[quote name='Tim' date='27 September 2010 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1285631548' post='404858']
Can someone tell me which fire houses the OFI Rigs(4-6-1 to 4-6-8 + 4-6-13) are stationed at and what year the Ford F150 rigs are? Also Does BC3 still have the Ford F150?
BC-3 is not in the pickup truck anymore. I can only assume that concept didn't go over well for whatever reason(s).
Engine Co. 18 is one of the O.F.I. houses, im not sure if there is a northside O.F.I. house anymore.
Can someone tell me which fire houses the OFI Rigs(4-6-1 to 4-6-8 + 4-6-13) are stationed at and what year the Ford F150 rigs are? Also Does BC3 still have the Ford F150?
BC-3 is not in the pickup truck anymore. I can only assume that concept didn't go over well for whatever reason(s).
Engine Co. 18 is one of the O.F.I. houses, im not sure if there is a northside O.F.I. house anymore.
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