Probably one of the newest Fire Stations in Va. as I was told that it's only been opened for 147 days as of this past Tuesday. The story that I was told is very interesting, The white house to the right was a Vacant House that sat for 6 years, well a New Firehouse was due to be built in the area, but apparently Medeline Albright lives across the street and said she didn't want a modern looking building, so the County purchased the house and land and upgraded to commercial Electric. and added the middle part which is now the Offices & Kitchen area, then added The Barn type Structure for The Apparatus Bays. This thing is a Beautiful very nicely done Firehouse. That is the story i was told the day I visited and I'm sticking with it. we were also told that a Silo/Hose Tower was to set to the left of the 26 on the building but couldn't be put in the budget.
Check out Md. Fire Apparatus @