As another followup to the photos I sent last week....I was able to get some decent shots of the fireboat at the 5-11..Interesting this fire was raging outta control and there was no real access from the river portion of the building a call went out for the one remaining fireboat we had in service...However they had been "banished" to 127th and the Calumet River..the thought was it would place them near some key hazards....Well as fate had it they were desperately needed at this fire. By the time they arrived most of the building was in ruins and they basically operated on a big rubbish fire....Shortly after this job they were brought back to the berth at Navy Pier, and the winter berth at the Franklin Orleans bridge. Another interesting note..we all climbed out onto a gravel barge that was tied up near the boat..we crawled over the cargo and got great shots..HOWEVER...the curent in the river changed and the barge moved away from the dock by about 10 feet and we were stranded....luckily the current shifted again and with some difficulty we scrambled back to shore..a little wiser for next time!!


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3 guns working..but the turret on the back was never raised...maybe it was broken

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I was surfing through my collection..kinda bored cause I haven't shot any fire photos in a while. I found this shot and thought I would share it because it's relevant to our recent turret wagon photos. I am not sure of the source of this photo..might be a CFD negative..I do know it is not one I took. A few interesting things to see...truck 2 is using an old Mack magirus and you can see how they had to use a ground ladder to ascend to the main ladder...really gotta wonder what the designers were thinking there...and ya gotta wonder even more why the heck did CFD buy these??!!!!??? Prominently in the photo is the original "Big Mo"..turret wagon with lots of lines hooked up and sporting the CD paint job of white over blue. This thing changed paint schemes like a chameleon changes colors.The other detail I could pick out was what I remember as snorkel had a stripping ladder mounted on the boom, easily accessible from the basket. Snorkels weren't just elevated master streams..before tower ladders they did lots of regular truck work too. The fire is downtown somewhere and I estimate the time frame as the mid 70s..


5-11 alarm at 952 N. Michigan Ave. on 02-05-71.   some type of art institute or museum.

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There actually was a fireboat in the movie! that's really neat!

Came across this bit of CFD history and I'll bet there's a whole

generation of guys who have never heard of this one....a 5-11 alarm fire

in a big vacant warehouse at 3958 S Calumet...August 23 1982. On the 4

or 5-11,( I forget which) 18 was going to the fire and 99 was on a

change...eng 19 maybe? They collided at 35th & Michigan. I know one

of the engineers was pinned in the cab..eng 18 had the mack cf I think.

 Recently retired and now a man of leisure, Hank Sajovic was kind enough

to dip into his archive and share these photos he took that

day.....hopefully he will share some of the 5-11 too. Ironically, myself

and the aforementioned Joe Pavlik had taken a 1 day trip to Knoxville

for the world's fair and missed the entire debacle. I'm sure some of our

list lurkers can add some color to this bare bones account.....


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the other "combatant"

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