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Alexandria, VA Fire Department
[quote name='splinterhead' timestamp='1295928412' post='421971']

Hey, anybody got T208's normal staffing? See them with 3 it seems most of the time, just wondering.


They don't have the staffing for 4 per supression rig so I believe the trucks run with 3 most of the time.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='Bryce' timestamp='1295925245' post='421956']

Is that Pierce TDA in service? I'm in Alexandria this week at the NCMEC for training and have seen the Duplex/LTI driving around twice.


I don't know. It could be one of many things. The rig could be out for routine maintenance. The Duplex/LTI is their reserve truck. It could also be that Either Truck 204 or Tower 203 are out of service. The reserve truck can only fit in Station 208 so if either Truck 204 or Tower 203's rigs are out of service they have to "borrow" Truck 208 to use and then Truck 208 runs the reserve truck.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
The Alexandria City Manager has released the proposed FY 2012 budget and the accompanying 2012-2021 CIP.

A few interesting items in the CIP station wise...... The city fiscal year goes from July 1 - June 30 of the following year. Example: FY 2012 begins on July 1, 2011 and ends on June 30, 2012)

Construct Station 210 (construction complete in FY 2013)

New Fire Station 210 (Eisenhower Valley)

Subsection: Public Safety Facilities Estimated Useful Life of Improvement: 30 years

Managing Department: General Services Priority: Desirable

Project Category: 3 Strategic Plan Goal: 6

Project Summary: This project provides for the design and construction of a new fire station to be located in the Eisenhower Valley

at the existing Impound Lot Facility. Additionally, the project will provide training classrooms and training bays for the fire department.

The training class rooms will share use with the Police pistol range, which also has an identified need for training class rooms. Due to

the reduced size of the site an overflow impound lot will be constructed on Business Center Drive adjacent to the new DASH Facility.

Of the total project cost of $14.8, $11.21 million is budgeted over the next two years ($9.21 million in FY 2012, and $2.0 million in FY

2013). $3.585 million in has been allocated in prior fiscal years for the design and other pre-construction costs associated with this

new facility. The completion of this facility will allow for faster emergency response times in the Eisenhower Valley, and in adjacent

areas. The project is scheduled for construction to begin in FY 2011 with completion in 2013.

Changes from Prior Year: Based on projected cash flow needed for project completion, $2.0 million (associated with apparatus

and other smaller one-time items) was shifted to FY 2013. Total project funding remains unchanged.

Reconstruct Station 203 (construction anticipated FY 2015)

Fire Station 203 (Cameron Mills Road) Expansion

Subsection: Public Safety Facilities Estimated Useful Life of Improvement: 25 years

Managing Department: General Services Priority: Desirable

Project Category: 3 Strategic Plan Goal: 6

Project Summary: This project will provide $6.2 million in funds for the design and future capital investment in Fire Station 203,

located on Cameron Mills Road. Response data shows that an added emergency medical unit is warranted in this area, but the current

facility was not designed to support the additional unit. An assessment of the existing facility in FY 2010 identified that renovation of

the existing facility was not economically feasible due to existing structural constraints and recommended the demolition of the existing

structure and construction of a new station on the same site. It is anticipated that this project will provide enhanced EMS service to the

surrounding area once an expansion to the existing facility is complete.

Changes from Prior Year: No changes from prior year.

Reconstruct Station 207 (construction anticipated FY 2018)

Fire Station 207 (Duke Street)

Subsection: Public Safety Facilities Estimated Useful Life of Improvement: 25 years

Managing Department: General Services Priority: Desirable

Project Category: 3 Strategic Plan Goal: 6

Project Summary: This project provides funding for the replacement of Fire Station 207 (3301 Duke Street). This project was

identified as a priority facility based on the condition of the existing facility and the need for a more centrally-located City fire station that

can accommodate truck and rescue company vehicles and staffing. A total of $9.7 million is planned, including $700,000 in FY 2016

for design; $3.0 million in FY 2017; and [b]$6.0 million in FY 2018 for construction.

Changes from Prior Year: No changes from prior year.

Reconstruct Station 206 (construction anticipated FY 2019

Fire Station 206 (Seminary Road)

Subsection: Public Safety Facilities Estimated Useful Life of Improvement: 25 years

Managing Department: General Services Priority: Desirable

Project Category: 3 Strategic Plan Goal: 6

Project Summary: This project provides for the design and construction required for the renovation or the replacement of Fire

Station 206 located at 4609 Seminary Road. A total of $9.7 million over three years has been budgeted as a placeholder amount,

including $700,000 in FY 2017; $3.0 million in FY 2018 and $6.0 million funded in FY 2019 for construction.

Changes from Prior Year: No changes from prior year.

