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Defensive & FF Injured, Littleton, CO 2/20/14
The wind was wreaking havoc on firefighters along the Colorado Front Range yesterday.  Around 14:00 Littleton & South Metro Firefighters were dispatched to a possible structure fire at 10046 Strathfield Lane in Highlands Ranch.  First due Engine 17 sized up heavy smoke showing from the rear and the roof.  They pulled a 1 3/4" line to the front door when one of the firefighters went down with a knee injury.  The injured firefighter went down at the front door and was removed to safety across the street.  He was transported to a local trauma center.  Engine 15 laid a supply line and attempted to push inside with 17, when they sounded the floor flames broke though.  A defensive attack was declared and high winds rapidly pushed the self venting basement fire to the upper floors and attic on the charlie side. 


An extra Engine, Aerial and two more medic units were requested. 


4th due Engine 16 laid a second supply line, their acting officer calls for water.


Squirt 18 set up their aerial and a 2 1/2 was used to protect the delta exposure. 


Squirt 12 raised their aerial from the bravo side where another attack line was used for exposure protection.


The 2nd floor windows were broken out and an Engine crew tried getting at the attic fire from below.


The back lighting from the setting sun made photography difficult but also added to some interesting effects with the quickly moving smoke


Heavy smoke started to block out the sun


South Metro's Safety Officer keeps an eye on the alpha side, Littleton's Safety officer was on the charlie side


I'm still learning how to best use my new Canon 6D.  This image was taken with the built in HDR feature.


The built in HDR is only useful for scenes with little to no movement because of the ghosting effect.  I tried it out on a Sheriff car with LED lights and ghost effect on those turned out kinda cool I think.


Here is another HDR off the camera shot.  The two firefighters on the right didn't move while the 3 photos were taken in succession, the firefighter in the middle and furthest left did move.  The ghosting isn't terribly noticeable but they only moved a few inches.  


Opening the garage door


Last one with multiple lines laid out


Awesome Shots

Good photos!



Great shots!

Greg Muhr

<a class='bbc_url' href=''></a>
Nice shots. What camera do you have again?

Andy Thomas
Wichita Fire Dept. Photographer

Webmaster for:
Quote:Nice shots. What camera do you have again?

Thanks guys!  Andy I recently got the Canon 6D and traded in my 7D.  I find myself missing my 7D sometimes but the 6D has been good thus far.


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