[quote name='hawkins point' date='04 January 2011 - 11:15 AM' timestamp='1294156532' post='418459']
The first 'Stars and bars' apparatus in DCFD Was Rescue Squad 3 in 1982. It was displayed at the IAFF convention in Philadelphia. they didn't use the color scheme on other apparatus until later.
I thought the first one was was E7's Ford/Pirsch F700 Big Job Pumper that was painted in-house?
The first 'Stars and bars' apparatus in DCFD Was Rescue Squad 3 in 1982. It was displayed at the IAFF convention in Philadelphia. they didn't use the color scheme on other apparatus until later.
I thought the first one was was E7's Ford/Pirsch F700 Big Job Pumper that was painted in-house?