[quote name='NJMedic' date='23 August 2010 - 02:45 PM' timestamp='1282587925' post='398697']
As long as I here, what caused Fairfax City to operate their own department? Did they just opt out when the County started?
Fairfax City separated from Fairfax County in the mid to late 1970's. They became their own independent jurisdiction. Including all city service, school, fire, police. Even their own dispatch center and radio frequencies. Although they still operate as an independent department they are a part of the NOVA fire services and are dispatched through Fairfax County. FFX County has had a "paid" department since 1949.
As long as I here, what caused Fairfax City to operate their own department? Did they just opt out when the County started?
Fairfax City separated from Fairfax County in the mid to late 1970's. They became their own independent jurisdiction. Including all city service, school, fire, police. Even their own dispatch center and radio frequencies. Although they still operate as an independent department they are a part of the NOVA fire services and are dispatched through Fairfax County. FFX County has had a "paid" department since 1949.