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That is the old Engine 327 at National...I am still trying to find a decent picture to scan and upload of it while it was in service here.
Anybody else think that the GMC/National Foam? rig for Mobile Oil in posts 207-208 is the same truck pictured in the "teaser ad" on pg.34 in the latest FAJ?
The GMC/National Foam unit for Mobil Oil I would say is the same as the one in FAJ. Seems that the roof light was mounted sometime while it was in service.
For anyone that has driven up and down Rt. 28 in Nokesville, VA, you may have seen this old Mack C Aerialscope. For years, it had the bucket raised and used to proudly dispalay an American Flag from it.

Now, it just sits rusting away...I have no idea of its origin, and I know it's never served in a fire department in Northern Virginia.

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Remember, it's their Emergency, not yours !  Arrive Alive !
Sorry these pictures are so dark. The rig was sitting off to the side of a driveway covered by trees.

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Remember, it's their Emergency, not yours !  Arrive Alive !
This is the only possible clue of who the last owner may have been, in case anyone knows of this rig's whereabouts when the company bought or acquired it

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Remember, it's their Emergency, not yours !  Arrive Alive !
[quote name='mnsand' post='34394' date='Sep 15 2006, 18:51 ']Keplinger took the ALF cab and joined it to Manassas Rescue Squad's squad body.

Here is the squad prior to the rehab

1973 Chevrolet/Reading

Mike Sanders

Ashburn, VA[/quote]

If anything will get me motivated to build a model, this will. What a great looking truck. Thanks so much for letting us in on the history. Now if I just had a photo of the rear.......
[quote name='RichRoadB' post='35564' date='Sep 20 2006, 13:58 ']If anything will get me motivated to build a model, this will. What a great looking truck. Thanks so much for letting us in on the history. Now if I just had a photo of the rear.......[/quote]

518 is an upstate NY area code. Good chance it's an old FDNY rig. I'm sure if ya post the reg and vin on here, you might get whose it was..
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
[quote name='Dr. Stinebaugh' post='34442' date='Sep 16 2006, 08:57 ']Anybody else think that the GMC/National Foam? rig for Mobile Oil in posts 207-208 is the same truck pictured in the "teaser ad" on pg.34 in the latest FAJ?[/quote]

FWIW - It made the old board in May 2003 and was ID'd by Georgia Dave as "GMC/National Foam 1000/1000, probably from 1953 or 1954."

BTW I little trick I stumbled on: right click on the pic and using the option "copy picture location" you can capture the location (like this): [url=""][/url] -that will take you back to the pic in question. Makes finding 'replied-to' stuff much easier.

Phil, Bklyn.
[quote name='massfirebuff' post='34355' date='Sep 15 2006, 19:30 ']here is something a little different. These photos were taken at my grand parents auto salvage business in the early 60's, I knew I had them around but didn't find them until today. Pictured is Beverly, MA Engine 1's 1923 or 1924 Ahrens Fox being dismantled. From what I was told they also scrapped Beverly Ladder 1's Ahrens Fox tillered aerial at the same time, although I do not have any pictures of it.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=6444][/quote]


Probably a 1929 if it's from Engine 1

Registered Number 3369

Model N-S-4 piston pumper and hose car with booster tank. Motor #2916.

1959: Rolled-over, wrecked. (Junked?). The pix show the hood misaligned but the rest of the chassis looks good. Maybe it didn't roll over completely.

Beverly also had a1925 Ahrens Fox N-S-4 piston pumper registered #1643 at Engine 3; and a 1924 Ahrens Fox TDA model J S 17-44, Reg # 1229 at Ladder 1

Thanks for posting these. It's part of history.

Phil Bklyn.
[quote name='RichRoadB' post='35564' date='Sep 20 2006, 13:58 ']If anything will get me motivated to build a model, this will. What a great looking truck. Thanks so much for letting us in on the history. Now if I just had a photo of the rear.......[/quote]

I was trying to find someone a few years ago to build me one out of an Ertl ALF pumper, but that never worked out. If you build them I would love to purchase one.

But ask and you shall receive! If you need more let me know, I got a bunch.

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I ran the numbers on the Mack/Scope about 3 years ago, it started life as Tower Ladder 105 with FDNY and then was placed at the training academy for driver school. This info came from the guy in Fire Apparatus Journal who tracks old FDNY rigs, all the numbers are still on the drivers door inside. It was purchased as a tree trimming truck from NY.
[color="#CC0000"]Young: The Cadillac Of Fire Apparatus.

Andy Pagano[/color]
[quote name='paganores10cue' post='35724' date='Sep 21 2006, 09:59 ']I ran the numbers on the Mack/Scope about 3 years ago, it started life as Tower Ladder 105 with FDNY and then was placed at the training academy for driver school. This info came from the guy in Fire Apparatus Journal who tracks old FDNY rigs, all the numbers are still on the drivers door inside. It was purchased as a tree trimming truck from NY.[/quote]

I'll be damned. There's an old WNYF from the 80's, I think that shows this rig as a tree trimmer. Small world.
Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out. NEVER forget 9/11/01 WTC, Pentagon, Pa. Avenge the acts with NO mercy.

Thanks to ALL the Brothers who were there 9/11/01 and afterwards. Words can never say what appreciation we have for you all.
Badger, SD

1959 Ford/Luverne



Ex-Arlington, SD

Larry Phillips photo

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Ok lets try it this way - Remember the Fox in the yard (the one going to pieces? [url=""][/url]

Well here's a pic showing how it got to go there.

Phil Bklyn

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And here's the text of the newpaper article

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Ooops I forgot credit to the photographer - Bob Battis of Beverly who's writing a history of the department. He sent pix of the Fox TDA and also their other Fox pumper.

Phil, Bklyn.
[quote name='Bklyn Phil' post='36007' date='Sep 22 2006, 16:39 ']Ooops I forgot credit to the photographer - Bob Battis of Beverly who's writing a history of the department. He sent pix of the Fox TDA and also their other Fox pumper.

Phil, Bklyn.[/quote]

Thanks for all the information and photos, it really puts the pieces of the puzzle together. I had the pleasure of meeting Bob Battis a few years ago when I had applied for dispatcher. It was nice to finally meet the voice of Beverly Control, he is a wealth of information.

I know someone else put together book on Beverly Fire, I say put together because basically it's a collection of newspaper clippings, still great though. I think I got it at the Lynnfield Muster several years ago.
I recently found this old American LaFrance in Milton, FL outside Pensacola. I couldn't find any information other than that it is a 1000 GPM Pumper Serial #12-1-880. I don't know who's it was. I was told that it'd been sitting in the same spot for years and that a tree branch had fallen on it during one of the hurricanes of the last few years.

Photo by Mark Carr

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This former Jay, FL 1978 Ford 900/Emergency One 750 GPM Pumper was sitting next to the LaFrance above on the side of Hwy. 90 in Milton, FL. Don't know anything else about it. No, the lights aren't on, it was a rainy day and the flash lit up the reflectors.

Photo by Mark Carr

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