When did the Tower go to T10?? Was it in 76 or 77?? BTW, Great History pics as always!! <img src='http://www.firepics.net/groupboards/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' />
Thanks, dcfdtech. The Water Tower was already at Truck 10 when I came on the job in 1977. A T-3 apparatus history on their firehouse wall identifies T-3 as putting the ALF in service in “fiscal 1976”. At any rate, it remained at T-10 until being retired in 1987. As Truck 10 it no longer responded automatically to greater alarms in the city. It served out its years as a regular truck and as the “Water Tower” on Special Alarms.
Photo is c.1977, T-10 at a 7th Battalion alarm in E-7’s first due.
Kevin Byrne