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New Boston Ladder 17 - Printable Version

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New Boston Ladder 17 - MFD76 - 09-22-2013

Quote:Pierce built the current ones. KME's building the next ones. Go down to the top of the last page in the PDF.

I was reading the link. They are seriously not going to mandate replacement of your Cairns 5A and N5A Leather New Yorkers are they? I know the Chief of Department resigned a couple of months ago. Did that end the PPE and NFPA madness? I always have viewed Boston as one of the nation's premier traditional aggressive fire departments with solid engine and truck work. A proven system that works for aggressive fire ground operations. Unlike the whimsical fads that overtake the fire service every ten years.  

New Boston Ladder 17 - SOlsonBFDL14 - 09-25-2013

We will NOT be switching. The union & Commissioner sat down to discuss the fact that the Local 718 Safety Committee was completely bypassed (contractually we have a voice in ANY safety equipment issued) by the helmets & the fact that the money could be better used in other places. A joint decision was reached to table the idea indefinitely! Yet another example of FORMER "Chief" Abreira solving problems that didn't exist in the first place!

New Boston Ladder 17 - Guest - 09-25-2013

Portland, OR runs 6 tillered trucks.