[quote name='Dave McClung' date='10 November 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1289415340' post='411035']
I understand all of that Bruce. There just seems to be no urgency, which is unbelievable to me. I am an elected official, I understand the red tape and politics. I sit on the board of directors for our fire department. All of what I know aside, I also know there are ways to cute through red tape and wave buidling requirements when it is in the public interest or a true emergency. This situation seems to be screaming for a bull to break into the china shop and up end a few pieces of china and get things happening faster. If I was the supervisor for that district I would be screaming and having press conferences until I was blue in the face.....
Oh, and while I love the fairfax stations, not everyone has to be a taj mahal. You guys do over build just a weeeeee bit when it comes to stations. For that matter not every rig has to be on the same chassis or have the same wheelbase. Damn I am going to start sounding like splinterhead in a second.....
A county the size of fairfax with both urban and rural segments should be able to have two pumper specs, one would think.
Two pumper specs? We actually went down that road recently by adding CAFS to the new Pierce wagons for 12, 16, 20 and 41. Not a major change but that is a variance geared towards separating from the oh, fourth battalion to say, the seventh battalion. In all seriousness the reason for one main spec is for resource deployment. Sure, they won't all have 750 gallon water tank or CAFS but getting more water out in downtown Great Falls or Clifton is essential if those companies are already operating at an event and all the rural water supply resources are tied up at such an event. And ultimately, it's cheaper for Fairfax County (and others) to stick with one spec and assign the resources as necessary. Those Pierce CAFS Dash pumpers were the first time the spec was specifically designated for those companies where they were assigned.
As for firehouses, sure it would be great for breaking the rules and making waivers but if it's done once, then Pandora's box is open. We're tough, we'll suck up a few nights in the tent, I've done it before and I am sure I can do it again if I have to.
I understand all of that Bruce. There just seems to be no urgency, which is unbelievable to me. I am an elected official, I understand the red tape and politics. I sit on the board of directors for our fire department. All of what I know aside, I also know there are ways to cute through red tape and wave buidling requirements when it is in the public interest or a true emergency. This situation seems to be screaming for a bull to break into the china shop and up end a few pieces of china and get things happening faster. If I was the supervisor for that district I would be screaming and having press conferences until I was blue in the face.....
Oh, and while I love the fairfax stations, not everyone has to be a taj mahal. You guys do over build just a weeeeee bit when it comes to stations. For that matter not every rig has to be on the same chassis or have the same wheelbase. Damn I am going to start sounding like splinterhead in a second.....
A county the size of fairfax with both urban and rural segments should be able to have two pumper specs, one would think.
Two pumper specs? We actually went down that road recently by adding CAFS to the new Pierce wagons for 12, 16, 20 and 41. Not a major change but that is a variance geared towards separating from the oh, fourth battalion to say, the seventh battalion. In all seriousness the reason for one main spec is for resource deployment. Sure, they won't all have 750 gallon water tank or CAFS but getting more water out in downtown Great Falls or Clifton is essential if those companies are already operating at an event and all the rural water supply resources are tied up at such an event. And ultimately, it's cheaper for Fairfax County (and others) to stick with one spec and assign the resources as necessary. Those Pierce CAFS Dash pumpers were the first time the spec was specifically designated for those companies where they were assigned.
As for firehouses, sure it would be great for breaking the rules and making waivers but if it's done once, then Pandora's box is open. We're tough, we'll suck up a few nights in the tent, I've done it before and I am sure I can do it again if I have to.