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Clark County Fire Department Battalion 6 taken at Station 15 during a open house that I was able to get to for just a few minutes.


[Image: CCFDBATTALION6002-vi.jpg]

Trying a new idea please let me know what you think of this.


[Image: CCFDBATTALION6002A-vi.jpg]

I had the opprotunity to visit Clark County Station 16 yesterday.


Station 16 at this point and time has a engine, truck, and rescue. When they move to thier new station the Rescue is to be reassigned to Station 32 as Rescue 232.


Here is the Engine


Clark County Fire Department

Engine 16

2007 Pierce Quantum

The engine is only 8 years old but according to the Engineer it has over a 100k on it already.


[Image: CCFDENGINE16003-vi.jpg]
[Image: CCFDENGINE16002-vi.jpg]

[Image: CCFDENGINE16001-vi.jpg]

Once again I am trying a new format with my pictures please let me know what you all think of the picture within a picture


[Image: CCFDENGINE16004-vi.jpg]

Back in June I went to the open house that Clark County was having at Station 15 and it was a little crowded with rigs and the motorcycles. But I was able to get some good shots of Engine 15.


Engine 15

20?? Pierce Quantum



[Image: CCFDENGINE15001-vi.jpg]

[Image: CCFDENGINE15002-vi.jpg]

Last one for now. i was able to take a few walk around shots of Engine 15 and will post them tonight after work.


[Image: CCFDENGINE15003-vi.jpg]
What's the story with the chevrons being painted over on the rig above? It's so odd to me to see Blue on the driver's side and Red on the officer's for lights, but we run all Red (and White) so that's a whole different story. Smile

Love the Clark County rigs with the painted Yellow bumpers by the way.

Thanks for sharing,

Travis- Mill Twp. Fire Dept. Marion, IN.
Quote:If you look you can see where they just painted over the unit numbers on the rear of the rig.


[Image: CCFD_SPARE_ENGINE_004-vi.jpg]


Quote:What's the story with the chevrons being painted over on the rig above? It's so odd to me to see Blue on the driver's side and Red on the officer's for lights, but we run all Red (and White) so that's a whole different story. Smile

Love the Clark County rigs with the painted Yellow bumpers by the way.

Thanks for sharing,


Hey Trav


If this is the one that you are talking about it was part of the HazMat Units in the Las Vegas Valley. On the rig you will notice CBRNE which was the HazMat units out here. It stands for Chemical Biological Reactive Nuclear Explosive but a few years ago the Clark County Fire Department basically got on the bad side of a certain County Commissioner, he is now the County Commission Chairman, and he went after everything from overtime to staffing to the Hazmat and Heavy Rescue Units. The Hazmat Team which included the CBRNE Units were disbanded and the County now depends solely on the City of Las Vegas for Hazmat and Heavy Rescue Teams.


The unit above was at one time assigned to the Hazmat team and this is now a reserve unit so they repainted over the Chevrons. I hope this answers your questions.


And I love the lighting on the rigs you should see it at night. One of these days I will try and get a picture of it.


I think he's referencing where the chevrons went. They're sun faded I believe.
Your right on that Jake but part of the story is also the fact that due to a issue between one county commisioner and the department some aspects of the largest department in the state have been cut.

Was out today taking pictures of area Fire Stations and was able to get a video of Las Vegas Fire And Rescue Engine 44 as it was responding to a unknown call. I made the two stills from the video.


Here are a couple of pictures that I grabbed from the video.


[Image: vlcsnap-2015-08-29-13h50m55s549-XL.jpg]


[Image: vlcsnap-2015-08-29-14h40m26s231-XL.jpg]

While I was out yesterday I was able to get a video and grab some stills from it of one of the new Rescue Units that the city of Las Vegas has been putting into service.


2015 Chevy/?????

Rescue 107


[Image: LVFR%20RESCUE%20107%20%281%29-L.jpg]


[Image: LVFR%20RESCUE%20107%20%282%29-L.jpg]


[Image: LVFR%20RESCUE%20107%20%283%29-XL.jpg]

Quote:While I was out yesterday I was able to get a video and grab some stills from it of one of the new Rescue Units that the city of Las Vegas has been putting into service.


2015 Chevy/?????

Rescue 107


[Image: LVFRRESCUE1071-vi.jpg]


[Image: LVFRRESCUE1072-vi.jpg][Image: LVFRRESCUE1073-vi.jpg]


I believe they are Road Rescue.....
Quote:I believe they are Road Rescue.....
thank you I will add that to my information
Here is another Las Vegas Fire and Rescue Unit. It was parked outside of Station 7. I have no other information about the unit.


[Image: GEDC1127-vi.jpg]

I was out Friday taking pictures of Stations and when I could the Rigs. I was very lucky when I got to Station 24 that the Engineer loved to show off the rigs. Hazmat 24 and the departments Hazmat Team has been mothballed for now due to politics. But the rig is ready to go if the need ever arrises.


Here is Hazmat 24


Clark County Fire Department

Hazmat 24

20?? Spartan Gladiator


[Image: CCFD%20HAZMAT%2024%200002-XL.jpg]

[Image: CCFD%20HAZMAT%2024%200003-XL.jpg]



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