[quote name='rpfleer' timestamp='1302446585' post='433727']
There are 34 County stations located in Fairfax. Vienna, Herndon, and Clifton are independent towns that are considered separate political entites from their surrounding county/citys. Uncle Sam operates 3 Belvoir and 1 Mt. Vernon Estates. John Foster Dulles Airport has one station located within Fairfax.
How many old house are still standing in Fairfax ?
My questions included the towns of Herndon, Vienna & Clifton. Paul, the old stations still standing? Do you mean Herndon, Lorton, Centreville, Jefferson, Springfield?
There are 34 County stations located in Fairfax. Vienna, Herndon, and Clifton are independent towns that are considered separate political entites from their surrounding county/citys. Uncle Sam operates 3 Belvoir and 1 Mt. Vernon Estates. John Foster Dulles Airport has one station located within Fairfax.
How many old house are still standing in Fairfax ?
My questions included the towns of Herndon, Vienna & Clifton. Paul, the old stations still standing? Do you mean Herndon, Lorton, Centreville, Jefferson, Springfield?