Reconstruct Station 205 (construction antidipated FY 2021)

Fire Station 205 (Cameron Street)

Subsection: Public Safety Facilities Estimated Useful Life of Improvement: 25 years

Managing Department: General Services Priority: Desirable

Project Category: 3 Strategic Plan Goal: 6

Project Summary: This project provides for design and construction for the renovation or replacement of Fire Station 205 located

on Cameron Street. A total of $9.7 million over three years has been budgeted as a placeholder amount for this project including

$700,000 in FY 2019 for design; followed by $3.0 million in FY 2020 and $6.0 million in FY 2021 for construction.

Changes from Prior Year: $6.0 million was added to FY 2021 to complete funding for construction. The previous ten-year capital

improvement plan did not include FY 2021.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
It has been mentioned in another thread so I will mention it here as well....AFD has switched to a black over red paint scheme for apparatus. The two most recent medic rigs that were placed in service last month for the new peak hours medic units were delivered in the new paint scheme. The new peak hour medic is Medic 214. I am not sure if both rigs are being used for the new unit or if one replaced an existing AFD medic unit. I will try to find out. Will certainly know by June when I am there on my next trip.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
Tim happened upon one of the new units the other day at Fesco, maybe he can shed some light.
Tragically it wasn't numbered <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/hysterical.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Hysterical' /> that I could see.

I'll swing by later this week and see If its still there and if it has a number.
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
FESCO has an advertisement in the new edition of the Maryland Fire Dispatch (February 2011)showing photographs of one of Alexandria's new International/Horton units as "213".

Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA
Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA
FESCO has photos of the new units, 213 and 214, on their facebook page!/alb...0119673181
[quote name='FTLAUD' timestamp='1297735630' post='425330']

FESCO has photos of the new units, 213 and 214, on their facebook page!/alb...0119673181


Thanks, I guess that answers it.....

I have to see the new paint scheme on a supression rig before I can pass judgement on whether I like it or not.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
Still the bigger question remains where are Medic 213 & 214 assigned? Stations 3 and 4 have no medics and 3 has no room (why its slated for replacement) and 4 lost thiers to 6 some years back (1985 I believe). As proposed AFD was to place one daytime medic in service in the western city (6, 7, 8). I realize what has been seen but why assign two new arrivals to part time when the oldest front line is M207 a '02? What is with the 2-1-x numbering as that's how the BCs and chief's aid are numbered -BC 211, BC 212 Aide 215? There is no 3rd or 4th battalion so again what da? Obvioulsy I have put way too much mental energy to this <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/eek.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Eek' /> (LOL). The black over red is OK but to me is getting played a bit around the region.
[quote name='Ed Freen' timestamp='1298295932' post='426389']

Still the bigger question remains where are Medic 213 & 214 assigned? Stations 3 and 4 have no medics and 3 has no room (why its slated for replacement) and 4 lost thiers to 6 some years back (1985 I believe). As proposed AFD was to place one daytime medic in service in the western city (6, 7, 8). I realize what has been seen but why assign two new arrivals to part time when the oldest front line is M207 a '02? What is with the 2-1-x numbering as that's how the BCs and chief's aid are numbered -BC 211, BC 212 Aide 215? There is no 3rd or 4th battalion so again what da? Obvioulsy I have put way too much mental energy to this <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/eek.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Eek' /> (LOL). The black over red is OK but to me is getting played a bit around the region.


Ed, the peak demand unit is not a 24/7 unit so it doesn't need a station. I understand it is suppose to run from one of the west end stations when not on calls. They are expecting it to be running quite a bit. I need to check on this but I think one of the units is for daytime peak and one is for evening peak, just an assuptions. I will find out more next time I am in town.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
Just having got back form a few days in NOVA and listening to Alexandria M213 & 214 were both in service for a good chunk of the days running all over so I couldn't narrow down where they were coming from. Also 206 was Staffing the engine and Rescue Independently. In Addition can someone tell me where the following run from:

BC211 & 212

EMS 231 & 232

Aide 214 & 215

Safety 201
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='Tim' timestamp='1298400037' post='426559']

Just having got back form a few days in NOVA and listening to Alexandria M213 & 214 were both in service for a good chunk of the days running all over so I couldn't narrow down where they were coming from. Also 206 was Staffing the engine and Rescue Independently. In Addition can someone tell me where the following run from:

BC211 & 212

EMS 231 & 232

Aide 214 & 215

Safety 201


The peak units were intended to run from the west end stations. Since they run so much I don't think it matters where they spend time, probably mostly on the street and Alex Hospital.

Alex recently got a SAFER grant but that class of recruits hasn't started yet. I am not sure where the extra manpower to man Rescue 206 is coming from. I would think they would increase staffing to 4 on suppression apparatus before they would put a cross manned rig in service. If AFD is anything like the full time depts around here this time of year there are fewer requests for vacation so it is easier to be fully manned across the shifts and sometimes you are able to supplement manning.

Safety 201 from Sta 202 - it started out at 201 and moved to 202 when Station 209 opened I believe

EMS 232 from Sta 203

Battalion 211, EMS 231, Aide from Sta 204

Battalion 212 from Sta 206

This is as of last November, I am not sure if any changes have been made since. I haven't heard of any though.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='Dave McClung' timestamp='1298425549' post='426594']

The peak units were intended to run from the west end stations. Since they run so much I don't think it matters where they spend time, probably mostly on the street and Alex Hospital.

Alex recently got a SAFER grant but that class of recruits hasn't started yet. I am not sure where the extra manpower to man Rescue 206 is coming from. I would think they would increase staffing to 4 on suppression apparatus before they would put a cross manned rig in service. If AFD is anything like the full time depts around here this time of year there are fewer requests for vacation so it is easier to be fully manned across the shifts and sometimes you are able to supplement manning.

Safety 201 from Sta 202 - it started out at 201 and moved to 202 when Station 209 opened I believe

EMS 232 from Sta 203

Battalion 211, EMS 231, Aide from Sta 204

Battalion 212 from Sta 206

This is as of last November, I am not sure if any changes have been made since. I haven't heard of any though.


New medics units M213 and M214 are peak time units staffed between the hours of 0700-1900. These units are not geographically bound to any part of the city. They will run calls when and where needed. There is only 1 unit in-service 6 days a week and the 7th day the shifts overlap giving the city 2 medic units.

BC211 and Aide215 currently run out of station 205 on Cameron St.
[quote name='inexile6' timestamp='1298486768' post='426640']

New medics units M213 and M214 are peak time units staffed between the hours of 0700-1900. These units are not geographically bound to any part of the city. They will run calls when and where needed. There is only 1 unit in-service 6 days a week and the 7th day the shifts overlap giving the city 2 medic units.

BC211 and Aide215 currently run out of station 205 on Cameron St.


Thanks for the new information, will make note of that inexile6. Heard anything about any replacement suppression apparatus on order or planned? I think 206 is now the oldest Engine as a 1998 rig. Wondering if we will be seeing anything new prior to the opening of Station 210.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='mnsand' timestamp='1297735117' post='425328']

FESCO has an advertisement in the new edition of the Maryland Fire Dispatch (February 2011)showing photographs of one of Alexandria's new International/Horton units as "213".

Mike Sanders

Winchester, VA


Would it be possible to get some contact info for Maryland Fire Dispatch? I would like a subscription...


[quote name='Dave McClung' timestamp='1298506205' post='426675']

Thanks for the new information, will make note of that inexile6. Heard anything about any replacement suppression apparatus on order or planned? I think 206 is now the oldest Engine as a 1998 rig. Wondering if we will be seeing anything new prior to the opening of Station 210.


suppression pieces are in the budgeting phase. They have a good idea of what they want. From what i hear they may go with a spartan cab (used on rescue 206 and hazmat 202). Body manufactuer is unknown at this point. Sta 210 is slated to open FY13. Tower 3 is also slated to be replaced. all in all 8 maybe 9 engines and a tower at this point are up before the city officials.
[quote name='inexile6' timestamp='1298486768' post='426640']

New medics units M213 and M214 are peak time units staffed between the hours of 0700-1900. These units are not geographically bound to any part of the city. They will run calls when and where needed. There is only 1 unit in-service 6 days a week and the 7th day the shifts overlap giving the city 2 medic units.

BC211 and Aide215 currently run out of station 205 on Cameron St.


Ok answered everything but the location of Aide 214?

Also is the Old Light Air Unit(93 Ford/E1) still floating around?
Firefighter - Odenton Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Apparatus Photographer - MD/VA/PA/DE

See my photos at:

Check out MarylandFireTrucks:
[quote name='Tim' timestamp='1298585679' post='426787']

Ok answered everything but the location of Aide 214?

Also is the Old Light Air Unit(93 Ford/E1) still floating around?


yes it is.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.
[quote name='inexile6' timestamp='1298584395' post='426783']

suppression pieces are in the budgeting phase. They have a good idea of what they want. From what i hear they may go with a spartan cab (used on rescue 206 and hazmat 202). Body manufactuer is unknown at this point. Sta 210 is slated to open FY13. Tower 3 is also slated to be replaced. all in all 8 maybe 9 engines and a tower at this point are up before the city officials.


Perhaps they will look to Red Storm Fire & Rescue Apparatus for the pumpers. They use Spartan chassis. Jim Featherstorm and a few others opened up shop and are the dealer for Custom Fire a regional apparatus manufacturer just across the border in Osceola, Wisconsin about 40 miles north of the Twin Cities. If Alexandria is going to buy from anyone different than Pierce I would like it to be Custom. I could run up and get shots of the rigs if they were built that close to me.

Here is their webpage....

They also have a pretty nice facebook page. I think they had Duluth, MN's new pumper out in the area late last year showing it off. Pretty nice rig.
Dave McClung

Arden Hills, Minnesota but....

my heart is also back in Northern VA, especially Alexandria.

All pictures are taken by me and subject to copyright.

No picture taken by me may be copied or linked without my

express permission.


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